Kill Her

Emmy watched in awe as Alice treats his dog with care, there's a hint of emotion hidden behind her cold eyes, and this is what gives Emmy a feeling of unease.

What's the hint of emotion behind the cold face she put on, or perhaps is she going to...?

Emmy don't want to think about it,

Not that he has the power to stop her decision or whatever she's thinking, for now, he's just happy that she treat Jone even if he don't know the reason behind it, he's still grateful because he don't even know what he woulf do for the dog if Alice was not here and he don't want to lose his only companion.

After making sure that the dog is no more in pain, Alice stood up and let out a sigh of relief, the wound on its body is on verge of disappearing, with the help of the paste and two healing pills, it took less than a couple of seconds for the wound to disappear.

Emmy didn't know where she had gotten these things, but he doesn't need to think about it too much after realizing that Alice is a martial artist and attend the martial art club in school.

So, seeing her with all of this is much less of a surprise, as a trainee of the school football club, he's supposed to have at least a pack of healing pills, although the school provides all of these for each club, but anybody can get injured outside of the school which means the school won't be responsible for that. So, it's wise to have a few healing pills.

Getting all thoughts off his head, he watched as Alice study the dog for a while before opening one of the two packages she bought in the store.

From where he was standing he couldn't see the full content of the container but as she opened ut, the scent hit him straight away and he quickly held his stomach and cursed.

'Damn, that's - that's plenty of food, I'm f*cking hungry.'

He grunts as the pressure of hunger wanted him to scream and snatch the food out of Alice, but he gritted his teeth and endure.

If not for the sweet scent of food that hit his nose, he had completely forgot that he's hungry, and for some reason, the system or the damn Lucifer is not disturbing him to get himself filled, but Emmy suspected that it's because he has gone through punishment some hours back.

Alice brought out two plate out of the package, one full of Pierogi while the other is full of spice meat.

Moving them towards Jone who greedily started gulping it down, Alice closed the package and picked the second one, then walk towards Emmy.

"These are for you, I'm sure it will last for at least two days." She said as dropped them beside him.

"Huh? what - do you mean - no, I mean, that...."

Emmy was lost of word; however, before he could finish his rumbling, Alice interrupted him.

"Let's get some strong wood to make a makeshift pen for him." She said and started walking outside.

".... you - yeah, I mean, sure."

'Damn, what the hell am I saying.' He scowled, glanced at the two package one more time and quickly follow her behind.

As they walk out of the room, Alice produce another lamp to light outside of the room because the other one was left in the room with Jone who was eating.

They got to the crawled forest and started picking up a few fallen woods, Alice asked Emmy to gathered some twisted flexible wood while she herself gathered the strong and straight ones.

After gathering all they needed, they moved back to the room and started working on the makeshift pen for Jone.

Emmy couldn't get his mind off the food as he watches Alice design the pen, he didn't do anything than to pick wood for her and hold it together when necessary

She laid about seven straight wood on the floor and under them were the flexible ones, binding everything together, it looks like a bunch of raw spaghetti.

After creating five different bunch of spaghetti like wood, she created four strong pillars with her ice power, the four pillars were sleek and were not melting despite the fact that they were made of ice.

Emmy look at here strangely as he couldn't understand what she would use the pillars for, because looking at her, it looks as if she was also wondering what to do.

'Don't tell me she's going to plant the ice pillar on the floor to hold the pen.' Emmy thought.

On cue, Alice glanced at him for a couple of seconds then look away like he was not there at all.

'What the hell is wrong with her.'

Alice picked one of the ice pillar and use the sharp edge to pierce the upper angle of one of the bunches of wood, picking up another ice pillar, she did the same thing until the four pillars were standing on four angles of a bunch of wood.

Emmy look at it in awe, so this is what she was going to do.

'How interesting.' He commented.

After getting the four pillars on all four angles and making sure that they're standing firm, Alice move another bunch of wood closer. This time, she's not going to pierce it with ice pillar because it might make it loose rigidity on the bunch they're currently standing on.

