A Word of Advice

[It looks like you don't trust a person named Alice Xander]

[New Quest received]

[Kill her]

Emmy couldn't believe his eyes for what he was seeing, he blinked for a couple of seconds, still trying to process what he's seeing. After confirming that the system has really given this unachievable quest, it felt as though, the heaven fell on him.

He's half expecting something like this, but he never expected the system to give quest that will lead to his death. Because for some reason, after he had come back from the hell he went through, the system hasn't state anything since then, it had been quiet. At first, he thought it was because of the hell he went through and while Alice was asking him different questions, the system didn't give any quest and the bastard Lucifer didn't take over his body and he was glad that any of that did not happen, it was as if Alice was suppressing the system from functioning, but now he understands.

'So, this is it.'

Although, Emmy didn't know what it is, but the only thing he could think of was that the system or Lucifer or whatever that is inside the system wanted to know what Alice agenda is, before giving a quest to Emmy. But after studying her for several hours that she spent with Emmy without understanding her, Lucifer or the system decided that the best thing to do was to eliminate her.

Emmy didn't understand why the system or Lucifer was trying to know her agenda and trying to kill for not finding it, not that he was sure if he's way of reasoning was really correct, but that's the only thing could think of. Because he also tried to study her but he failed.

Although, he also couldn't trust her, but how will he be able to kill Alice who was a monster to him, this is really a suicide quest that the system has given him.

There might also be another possibility.

'What if the system agenda is for me to get killed instead of killing her.'

He didn't know when his body started moving towards the exit, he's lost in his thought that he didn't know that he was already on the move, and after coming back to his sense realizing that he's a few inches away from stepping outside, a cold shiver ran through his spine.

'Am I really going to fight her? I won't last a second.'

Will he even be able to get a hit on her? How was he going to survive it, knowing that there's no way out, his mind wander back to the food he left behind.

'At least, let me have a bite of each of those sweeties, bastard.' He screamed in his head, that's when he remembered that the person he was going to kill, or rather, the person that was going to kill him in few minutes' time was the one who gave him the food, and he wasn't even going to taste it before he dies. But that's not what he was thinking right now.

Is it only the food she gave him?

No, she gave him something else, what is it?

'A word of advice.'

Thinking back to the scene where she had advised him, he recollected the words as he step out of the room. "So, a word of advice will be for you to stop now, and start doing something importance with your life. Don't be a slave to others, face your fears and fight for yourself."

That was the exact word of advice she had said to him. The last word was what interested him the most, 'Face your fears and always fight back.'

What's his fears right now? is it Alice that he was going to face, or Lord Lucifer who had sent him to face Alice, or the fear of getting killed by Alice.

This is puzzle that he needs to solve now if he wants to survive.

Trying to make sense of the whole word of advice she gave him, he started processing it, not that he thinks it will help him in his current situation, but he just feels like it will solve his puzzle.

First phrase was, 'Stop now and start doing something importance with your life.' What was it that he needs to stop now?

The answer is obvious.

He should probably stop stealing, that's what she told him. But if he really needs to stop it, he will need to know the reason why he's stealing.

So what was the reason he decided to steal?

Hunger? Is it because he's hungry? No, that's not the reason, he knows he wouldn't have the confidence to steal even if he's to starve to death. But what's the reason.

The system? It might truly be the system because it was the system who always give him a quest to get himself filled and threaten him to go through hell, but is it only the system? No, it's not, there's also Lord Lucifer, that bastard, he was the one who always take over his body whenever the system give him the quest.

The bastard always gets him in trouble and leave him at the last second. The bastard was the one who start all of this in the first place, if the bastard hadn't play part in the event that led him out of his house, he wouldn't be on the street looking for what to eat. He would still be in his house enjoying the fresh air of their garden with Jone's company. Even though his mom will always treat him bad, he still prefers that treatment to this torture.

'That bastard, he's the root of my problem.'

He still doesn't know who Lucifer is, but he suspected that the bastard will be a scary devil.

Emmy's blood was boiling as he was having this thought. He's currently on the hallway moving towards the stairs, he knew Alice would be out of the building now or was about to get out.

The second phrase was, 'Don't be a slave to others.' Although, he has always lived his whole life like a slave serving his mate in school, but who is he serving now at the moment.

Lord Lucifer, the bastard gave him orders that he can't disobey even if he wanted to. He can still disobey his mate orders in school, but the same cannot be said to Lord Lucifer, so he's literally the bastard slave.

The third phrase of the advice given to him by Alice was, 'Face your fears.' He doesn't need to think about it again as he already finds his answer. His fear is not fighting Alice, neither was it getting killed by her, but it was Lord Lucifer himself and he needs to face him right now if he really wants to survive.

But how was he supposed to face his fear in the current situation. Yes, the bastard is his fear, but how was he supposed to face him.

'I swear, I will kick your ass, you bastard.

And the last phrase was, 'Always fight back.'

That's what he needs to do now, he needs to fight Lord Lucifer to conquer his fear. But how was he supposed to fight him when he can't even see him, how was he supposed to punch the bastard, how was he going to kick the bastard ass when he's nowhere to be found.

But physical fight is not always the best way to conquer a fear, the bastard cannot be seen and the person who needs to conquer their fear must also act invisible, they must act like they have lost their mind in order to conquer the bastard fear.

But will that work for Emmy who was already consumed by fear, who his fear has taken control over his body. Even if he was to act like he has lost his mind, it will only worsen the situation, because his sanity was what kept him going now.

So, what was he supposed to do?