Going To School After Freedom

Emmy didn't waste any time as he quickly opened the container and started consuming the content, he didn't even know he was hungry like this until he saw the food.

It was only one type of food, a large family chocolate bread with different ground meat besides it and a chilled bottle of coke and two bottle of water. The system served him a regular food package. A regular food package contains one type of food, one drink and two bottle of water. There are different types of food package in the store, it's just like level of food and people that purchase it.

The levels are; common, regular, ordinary, customary, standard and dignitary. Common packages can contain more than one food, it's mostly two but the highest is three, and one water, but the quantity and quality of each of the food will be minor. Common package contains most of the unnourishing food. Regular is the second in the rank which contains a nourishing and satisfying food with one drink and two water. The type of food depends on what the person asked for. Emmy is thankful that the system didn't give him dumpling.

'I'll rather die.'

Although, dumpling is classified as a common food, but it depends on how it was made, the ones with high nourishment and quanlity are classified as regular. Ordinary package contains three different nourishing meals, three bottle of water and three drinks. Customary package held the most nourishing meal, it contains five different meals and snacks. The two package Alice gave him was of that rank.

'And I lost one because of that bastard, Lucifer.'

Standard and dignitary package are sold to the higher ups, influential people and tycoons. Normal citizen who can afford it can also buy it.

'Hell, I can buy five different dignitary package now and I won't even know I spent a dime.'

The treasure in his possession made him feel on top of the world.

After eating almost half of the meal, he kept a small portion for Jone and keep the remaining for tomorrow, but not without drinking half of the coke.

"errghh, this is unfair, what about yesterday's reward, I was supposed to receive after completing it today."

Taking a peek at the system timepiece, he saw 12:13pm.

"I should sleep a little before checking up on that floor.

Emmy slept for thirty minutes and just as he promised, he decided to check the upper floor. He didn't see any significant or suspicious thing there, only a large metallic desk at the middle of the room the rumbling sound came from yesterday. There were a lot of junks littered on the floor and other abandoned working mechanism. He checked all the room in the floor after finding nothing in the first room.

When the night came, he went back to the stream in the forest and took a bathe, that stream had turn to his temporary bathroom as the uncompleted building also turn to his temporary resident.

The next morning came and the alarm woke Emmy up by 6:30am, he got up stretches his body, wash his face and his mouth. He's ready for school, today; he knew it might be his last day in school or last day on earth. One of the two might happen today.

After dressing up, he moves to the upper floor the second time to inspect the room, because he heard the same sound at the exact time it happened the previous day. He wanted to stand up and see what's going on, but he knew a single mistake might spell death for him if he moves out. So, he decided to remain in his room since they didn't come for him.

Checking the floor again – thoroughly, he still found nothing, only the same sight as yesterday could be seen. Moving back to his room, he opened his package and finish the food before embarking on his journey to school.

About seven minutes later, Emmy met himself sitting in the class alone, none of his class mate have come to school yet, or maybe some of them have come but they decided not to enter the class. It wasn't 7am yet, it's still around 6:54am, so it isn't a surprise that they haven't come.

Ten minutes later, they started pouring into the class and immediately, all eyes and mouth was one Emmy, the first set of people that entered didn't pay him any attention, they just look at him for some minutes and move to their seat. Among them was Alice, the twins that sit at the front with her and a tall dark skinned boy who sits at the back a few metres away from John seat.

As people keep coming in, commotion arise, as they all see Emmy sitting on his seat, it made him feel uncomfortable, John and his gang hasn't come in yet, and the same could be said to Nado and his friend Nick.

Emmy knew these three people might determine his fate today, either today will be his last day or he will spend the rest of his life on the sick bed, never ever dreaming of becoming a football star again.

'Fuck, what am I thinking, what's the worse they can do to me, they can't even make me go through hell like Lucifer did, so what pain can they give me that's worse than that.'

Just as he thought of those words, Nick bursts into the class rushing towards Emmy but Nado was quick enough as he block his way and gestured for him to look at the back door where John and his gang were coming through. Nick seem to calm down as he saw John entered. His eyes was burning with killing intent and it's all directed on one person, Emmy.

Dangerous flame was dancing in the depth of John's eyes and looking at it, Emmy felt a cold shiver run down his spine.

