Lord Lucifer Test

Emmy just watch as the tentacles headed his way and he didn't quite know what to do exactly. Was he supposed to run? Stay and fight? Or Just stand and watch as the strange tentacles tear him apart.

The last option seems to be the easiest, so Emmy just stand as a couple dozens of tentacles headed his.

One faster than others pierce him right in the shoulder and blood was gulping out. The pain made him come back to his senses and he quickly chose the second option instead of the last, he doesn't want to give up just yet because giving up means he gave in his fear and made Lord Lucifer win.

No, he won't ever allow that bastard to win, even if it cost him to fight to death.

How ridiculous.

Ignoring the pain on his shoulder, the tentacle that pierce him had retracted and was now trying to wrapped itself around his body, Emmy looked straight forward and could see a horde of tentacles just few inches from hitting him.

Now that he had decided not to give up yet, he had decided to fight, but how was he going to fight this thing?

Just then, something bump into his chest, making him loose balance and he fell to the floor, his back facing the ground. Looking at what has hit him, he saw Jone on his chest staring at him happily. The dog looked battered, but not as it was a few hours ago, there were black blood all over its body and there were several motionless tentacles a few centimeters away from them, that's where Jone was trapped some seconds ago. Jone had fought its way out of the tentacles that trapped him down and had come to help Emmy at the last second.

'Oh right, thanks buddy….'

Looking up, he could see as the horde of tentacles flew past him and hit the wall behind and they were retracting back quickly as they hit the wall, a large dent was left on hit and a few scratches.

'…but what are we supposed to do now.'

It hasn't even been up to a minute, it's just a couple dozens of seconds and a large damage has been made, even Jone don't look too well and Emmy have no idea how to kill these tentacles, Jone had managed to destroyed a few of them, but in reality, it doesn't look like that. They were just too many and it doesn't look like the creature controlling them will come out any time soon. The tentacles were retracting back at him, coming from behind, and those coming out of the portal hadn't stop. Now they're stuck in the middle.

He looks at Jone and frown, it looks like the dog was looking around the room, finding the best possible escape route and the best way to counter the horde of tentacles.

'Well, it doesn't look like Jone is ready to give up yet.'

Emmy brace himself up, even though, he knew it's useless.

As the tentacles were about to smash them in the middle from both sides, Jone ran on all fours to the other side and Emmy did the same by rolling out of the middle. The tentacles from both sides clashed at the middle while some of them had hit the floor.

'Woah, will you look at that, you should all feel the taste of your power, well done Jone.'

Emmy smirk as he was getting up from the floor and watch how the tentacles clashed into each other. But sadly, the clash only last for a second as they realized that their prey had escaped. They turned left and headed to Emmy who was getting up.

'Oh crap.'

Looking around, he couldn't see Jone anywhere and the tentacles were coming at him with a great speed.

'Did Jone escape without me? Well I can't blame him, he have to survive,

Live well Jone, and survive without me.'

At that moment, he heard the sound of metal scraping against the floor, looking at where the sound was coming from, he briefly turned around and froze for half a second for what he saw.

'What the hell? My food?'

The food container that Alice left for him was flying towards him and Jone could be seen running towards him from the side where the container was coming from.

'Well, who get to eat after they're dead. I guess I need to survive in order to eat those food.'

Catching the container midair, nobody need to tell him what to, he turned around swiftly and smack the container into the tentacles that were about to hit him and at the same time, Jone smashed into them, ripping some of them apart with its teeth.

Emmy was surprised as he could see the damage that the container had done to the tentacles, many of them were ripped apart flying into different areas and black blood splattered everywhere. He thought the container will be the one to receive the damage after witnessing the damaged done to the wall. But what he didn't get to know was the force.

Yes, the tentacles damaged the wall, and that was because they were the one who had hit the wall which is not the same for the container. The container had attacked them with the force coming from Emmy.

His happiness only last for a second though, as he could see the damaged tentacles growing back to normal.

'Well, that's it. Jone, can you see now that this fight will be fruitless.'

He thought as he glanced at Jone who was battling the tentacles violently. The dog is not ready to give up, and so did Emmy, so he had to use the opportunity that Jone had provided him to fight to his last breath.

Without any hesitation, Emmy got into the horde of tentacles and continue smashing them with the container, several tentacles continue flying up every seconds, he looked battered with red and black blood all over his body, but he didn't stop as he continues swinging the container violently, he already know the fight was fruitless but he had decided to continue fighting.

Several dents appeared on the container, it's on the edge of giving up. Glancing at Jone, the poor dog didn't look well, large chunk of its body had been chop off but still, the dog didn't give up which made Emmy to be relentless.

All of a sudden, the horde of tentacles started retracting back, they didn't attack him again and the same could be said to Jone. They're all heading back into the portal. Watching as they retracted back, Emmy used the opportunity to catch his breath.

'Is that all? Is it finished.'

He really hoped that it's finished, neither he nor Jone was ready to continue fighting, so he hoped that it has really ended.

'Who knew I'll get to eat this food.'

Looking up at where the tentacles were retracting to, he was surprised to see that they didn't go into the portal, instead, it looks as if they're turning into something larger and that's not all.

"What's that?"

He could see that something else was coming out of the portal, the tentacles that were coming out of the portal had stopped and he could see something else stepping out of it.

"Is that - is that the creature controlling them?"