Chapter 216

Even though it's around the time near the competition, I still take another mission from Garden. By this time, it's not just my greed that makes me want to take the job. It's more like me wanting to challenge myself with harder mission. Let's say it's my pride.

I feel like if I stop doing this, I won't have any purpose in life. I'm a sad man.

Though the mission this time is not difficult. It's another easy mission.

It's just spying someone's house. I thought that it would be difficult because the target's house is an old house and Giselle couldn't find much by hacking, it turned out to be an easy place to infiltrate.

Just like that and I discovered many things that the client asked me. And then I returned to Blink to give the report to the client with Garden there waiting.

"That much money with so little effort? You're taking easy missions this time, Garden," I said after the client left.