Daily Quest

Emmy didn't know how he fell asleep, or rather, he knew how but can't remember when, all he remembered was that he closed his eyes after he failed countless times, and the next he remembered was him opening his eyes now.

"Damn it… did I sleep?" He asked himself, "No, I didn't." He replied.

Moving his gaze to the corner of his system screen, he glanced at the time.

"What? Thirty minutes have past? How? When?"

He was left dumbfounded; he didn't know he was too tired that he can't when he fell asleep.

He noticed that his voice is not cracking again, his breathing is normal and his hand that felt heavy before now moved swiftly under his command.

"Well, that explained how I suddenly felt refreshed, I really sleep - I guess. But this is bad, I didn't even last up to five minutes and I haven't managed to do one push up, still I slept for thirty minutes like a new born baby."

He cursed dejectedly, he's not the type to do physical or fitness exercise, so he already knew from the start that this would be hard, but the reward…

....the reward,

He couldn't let go of it, if a mad man won't let a free supply of food slip away from their lair, why wouldn't do the same, he's ready to pushed himself to the extreme.

Although, it's still a gamble, because he hasn't trust the system yet.

"I still have many short hours left, so I should probably get back to work." He said as he checked the time, it's 8:13

Standing up, he picked up the bottle of chilled water and drank greedily till there's nothing left in the bottle. Thank God, there are still a few water left in the food package, even though he had consumed the whole food, there's still about two to three water left.

Without wasting any time, Emmy got back to work, but sadly, he still achieved the same result - there were no improvements. All he managed to do was raised his body above the ground for half an inches, he was unable to stretch his hand fully. It was as if a heavy boulder was placed on his back and his elbow was being stopped by some invisible barrier.

Worst all, he couldn't even prolong the time his body was raised and the time he used in during his fruitless push up. He hasn't lasted five minutes, every time he do it, he only lasted a couple minutes and half with couple dozens of seconds before he collapse and after he collapsed he will sleep for about thirty minutes or so before he would be able to continue.

'Damn it, something is wrong, I'm really missing something. How do hell will I do the same thing for half a day with no improvement.'

He complained as he lied down flat with his heart beating against the floor, he's trying his best not to fall asleep again. He has gone into nine different slumber and looking at the time now, he could see;

12:03 pm

He has spent almost five hours without achieving anything, just sleeping and now, he's even trying hard not to fall asleep.

'If I continue like this - I won't be able to achieve anything till the day end. I'm missing something, I need to know what it is that I'm missing.'

How would he know what he's missing when he doesn't even understand what's going on, how would someone do something for half a day without achieving anything, it just doesn't make sense.

'I think I need to sleep a little, I can't even think properly, I need a little sleep in order to analyze this shit all over again.'

As he thought of those words, everything went dark like it has always been whenever he finished each training.


Some minutes later, Emmy opened his eyes and the first thing he check was time on the system. What he saw made him cursed.

"Damn, this is longer than usual, I slept for one hour. Fuck it."

He stood up and stretches his body a few time before picking up a bottle of water and gulp it down.

"I need to think properly; this doesn't make any sense. Is that how worse I am in physical training?"

He sat down with his leg crossed, bring his palm together and pointed it towards his jaw. He sat in a meditating posture, trying to think well.

'If I'm unable to complete this quest, that means I'll have to convert the gemstone to Chint to get food for myself tomorrow.'

'No, I won't convert it, I must do this thing.'

He closed his eyes, he thought of a well-built man wearing a white body suit in a fitness center, the man is doing push up, his palm was pressed against the floor and was using it to control his body, his body is moving up and down.

"That's exactly what I'm trying to do." Emmy said as he opened his eyes.

While he was imagining the man in his head, he noticed that the man was focused, his expression was calm and lively. He also noticed that the man was controlling his body not just with his hand but his mind is also involved.

'So, that's how it works. Let's give it a trial then.'

Lying on the cold floor, he placed his palm on the floor, then he focused, his mind was clear only thinking of how his body will be raised. Then he moves his body up, or rather - he tried to move his body up which was not answering him, he tried it again ending up with the same result.

'Fuck, again? What am I supposed to do now?'

Tears was already finding its way to his eyes, he couldn't take it anymore, failure all over and over again. But he wasn't giving up, despite all his failed effort, he's still thinking of a better way to do it.

