Daily Quest Completed

After understanding the process of the push up and confirming with another practice, he was now confident in completing his daily quest. He knew the second part of the quest is the hardest one, it had taken him a lot of time to do the first part, so he knew this will take him much time. But he's not going to keep falling asleep like he did when doing the push up. He's more than ready for the second part, sit up.

Covering the bottle of water he was drinking, he stared blankly into the air looking at the system screen. His gaze first wander around the time.

[2:17 pm]

He doesn't have enough time left.

{Daily Quest}

<> Ongoing

[Push up: 10] > Completed

[Sit up: 10] > Ongoing

[Reward: Limited Food Provision]

The reward is greyed out; he couldn't claim it yet.

"Just wait a little, I'm coming for you, food." He said as he gets up.

It's time to get to the harder part of the quest, hopefully, he'll be able to do it.

Lying down straight with his back against the floor, Emmy stare at the sleek black ceiling, his head was resting on his palm, his leg was straight on the floor but after taking a deep breath, he brought it up with his ten fingers on the floor while his shin was opposite the entrance and his knee cap was facing the ceiling.

After making sure that he had taken the best position, he tried moving his upper body up but it was as still as a steel, only his head was rising up, other part of his upper body refused to move. But Emmy isn't going to give up, he had promise himself that he'll do it and he will do it just as he had done the push up, he just needed some times to get the hang of it.

Emmy continue doing the futile attempt, and after spending almost one hour struggling and standing up stretching his body constantly, he managed to raise his upper body a little, but not to the point where it can be counted as a success – he knew success is not what can be achieved within one hour, so he continued. Sadly, his body reminded him that he's still a living being, after doing all those futile attempt for almost one hour, Emmy refuse to rest, his tight suit was wet, he could feel pain all over his ribcage, his body couldn't take the insult again, he collapsed.


Few hours later, Emmy woke and continue his training, after checking time he noticed that he slept for more than three hours, he had no time to even complain so he gently continued his training. Gradually, he's getting the hang of it, he first managed to do one, then two and three, then took a break after he did 7.

He took a break of 5 minutes with body stretching and fatigue release exercise to keep his body intact. He doesn't have much time left, everywhere is dark with only the lamb illuminating the room. Throwing a glance at his system timepiece, he saw; 11:54pm.

'Damn, can I finish this within 6 minutes.'

He had spent so much time on his restless training, but the highest he managed to perform so far is 7. And for some reason, he's confidence that he can do up to ten now, but time is not on his side, still he won't give up yet, he just need to be faster.

He took his stance as he continue his sit up, it's not as hard as it was in the start but due to the time he lacks at the moment he has to struggle and strain every single organ of his body in order to move faster and achieve the impossible in a short period of time.

Luckily for him, by the time 4 minutes past, he was already on the eight move, rising up to count the ninth move, he had the sound of countless steps moving at an incredibly speed on the floor above him. His heart almost pulp out to the point he could see his chest rising and falling rapidly, for a moment, he forgot everything he was doing, he forgot to think, he didn't even know that he smacked his head on the floor, it was when he felt something warm slip onto his hand that he realized that he's bleeding.

'What's that?' Even Jone stood up and turn to the entrance.

'It's definitely the sounds of step, not one, not two, not three..., not ten, not twelve.... did that girl break her promise, damn I knew she's up to something, I'm so stupid, how the hell do I trust that bitch?'

All Emmy could think was that Alice has informed people from Joilish group of his location with Jone and now they're here for him. With the amount of steps he could hear, he knew he can't outrun this people, his guess was that there are fifty of them or so.

'What to do, what to do.' He can't even escape through the window because that will only spell suicide for him, escaping through the entrance might also lead him to the enemy, who knows how many of them are down there. The only option left is just to stay in the room and wait for them.

'Well, they should come and take me, at least they'll be feeding me, that's if they don't decide to kill me.'

As he looked around cautiously, the sounds of step dimmed down, only a rumbling sound of something moving could be heard. In the next five minutes, the sound of step came alive again and died down within three minutes, no sound could be heard, everything is silent once again.

'What's going on?' Emmy didn't understand at all; it just doesn't make sense to him.

'Or is it possible that they are not here for me, did they use this building as an operational route of some sort.'

That's the only thing Emmy could think of because why would they come and just leave like that.

'I think I should go check the upper floor.' Taking a step forward, Emmy felt a ringing pain in his head, that's when he realized that his body is completely exhausted, he can't even move, his eyes is screaming of sleepiness, his brain wanted to rest.

