Chapter 217

"Anyway, why are you here and not with your friends," I asked Frank.

He entered Black Academy. He was a level 3 Warrior back then but I feel that he's stronger now.

I heard that the curriculum in Black Academy is extremely strict. Is that why I feel something strange when I look at cadets from there compared to other cadets?

Whatever the case, there shouldn't be a need for Frank to approach us. We're just partner in crime a few times taking jobs from the slum. There's no need for him to approach me now.

"Just to greet familiar faces. Not you. The other two," he said as he looked at Jade and Marina next to me.

"Can I ask for your autograph? Some cadets didn't believe that I know you personally so I need your autograph and a picture together as proof of that," Frank said.

"Sure. We have thanked Kaiser many times after that but we never said it to you before," Jade said.

"Thanks. You do it."