Why Are You Stealing

All of a sudden, Emmy's pain was taken away and in its place was a feeling of being in a paradise, he felt alive and feel as if he can't die anymore, but he knows not what's happening to his body outside and the so called angel who was suppressing his pain.

Alice released her hands from Emmy's chest and laid besides him breathing heavily, her face paled from exhaustion, she had used her power on Emmy for more than an hour and she's exhausted of stamina.

Emmy slowly open his eyes as soon as her hands disconnected from his chest, the paradise he felt before was gone and in its place was now dread and horror.

He didn't know what Alice will do with him,

Turning his head sideward, he saw her laying beside him and he could see that she doesn't look well.

'Did something happen while I was in pain? Or did she ended up in this state because she uses her power on me for too long?' Emmy thought as he watched the exhausted girl breath heavily.

'Wait..what's the best time to escape than now, she's exhausted already.' Building up his courage to run off, another thought suddenly came to his mind.

'If I run now, she will surely catch me in school tomorrow, and I'll end up in a terrible situation with other students.'

'Should I just kill her now and end everything?'

He quickly dismissed this thought because he knew even in her terrible start, it's almost impossible for someone like him to kill her, there isn't a single tool or weapon he could use to pierce her and kill her in one go and he knew he couldn't just strangle her to death.

And he even isn't ready to end a human life, Atleast not at this age of his.

'The only option is to run as fast as I could and never meet her again, even if it will cost my school, because I need to survive.'

Rising to his feet, he turn around and took two step forward, he was already on the third move,

But before he could take another step forward, he felt something cold piercing his leg and sinking into it making cold blood gushed out of his leg, he fell down and screen.

"Fool, where do you think you're going? You think I'll use all my energy just to bring you back and let you escape like that.?" Alice asked as she got on her feet and move towards him.

'F*ck, it hurts, this girl gat no feelings and mercy.'

"Arghh, you already took the package from me, so what else do you want." Emmy shouted and he pull a small lce that like look like a broken piece of stick, out of his leg.

"I have a lot...lot of questions to be answered." She said as she helped him rise to his feet.

'Damn, question, I hate that word.'

"What are your questions?" Emmy asked as he bent down and used his hand to cover his leg where cold blood is gushing out.

"Oh that, let me help you with it." She bent down place her palm on his wound, Emmy suddenly felt cold and the pain is reducing.

"That will only suppress the pain, it won't heal you completely." She said.

'How versatile is her ice power, and how many skills can she use.' Emmy thought.

"Tell me, why are you stealing? but before you answer, we'll need to return this package to the woman and you'll apologize to her so she can forgive you. You must not act rashly if you don't want several holes on your body."

With that said, she pull off her scarf and tie it around Emmy's wrist like a cuff and started walking forward.

Emmy didn't complain, not that he could, but he was cursing under his breathe.

'Damn it, why would she want me to apologize to her, not that I did her something terrible. I only stole her package and we're returning it now, why must I apologize.'

He wanted to protest and but he couldn't because he was even thankful that Alice hadn't broken his leg, although, he didn't know what will happen after they return the package to the woman, he still have a feeling that Alice didn't reek like someone who would do him bad, but he's still praying that she wouldn't.

Walking at the front while Alice was behind him, he's turning his head around by the seconds and as they got closer to the convenient, he couldn't help but pray that the old woman had left, but due to his lack of luck, as soon as they got out of the halfway that led to the street where the convenient store was located, he could see her sitting on the street bench staring blankly into the air.

Noticing him tense and stopped, Alice walk forward and gestured for him to follow.

"Common, she wouldn't bite, just some apologetic words to her."

And just as Alice has said, the old woman didn't really bite Emmy.

As soon as they got to her, Alice returned her package, it was as if an angel came down from heaven and bestow her blessing.

The woman didn't even ask what took her long, she just retrieve the package, thank the young girl who had chased down the criminal, then run off like she's scared that someone will come and get it back again.

"Wow, will you look at that? You have planted fear into the poor woman's heart." Alice said dejectedly.

"...Now, will you answer my question." She asked.
