You Are Ugly

The silence went for about 10mins with nobody moving, only their heartbeat could be heard. Sweat was running down Emmy's face, he didn't know what to do and he knew once the students come back to their senses, Nado and Nick will surely beat him to his death for having the gut to talk back to them.

'The maths teacher will soon come in for our test, I pray everything got Okay before he came in.' Emmy thought.

"What's with the silence here?" A voice said from behind the class, the voice came from the back door and the whole class had immediately turned their heads towards the voice, their heads were turned like it was being control by a remote.

"Did someone die here? I mean, I didn't hear noise on the hallway as usual, so I thought you'll all paying some minutes silent to the dead." The words came from John who had entered through the back door with a smile on his face and his gangs behind him.

As he said those words, like a remote control again, the whole class turned their heads as they ignored him and looked at each other.

'Damn it, John came in.'

"Did Emmy just say that."

"No, he dared not."

"I can't believe he said that."

"I thought I was crazy when I heard the word bastard coming from him."

"What will Nick and Nado do."

"He dared to call them a bastard."

"I think we should start digging up his grave."

"They are really a bastard if they didn't do anything to him."

Different words were being said by the students and it was said loud and clear, even John and his gang who had just entered have quickly understood why there was silence in the class, because it was shock. The students were all shocked. Emmy didn't really believe it was due to shock, because if it is, it shouldn't be that long.

Nado's leg was shaking and his hands were trembling, while Nick was shaking with anger and his look has gone fierce.

'What was that dark air that hit me.' Nado thought as he was feeling sick. 'I can see the look on his face when he said those words, it was blank, lifeless. Emmy is not human; I shouldn't mess with him again.' Nado was panicking as he had those thought. Nick who was by his side was already on the move as his stretched his hands outward going straight for Emmy, but before it reached, Nado grabbed onto the fist.

"Our math test will soon start, so we shouldn't cause any ruckus, let's prepare for the test. Then we'll meet him later." Nado said calmly which had made Nick retreat, and walk back to his seat saying nothing.

"Wow, that's quite interesting." John said from the back and he claps his hands.

Everyone was surprised, because they all thought Emmy will be beaten to death now and then. Nothing was said as everyone had gone back to do their own thing. Five minutes later, the math teacher came in and their test begin.

The teacher didn't say much to them, and they focused on their work, as math is not a subject to play with. Thirty-five minutes was given to them, but some students didn't spend up to that before finishing their work. Among these students were Emmy, Alice, John and two other female twins who were sitting at the front besides Alice, this set of people only spent twenty minutes.

Just like that, the test is finished; and as it will always be that some students won't finish their work before the time is up and some didn't even do anything at all. Many of them complained that the test is too difficult for their grade, that it's supposed to be for class 3 students.

As the teacher moves out of the class, all eyes were pointed at Nick and Nado before moving towards Emmy; and in response, Nick was on the move.

'F*ck, what should I do.' Emmy thought.

'Crap, if I ask Nick to stop, they'll all think I'm scared of that trash, but I don't want to mess with him again. what should I do.' Nado thought as he watches Nick moving towards Emmy.

Nick wasn't running but he was moving fast, his fist was clenched, he had planned to beat the hell out of Emmy today. Standing in front of him; he threw a heavy punch straight at Emmy's face; he already accepts his fate. Closing he eyes, he's expecting the feeling of a solid punch hitting his soft face and blood gulping down from his face with one eye missing; but there was nothing, no solid punch, no blood. Opening one eye to see what was going one, he saw the back of a young boy with sleek red hair standing in front of him, holding onto Nick's punch.

'John?' Emmy was surprised and wondering why John will decide to stop hit for him, other students also have the same thought.

"Why?" Nick asked with a heartbroken face. "Why did you stop my punch for him?" Although, he's not part of John's group, he still doesn't expect him to interfere his own business. They knew each other's strength, so Nick knew he couldn't go against him. if it was someone else, he wouldn't ask before he attack the person.

"Huh? You know, it wouldn't be a good thing for our dumpling who get us food every lunch time to get his eyes missing." John said as he releases Nick's fist. "You should beat him after he get food for us today, but make sure he doesn't lose his eyes, he can lose his arms or leg, but be mindful of his eyes. Darkness is not good."

"Okay, fine, but make sure you don't interfere again when I start dealing with him." Nick said and moves back.

"Alright, dumpling get lunch for us." John said, sitting back on his desk.

Quickly, going from desk to desk, Emmy started gathering money as usual, after collecting from those that always give him, he started moving outside with shaky legs.

'Don't take orders from anybody, I hope this thing doesn't mind running away with their money and never return again.' Emmy thought.

[Doing that will make your bravery increase]

'Huh? F*ck you.' He cursed as he saw that message.

"Dumpling, what do you think you're doing?" John asked from the back.


"I saved your eyes from getting plucked out, so you should bless me with that money and get food for us from whatever money you have." John said.

Immediately, all eyes were on John.

"You should all calm down, I'm sure he has money, so he should be able to at least get food for every one of us, even if he didn't buy one for himself." John said with a smile on his face. "You all know he can't go against my order, so calm your nerves."

'You just make this easier for me, because I know I don't have the confidence to run away with your money, but collecting the money only makes it a lot easier.' Emmy thought as he return the money to John and walk out of the class with his head downward.

A few minutes later, Emmy could be seen walking on the street, he's currently on the street where the uncompleted building is located. He has successfully escaped from school without bumping into those who bully him.

Some minutes earlier, while walking on the main road, Emmy didn't know what has gotten into him. A young lady in her early twenties could be seen walking towards him. She had a blonde glowing and flawless skin, clear blue hair and puppy blue eyes. She walks forward with her black tight dress that shows her complete feature with her busy chest.

Emmy couldn't take his eyes off her as she moves closer to him. This is really the definition of beauty. Emmy was tempted to run over to her and give a tight hug, but he didn't give in, instead he just walks closer to her and looked straight into her eyes before saying;

"You're ugly." He said it straight to her.