A Freezing Situation

Emmy wasted no time after deciding on what to do, he knew looking for Jone at the moment will only bring him more trouble, so he wished Jone is safe wherever he is. He somehow felt guilty for putting Jone in his own mess. Little did he know that, if he didn't look for Jone, Jone will look for him.

Putting on a red long sleeve with a black Jean and a black cap covering his entire face, Emmy move out of the junks and walk through the city, his dressing looks like that of an assailant who had just committed a crime, running from the cops and he's currently walking like that.

His head was down and he's moving faster looking left and right.

A few minutes later, he got into the street where the uncompleted building was located. It was already sunset and the night sky was starting to fall. People look at him suspiciously as he moves on the main road.

After getting to the street, he looks around a few times before moving into the uncompleted building, he moves to the first floor and entered the room he left yesterday. He moves to the back of the room and leaned his back against the wall before giving a sighed of relief. Walking in the city felt as if the whole members of Joilish group were on his back, although he knew they currently don't know he's the wanted, he was still scared and cautious.

He stayed in the same position for about an hour till he fell asleep and lied down. He had even forgotten that he's hungry and haven't ate anything, but the good thing was that the system didn't disturb him like the previous day.


The next day arrived and the first thing Emmy felt was a pain in his stomach, it was as if a sharp dagger was piercing through his stomach, but he already knew the cause of the pain. Getting up off his feet, he moves towards the window, he got the container he stole from the large man the other day, opening it; he started gulping down the food inside. Something was slightly blocking his line of sight, but he ignored it completely.

[Quest in progress]

[Don't sleep at home for three days: 2/3]

Emmy saw this message but he ignored it, because looking at it will just worsened his mood, he's already in a bad mood thinking of how he will survive in school today, if he really wants to complete the task. He had managed to survive yesterday but he knew the luck won't be there today.

After consuming the whole food in the container, he put on his school uniform and started walking down the building. About five minutes later, he got to school and moves straight to his class, it was noisy as always as there's no teacher in the class as it's still early morning. He looks at the back and could see that John and his friends hasn't arrived in class, so he knew he had come at the regular time. Alice, the class president sat at the front desk reading.

Getting to his desk, he brought out a book from the locker under his desk, he just wanted to read the book to clear off the thoughts on his mind, he's been facing a lot of problem recently, and he knew if he keeps thinking about everything will only give him mental problem. Placing the book on the desk, he opened it and was about to read before the book closed back and move out of the desk. The books hovers above the air for a few seconds before moving towards the window and flew out.

"Woo, that's cool." A doll like face boy with puppy eye said as his hand was stretch forward, and besides him was a bulky boy with brown short hair.

"Nick, bring the book back." The bulky boy besides him said.

"Huh Nado, are you afraid of that trash." Nick said.

"No, you should try it with his bag instead of the book." Nado said.

"Oh yeah, that's right." Nick said as he moves back his stretched hand and the book came flying in through the window and smashing into Emmy who had been looking at the two.

Nick look at Emmy for a few seconds before standing up and moves towards him.

"Hey, I can't see your bag here, did someone steal it?" Nick asked as he keeps looking around.

"Huh my bag?" Emmy asked as his heart thumps faster.

"Yes, your bag, you didn't bring it yesterday too." Nick said.

"Hmm, I decided to leave it at home because of the test you're currently doing." Emmy replied.

"Oh, don't tell me you've finally gotten a storage device." Nado said from behind and moves closer to them.

"That might actually be the case Nado." Nick said as he turns back to face Nado. "Don't you think this is a blessing to us? We should get his storage device and sell it." He said with a smile.

"You heard what he says, right? So just bring out your storage device." Nado said.

"I have no storage device, I didn't just bring my bag because of the test." Emmy was shaking as he was speaking. He wasn't scared of receiving a few beating or giving them the storage device, but he was scared of another thing, he's worried of something bad happening.

"Oh you've really started leaving bag at home, that's interesting." Nado said as he moves his hand up and Emmy's uniform had blown up in response, revealing his tummy and flat chest. Nick stretched out his hand and the black belt Emmy was using to hold his trouser flew towards Nick's stretched hand.

"What, what are you doing." Emmy asked in a silent and not shaky voice.

"Sorry bud, we are only trying to confirm if you really don't have storage device." Nado said, moving his hand again, Emmy's trouser dropped, but he quickly pulled it up. Nado did the same thing again, using his wind ability to pull Emmy's trouser and Emmy will pull it up again, nobody noticed them as every other student were busy with their talk.

The process continues for about three minutes, with Nado doing the same thing, even Nick who used his telekinesis ability to pull off Emmy's belt was looking at Nado, wondering why he's doing this instead of them to collect the device they're here for.

"Hey Nado, what are you doing?" Nick asked as he was tired of looking at the same process all over again.

"Wait, I'm getting there, I want to reveal that small thing of his to the whole class." Nado said with a small grin on his face. That's when Nick could seeva small hole that looks like a cut of scissors on Emmy's underwear, and a small pale solid was peeking out of it.

Emmy hadn't said anything since it all started and he was thankful that he hadn't received a message from the system and Lord Lucifer hasn't taken over his body, but as he heard those word and look down his underwear, he could see the same thing Nick was seeing.

Immediately, a strange energy was building inside of him, he didn't know what type of energy it is; but it was coming up like boiling a water in a tank, the energy was choking him and his vein was bulging out as he couldn't take it anymore, pulling his trouser up one more time, he yelled.

"WILL YOU LEAVE ME ALONE? YOU BASTARD!!!" Emmy shouted and the whole class had gone silent and frozen as their heads turned towards the scene the noise came from, both Nado and Nick had stopped with Nado's hand still stretched out.

Emmy stood still in same position as he moves his eyeball around, inspecting the class, not a single person moved. It was as if a time stopped ability had been used in the class, but the air moving around them and their heartbreak had denied that.

Emmy was wondering what really happen and what the strange energy was. The only thing that came to his head is that the strange energy is the cause of this, so to not raise suspicious, he also act like he couldn't move until a message had appear in his line of sight. He was hesitant to look at it but he's also desperate to know the cause of this current freezing situation, maybe the system will provide an answer, he checked the message.

[Quest in progress]

[Curse three people a day for three days: 2/3 cursed]

[Be brave and always fight back: 1]

[You have shown your bravery by saying what's on your mind]

[You're progressing in completing your task, you're close to gaining freedom]

'Is this it? Shown bravery? Does this thing know the consequence of what I just did? I'll be beaten to my death for cursing them?' Emmy was really frustrated.