So, instead, she gently used it to cover one side of the four pillars, then she told Emmy to use the twisted wood to bind it together with the bunch under and the pillar.

While Emmy was doing the binding, she proceeded to the next one. A few minutes later, they have covered all sides of the pillar including the head leaving only one side that serves as entrance for Jone. Looking at it, it really looks like a real pen that was made of iron but only that this was with wood.

Emmy was already tired, binding the wood and everything isn't an easy task, he wanted to grab the food, devour it and have a good sleep, but he couldn't do that now because it looks like Alice isn't done with the pen as she's still adding a few wood in some open space.

And looking at her, it doesn't look as if she's exhausted at all, it's been more than an hour now since they got to the building. All the time she spent on taking care of Jone, the time spent on packing woods outside to build the pen and the time spent on building the pen itself. Approximately, it should be about one and the half hour; and still, Alice feels really energized.

'One and the half hour? Huh, what's that_, I went through hell for a whole hour and here I am, still alive. I bet she could survive that hell.' Emmy thought, and that's when he remembered that she also used her power on him during that one hour.

Although, she really looks weak at that time, and that's because the heat was depleting her power and energy very quickly.

Emmy couldn't help but sigh.

'She's really incredible.'

It looks like She's done with whatever she was doing with the pen as she moves it to the side and make it rest against the wall, then she gesture for Jone to entered, then she looked at Emmy who was deep in his own thought, she gesture for him to come but Emmy didn't pay her any attention until she said.

"Hey, you dozing off already?" She said with a frown on her face.

Emmy looked down in embarrassment and quickly stood up.

"I'm sorry." He said with his head down.

"Alright, I think I'm done here, so I'm leaving." She said as she started walking off.

"Huh? What? you're leaving?" Emmy made her stopped with his words.

"Huh really? You want me to sleep here and baby sit you?" She asked with an unpleasant look on her face.

"I mean, I'm a crim-, no sorry, it's just that, hmm-, about wh- "As usual, Emmy didn't know what to say.

"Idiot, you think I'll be taking you all around because you're criminal? Or you think I'll take you to the cops, or you think I'll get to school to tomorrow and started announcing to everyone that Emmy is a criminal." She complained knowing what he was thinking.

"Don't be a fool that everyone thinks you're, I can't do any of that because I don't know the reason why you did what you did; everyone has either one or two reason for anything they do in this life and same goes for you. Although, in this situation, reason doesn't matter, a criminal is a criminal, so that's why you should be thankful today that I was the one who caught you. And you know the same can't happen tomorrow, if you go out there stealing, you might encounter those who will kill you on the spot.

So, a word of advice will be for you stop now, and start doing something important with your life. Don't be a slave to others, face your fears and always fight back." She said disgustingly as she walks towards the entrance and left Emmy speechless.

The word said had hit him good, but the last part was what hit him better, 'start doing something important with your life, don't be a slave to others.' It was as if Alice had always wanted to said those to him since day one, the words came out with some strange emotion.

'How strange, but how the fuck did she want me to do that without a damn fucking ability.'

Alice took a step out and look back…

"The secret you asked me to keep about finding anything here, after looking this whole room around, I couldn't find anything that worth keeping a secret, but regardless, I'll keep our encountering today a secret, and the same goes for you, we didn't meet today." With that said, she left, she didn't even take the remaining healing pills and other things she treated Jone with

'Are you kidding me.' Emmy shouted in his mind, almost screaming out.

'Did she just said she found nothing worth keeping a secret here? She can't tell me she knows nothing about Jone, right?'

Emmy was frustrated, how would she say there's nothing worth keeping a secret here, when she's the who took care of Jone and do everything, she even made a pen for him. Only if...

Only if…

'No, that can't be, if she wants Jone, she would've taken him without wasting a sweat, I shouldn't think about it anymore.'

Trying to get all stupid thoughts off his mind, he started walking towards the package of food, his joy couldn't be contained as he thought of how he will devour this damn food. He was about to open the container but stopped and stared blankly into the air with a dark expression on his face.

'What the.'

[It looks like you don't trust a person named Alice Xander]

[New Quest received]

[Kill her]