A Challenge (Pass or Die)

What was he going to do?

Although, he had solved the puzzle with the word of advice given to him, and he knew what he needs to do, but how was he going to make it happen.

Tears was rolling down his face and his blood was boiling at the same time, he had not ever felt like this since he got to this damn world. It was as if the heaven itself is resting on him.


He's frustrated, worst thing, he can't even sit down somewhere to think properly as he body was moving faster by the seconds, he was already close close to stepping staircase and it looks as if his body wanted to start running, like he needs to kill Alice quickly.

'Pathetic, she's going to kill me instead.'

Letting out his frustration, he shouted that his voice echoed the whole building.


He did the last thing he wanted to do, he decided to act insane, because only a mad man will shout like that. After the stupid scream, silence enveloped the hallway, the sound of his footsteps had stopped.

Standing where he was, that's when he realized that he must have caused another trouble.

"Damn, I might have attracted some unwanted attention." He said as he knew how his voice will travel in the late night, even Alice might have heard him. But there's another thing.

'Huh? My body is not moving again? am I seeing things or I'm really standing still.'

Turning his head around and moving back, his body followed without any restriction.

'I can really control my body huh, is this how to conquer someone's fear? You just have to act a little crazy, I guess.'

He thought as he was quickly heading back to his room; he didn't know how to feel. But he didn't need feel anything as he quickly realized something...

'Something is wrong.' He thought as he stopped his movement, he right leg was already inside the room, while his left was on the hallway. He didn't know what's wrong, but it really feels like something is wrong. And answering his suspicious, a voice came out of nowhere, it traveled around the hallway without a specific point where it's coming from.

*Kid, I thought you were a wise one, I thought you have a great potential and will be a useful tool to us in the future, but I was wrong. I was really wrong. I should have known that you earthlings are worthless. You have questioned the great Lord Lucifer's authority, you have challenged the great Lord Lucifer and you shall see his wrath. *

'This voice, I've heard it before.'

Yes, it was the voice he heard when all of this first started in his house.

*But as always, instead of killing you straight in one go like I would've done if I was the one, Lord Lucifer had decided to put you through a test, a test that might either leads to your freedom or your death. *

The voice faded away, a short and lucid messaged was delivered. Emmy had challenged Lord Lucifer and instead of the bastard killing him like the idiot who delivered the messaged said he would've done if he's the one. Instead, Lord Lucifer decided to put him through a test, a test that might either lead to his freedom or his death.

But, what's the test.

Answering his question, a translucent character appeared in his line of sight. The system is giving him a message. Moving his sight downward, he stared at it.

[You have challenged Lord Lucifer and he had decided to put you through a test]

[New Quest Received]

[Pass the test or die]

[Reward: Freedom]

The quest is quite simple, pass Lucifer test or you die. And the reward applied to both.

If he passes the test, he'll be freed from Lord Lucifer and if he died, he'll also be freed. The situation is quite tricky.

"Huh? You bastard, you think I'm scared of your damn test. Bring it forward and I will show you that you're nothing but a bastard who have lost his balls."

He scowled as he stepped into the room, ready for Lord Lucifer test.

Emmy don't know what the test would be, but he knew it can never be something good, because nothing good has ever come his way since the day he heard the name, Lord Lucifer.

Moving to the middle of the room, he stands still waiting for the worse to come, a minute pass with nothing happening, then another minute pass, then another. Emmy stood there for about five minutes with nothing happening. He was having different thoughts running through his head.

'What's going on, is that bastard not giving me a test again? is he thinking on what to do?

Or, can it be that the test has already started.'

He thought, he was also thinking if this silence is the test, maybe Lucifer's test was to see how long Emmy can survive a silence full of tension.

'Idiot, I've always be the silent type.'

He didn't know if that's really the test, but the silence failed to be interrupted by some unannounced attack or scream, so he decided to also keep quiet, because he truly wish being quiet is also part of the test.

That was until Jone suddenly raised its head in the pen, the dog first looked at Emmy then inspect the room before it started to bark.

"Gbwooh Gbwooh Gbwooh."

"What's going on." Emmy said his heart racing faster than ever. Jone must have seen something for him to be barking, but what was it.

He looked around a few time, that's when he noticed that the atmosphere of the room has change.

A strange grey fog had enveloped the room, the fog wasn't thick, it was very light that it's hard to notice and he could see that he was surrounded by it, the whole room was covered with the strange fog and Jone kept barking violently at a particular area.

'What's going, is this part of the test?' Emmy didn't know what to do, the fog didn't harm him, it's not poisonous but he needs to know the cause of the fog.

Just at that moment, something else started occurring in front of him, at the exact space where Jone was barking at. The fog condensed in that area forming a small fog circle, but the circle was getting larger by the seconds.

"A portal? A fog portal?"

Of course it's a portal, Emmy have gone through a portal countless times and he knew what one looks like, even if this one was different from the normal public portal that he uses, he couldn't mistake it for something else.

But why is a portal of all things opening here of all places, and if Emmy remember very well, a portal is always produced by a teleporter device, without a teleporter device, a portal cannot open. But a device cannot be found here, so how's a portal opening.

He doesn't need to think about it because he knew it's the work of none other than Lord Lucifer. But the most disturbing part is, what's coming out of a portal as large as this. The circle was still forming and it's already the size of the portal that a public bus will pass through; still, it doesn't look like the circle will form completely anytime sooner.

Emmy watch patiently with his heart racing faster than ever, he was waiting for what's coming out of the portal, Jone's barking increase fiercely. As he continues to watch the portal, it was as if it's calling him to come in.

'Is something or someone really coming out of this portal? Or was I supposed to enter instead?'

Just as he had those thought finished, he felt something pierced his leg, looking up, he saw several dull black tentacles coming at him at an incredible speed, some of them were already wrapped around Jone's body and the dog was battling them.