'Am I not approaching it very well? Should I change my starting point? I should stop lying down and fall instead.'

He knew something must work, no amount of failure, there will be one success and the success might come by trying different logic. Just as he thought, there's really a success, he really managed to succeed by using different approach.

Instead of lying flat, Emmy stands and braced himself, ready to fall like a mango tree, it's just that he's not to going fall like a mango tree.

As his body was falling, he out stretched his hand and his palm struck against the floor stopping his body from hitting the floor. There's about 10cm distant between him and the floor while his hand rested on the floor keeping the weight of his body in check.

Not wasting time, he focused and used his mind to move his body downward and at the same time, his hands were bending with his elbow facing up little by little. After his body was a mere inch away from touching the floor it stopped and his hands were bent in a 90 degree while his elbow was totally pointing upward reaching its pinnacle.

Emmy didn't wait for a second before his body started moving up again while his bent hand was stretching, pushing the weight of his body. Emmy didn't stop there, he descends again and ascend, his body moving swiftly. After repeating the process five times without stopping, his hand was giving in, it couldn't take the weight of his body anymore and sweat was running down his face dripping on the floor, but he managed to go the sixth time before collapsing. He isn't tired, but his hand can't take it anymore.

'I really did it, I did six push up, so that's how it works. I knew I was missing something but now fuck it.'

He couldn't contain his happiness, at first, when he did one successfully, he wanted to stop and celebrate but he didn't break his focus and he managed to do six.

He had found the missing piece, now he understood that, he as a beginner cannot start push up while lying down, only those who are better at it can succeed that way, but many don't use it, because he takes a lot of strength and stamina to raise the body while lying down. So, he as a beginner that lack all this have no chance of succeeding with the process.

"Who would've thought."

After catching his breath for a few minutes, he drank a chill water and continue his training, after doing it two more times, he was unable to do more than six, so this time, he planned to use another method; instead of placing his palm on the floor, he used his fist.

Placing his fist on the hard surface of the floor, he pressed his body down and in an instant he felt the surface of the floor claiming to crush his bone under the pressure of his body, but for some reason, his hand didn't give in and he hadn't felt any pain yet, the only thing he felt was his body moving faster than before and it's as light as a feather.

With his mind in total focus and his fist against the floor, bringing his body upward, it moves with no stress, he did it again by moving his body downward and upward, he did it the third time, fourth time, fifth time, sixth.... tenth, on the tenth round, he was starting to feel the pain piercing his fist and diving into his vein before spreading through his hand, but the pain isn't overbearing, it hasn't gotten to the point where he'll have to strain his hand, so he continues.

Eleven, twelve.... getting to eighteen, his hand finally gave in and he couldn't move his body up again as the pain travel through his vein. But Emmy paid the pain no attention at all.

'I did it, I even did more than ten...., eighteen.... I did eighteen, two steps away from twenty.'

He lied down flat catching his breath slowly, it felt like a dream to him, after several failure and later managing to do six, he knew sooner or later he would be able to do ten, but what he didn't expect was for him to keep going after doing ten, he didn't even imagine of doing up to eighteen, it felt like a miracle to him.

'I think I understandd this whole process now.'

Emmy thought back to when he managed to do six, at that time - he was using his palm as support and not fist. Thinking back to how he moves, how he felt and reaction of his adrenaline, he realized that he felt less pain and spend more time while using his palm, that is, he last longer with palm than fist.


How was he able to do eighteen while using fist and only managed to do six with palm? It doesn't make sense. But Emmy found what the reason is.

While using his fist, the pain comes faster and the time he spent was less than that of palm. This is because the amount of time he spent on each moves while using fist is the quarter of that when using palm.

Point is, when he used his palm as support, he spent close to ten seconds on each move, but with fist, he barely spends one second on each move. Thus; each move he makes with fist is as fast as a bullet which the same could not be said while using palm. And also, pain come faster when using fist.

'This is really interesting, so to do batter, I'll need to improve my speed and endurance.'

To confirm his suspicious, he did it two more times, first with palm and second with fist. He managed to do ten with palm and twenty-one with fist, but not without paying a price.

'Damn, my skin almost torn.'

Looking at his fist, it was all red as if blood had gathered there ready to pulp out at any second.