Exploring The District

After resting for a while, Emmy left his temporary home and went to the forest stream to wash his body, after washing his body, he realized the amount of damage done to his fist, he couldn't even wash it or put water on it, it hurt. Gritting his teeth, he closed his eyes and aggressively wash the blood off it, then he tied a piece of his bloodied dress on it, to cover the opened surface. If he had healing pills, a mere opened fist injury won't be a problem for him.

After washing his body and dressing up, he moved back home to complete his daily quest. He had done the push up while he was letting out his frustration, he even did twenty-five which is quite a surprised, the only one left is sit up which gave him a little problem because of his injured fist, but somehow he completed it within twenty minutes, he's now getting used to it.

After seeing that his reward is active, he didn't claim it yet and instead check a few things out on the system. While John was beating him earlier in the class, he unlocked new attribute, Fire resistance. He knew John coated his ability with the blow he delivered to him which burned his uniform but somehow did not really hurt him much.

Glancing at his burnt uniform, he cursed.

"That bastard, what if I didn't have another uniform, will he buy a new one for me? I promise you will pay for this."

He moved his gaze to the attributes panel after opening the system.

{User Attribute}

[Strength: 0]

[Stamina: 5]

[Agility: 0]

[Speed: 10]

[Perception: 0]

[Fire Resistance:]

[Attributes points: 0]

Without reading the description of the new attribute, he knew what it does. Fire resistance gives him a high level of protection against fire, depending on the points he had raised his attribute to. For now, he has no resistance against fire because his point is currently at zero.

"What a nice attribute there, but the damn system never mentioned how I can gain attribute points."

Closing the system window, he noticed that his health bar has replenished after sleeping for some minutes. He's not hungry now so he opposed the act of claiming his daily quest reward for now. What he wanted to do now is to look for a way to heal his fist, because if it's like this, he won't be able to do push up with fist tomorrow, so he wanted to explore the street and other street around,or the whole district.

He left school early, so he has enough time to go around the street and its neighborhood.

Some hours , a young boy in red shirt and black jean could be seen standing at the front of a large but not a tall building, the building is just a story building but it's as wide as a football stadium and at the front written in neon is 'Disco'. The night street light shone on the boy revealing his dirty golden hair which gave it brown color. On both fist of the boy, a bloodied rag could be seen wrapped around them. The boy looked at the building a few more times then started walking off dejectedly.

'What was I thinking, go in there and got caught up by John, then received another round of beating.'

He was about to take a left turn before he saw two boys coming his way, running at full speed. One with curly red hair with fiery eyes while the other one is tall with black long hair. Seeing the two boys, Emmy turned 180 degrees and run back, rushing into the building he doesn't want to enter.

Emmy left his temporary house with the intention of exploring the street and its neighborhood so he could know the ins and out of the district. He wants to know what street led to another, what building passage led to another street or the main road. What street holds danger which area has human's civilization gotten to, because he discovered that this district of the city is a newly discovered one.

Emmy wants to know the ins and out, in any case something happened in the future and he needs to escape narrowly. After exploring some part of the district for many hours, he discovered that the district is not what he can explore in a matter of a day, but he learned a few things why walking around the street.

First is Alice's resident, he discovered that her street is just after his'. But her street is more advanced and well civilized than the one he resided in. It is one of the first few streets that were civilized after discovering the district some years ago.

He almost bumped into her as soon as he left his street, she was just coming back from school, so he stealthily followed her and learned of where she lives. He didn't get to see her house because she lives in an estate of some sort which some procedures needed to be taken on strangers in order to be permitted entrance, they needed a privilege to get permission into the estate.

Emmy left the vicinity after discovering that he won't be able to go further than that, only if he wants to explore the inner area of the street which he's not ready to do at that moment. He ventured into another street, then another, learning ins and out of each street and somehow looking for any place that can serve as a shelter in any case he needs one in the future.

After spending hours exploring three streets in the district, Emmy was tired and decided to rest, the night was already approaching. Using his face cap to cover his face well, he started walking towards one of the metallic street bench, that's when an interesting conversation find its way towards his ear.

"Yes, John called me and told me himself."

"Where's John now."

"He's on his way to Disco, Terry is with him and we might get there before them."

"Let's move fast, I can't wait to see John brother fight."

"Yes, I can't wait also."

"John brother will definitely beat him, he's one of the youngest Elite fighters one earth."

Turning around, he saw four boys walk past him hurriedly, and he knew the boys well, they are among John gang, especially the short boy at the front who was walking ahead of others.

'That bastard is Ben, where are they going to. John brother want to fight? Huh, Raze? Raze want to fight in this district? But why would there be a Disco around here in the first place and why would Raze want to fight in a local arena.'

'I should follow them and get to see him.'

Raze, a 24-year-old professional fighter who's at the Elite rank, one of the deadliest rank on earth a human can move up to. Raze is from the Foxhole family, the same family John is from. Raze's achievement of reaching the Elite rank at a young age spread his family's name and made their power grew more.

He chose martial arts as his profession, Raze is a renowned champion and many teenagers look up to him, including Emmy himself.

Although, he hasn't met him before, he has seen his poster more than once and also heard tales of him. He didn't know if the young fighter also behaves like John who bully others, but he still admires him.

"Ridiculous, right? Admiring a family member of someone who made your life hell in school. Well, it's not his fault, it's my fate and the society's."

He said as he started moving behind Ben and others silently, he thought the Disco is located at somewhere in this district, but to his surprise, it was located somewhere else, not even close to that district.

The Disco is many miles away from the local region Emmy have seen Ben and others. After walking for almost one hour, they got to the Disco which was said to be owned by John's father, Emmy follow them silently to the entrance of the Disco and that's when he ended up encountering John and Terry after he decided against entering the Disco to watch Raze's match. Rushing into the building, he realized how stupid he was.

"Damn, I'm a complete fool, I knew they're coming here and I still get the fuck in. damn it." After realizing that he must have advertised himself to them by running into the Disco, he quickly blend in with the crowd. His saving grace is that nor John or Terry has seen him yet.

Blending with the crowd, Emmy covered his face with his face cap and move to the middle of the building where he could see two men standing opposite each other at the front on a large arena.

'That's – that's really Raze, I can't believe I get to see him fight.'