'Fuck, I did nothing wrong, how does he expect me to get food for them yesterday when I never get one for myself.'

He knew there's no salvation for this one, but somehow he expected a miracle to happen at the last moment, like someone interfering and stopping John from hitting him. He looked at Alice who was reading her book nonchalantly.

'Well, what was I expecting, she already told me to face my fears and always fight for myself, the system also testify to it by telling me to always fight back. I think that word of advice is enough, I already used it to survive once and I'll do the same now.'

Just as he expected a miracle to happen at the last moment, it really happened. While he was thinking of fighting back and how to escape this situation without getting killed, he didn't know John was already rushing to him and like a miracle, a fiery punch hit him straight in the stomach sending him back and hitting the hard surface of the wall. A desperate ugly blood escape his mouth and splattered on the floor.

"Bastard, how dare you go against my words, where do you get the confidence from. I thought you wouldn't come to school again." John said as he walk towards him readying his fist to deliver another punch.

Emmy grunts and tried to lift himself up, the pain delivered by the punch is fiercer than any pain he had ever felt, apart from Lord Lucifer's hell.

Looking at his chest, there's a large hole the size of a punch on his uniform and a burn mark could be seen on his chest.

'Damn this bastard.' He cursed as he raised himself up and stared into the air looking at the system screen.


[New Attribute unlocked]

[Fire Resistance]

'Damn it, I was expecting a miracle.'

Bending down and lowering his head to his, John held his uniform collar tightly.

"You pathetic - tell me, why didn't you just die after skipping school on Friday, only death await you here today, you know. We were all waiting for you on Friday like you're some celebrity."

John said as he was using Emmy's collar to strap his neck.

"John, English teacher is here, you should stop already." Alice said from behind and gave Emmy a disgusting look.

Standing up, John gave him a heavy kick and Emmy spat out a mouthful of blood. His white uniform has turned to red.


"Bastard, it doesn't end there, you're misbehaving because it's been long I gave you a good beating, I think I should start giving you a lesson from today onward." John stated, walking back to his seat.

'That bitch, why does she look at me like that, is she expecting me to do something.'

Emmy thought, he caught the glimpse of Alice disgusting look.

Just as she stated, English teacher came in to give them her test, she saw battered Emmy and looked away like he wasn't there at all.

Not minding her, Emmy stood up, clean his face with his uniform and join them for the test.

'John, one day, I promise you'll regret this, all of you will regret it.'

The English test was done smoothly and peacefully, Emmy was in a somber mood not because of the beating John gave him, but because of the disgusting look he got from Alice. He knew what that look is, it's the look of pity, she pitied Emmy and it was in a disgusting way.

If it were another person, Emmy wouldn't care at all, but the girl had caught him stealing from an helpless old woman before. She even gave him a word of advice, she told him to face his fears and fight for himself. The look the girl gave him means she's tired of seeing him being pathetic, she's tired of seeing him get beaten everyday without trying to fight back. The look she gave him means she can outright kill him if he didn't stop being pathetic.

'Fuck her, who is she to give me that look, if she's tired of seeing me like that she can just intervene and help me.'

With frustration, he submitted his test and get the fuck out of the class, nobody noticed him except for the teacher who stared at him in disbelief after getting the notification that Emmy submitted his test.

Emmy didn't have anything in mind to do, he just wants to get the fuck out of the class and let out his frustration somewhere.

Getting to his temporary home, he removed his bloodied uniform and brought out his storage device to put on a new dress. Jone was in his usual place consuming the remains of the carcass dead abomination, so the dog is nowhere near him.


Emmy shouted as he continued throwing his fist at the wall, he's battling and letting out his frustration on the wall like a mad man, punching the wall as if it had offended him before.




"John, you said you're not done with me; well, I'm also coming back for you. Just you wait for me."

Unsatisfied with the wall he's punching, he got to push up and after doing twenty-five push up nonstop, he was unable to move on, that's when he realized the amount of damage he had done to his body. His fist is battered with his bone pulping out and bloodied. The dress he just put on is painted with blood and he couldn't even move his body again, his muscle ache, but somehow Emmy feel better, he's even smiling.

"Why won't I smile? John will soon be in this position, powerless and pathetic against me." He said with a subtle smile and closed his eyes.