Looking at the time, he saw; 12:03 am

'Fuck, I didn't even get to complete my daily quest because of these unknown assholes, after all my hard work.'

'I should check that floor tomorrow.'

That's the last thought that cross his mind before the darkness of the night embraced him and fell asleep.


9:00 am in the morning, Emmy was still sleeping, even though the system alarm he set had done its work in waking him up, he refused to wake up and ignored the alarm completely. Yesterday's exercise might have taken a lot out of him than he expected. He isn't the type to do exercise, not that he'll be allowed to do it if he wanted, the only exercise he does is the warm they usually do in the school football training, he never attempted fitness exercise. Yesterday just show how he is lacking in that aspect.

Why sleeping, Emmy had a dream, a dream that he couldn't convey its meaning nor could he understand why he dreamt, he didn't even dream at the middle of the night, it was 9 am in the morning the dream came.

He saw a beggar, a young blonde boy standing on the edge of the street begging for money, he had a tattered clothes on, a rough dark brown hair and different shades of black on his face. Emmy is barely older than the boy and they're of the same height.

Emmy stands at the opposite end of the street observing the poor boy as people passing by gave him money, just as the boy turn his head to look at Emmy, or rather turn his head to where he was standing, Emmy suddenly woke up and immediately cold sweat find its way unto his spine.

"What's the hell, what's that for?"

"What type of dream is this, and why does that boy give me that type of look, does he know me before."

And more importantly, why does Emmy feel some kind of emotions when the boy looked his way.

"I'll think of that later, it's just a dream after all. Let me go back to work so I can have something to eat today."

Standing up, he wiped off his sweat and stretched a few time, then picked up a bottle of water, wash his face, his mouth and drink a little. He felt refreshed, although yesterday's training has taken a lot out of him, it also made him sleep well more than he would've ever done and he felt refreshed. No back pain, no fatigue after waking up. He felt like a new born baby.

"So, this thing has its own advantage apart from the stupid reward. I better be doing it every day."

Looking around the room, Jone could not be found but he already knew where his dog will be at the moment.

"That brat, he's enjoying his feast every day on a low-key. He should better be careful because we don't know what danger lies in this building, I should probably check the upper floor after I'm done with this."

{Daily Quest}

<> Failed

[Punishment: Do 10 more of each quest today]

"Those unknown bastards caused it."

<> Ongoing

[Push up: 10] + 10

[Sit Up: 10] + 10

Stretching a few more time, he got to work. He knew today will be tough, 20 push up and sit up isn't an easy task, it took him several hours to do 10 push up yesterday, so doing 20 of both push up and sit up sounds impossible. But it's fine, it took him several hours' yesterday because he had no experience, he lacks posture and concentration; but the several hours it took him yesterday has thought him a lot.

Although he still lacks experiences, but the hours spent yesterday gave him a little understanding of each quest, it thought him how to maintain a good posture and also how to concentrate better and work with one's mind. So today shouldn't be as hard as yesterday, but still – twenty is a long way to go, he knows that.

Luckily for him, Emmy is the type who learn from his failure, although he's not the type who fails – he always succeeds in anything he does, even his first time stealing is a success. He always succeeds in whatever his does, but countless failure yesterday opened his eyes to many things and he immediately learned from his failure.

The push up was a walk in the park for him, only the sit up proves to be harder. He spent no more than 7 minutes doing the 20 push up with no failure, he did and completed it in one attempt. That's really a great achievement for him.

He did 20 push up within 7 minutes, but he took a break of 20 minutes after 20 push up. How ridiculous. "_"

The sit up proves to be more difficult but not as difficult as he had thought. He spent a complete 2hours with countless failure doing the sit up. His first attempt gave him a result of fifteen; but after that, it decreases, from 12 to 10, to 8 to 5 until he gave up and decided to take a long break of thirty minutes.

After his long break, he continued and after several minutes of countless failure, he managed to do 20 sit up and immediately, he heard a "Ding Dong" sound in his heard, he knew it was the system. Not wasting time, Emmy decided to check it out as he sprawled on the floor.

[Daily Quest Completed]

[Claim you reward now or preserve it]

[Reward: Provision of Limited Food]

The reward has come to life and under it was 'Claim now' and 'Claim later' button. Emmy didn't even read the 'Claim later' finish before his mind focused on claim now. A tiny white spark swell around him for a split second and the next thing he saw was a shining food container besides him.

"Damn, it's really true. Like I know it's true but I still can't believe it."