Learning Martial Arts (3)

"It's time to learn martial arts."

Emmy said with a smile on his face. He had gathered a lot of knowledge in the martial arts training hall today and now it's time to go through all of them and practice with. To his surprise, the system recorded each of the training separately. The first one he wanted to train with was yesterday fight between Raze and Holly, but before that, he needed to do his daily quest first.

The daily quest took a lot out of him because of his injured fist, although, he didn't use his fist for the push up, he used palm instead but it still affected his fist and took more time than usual. The sit up wasn't as difficult as it had always been from the start.

And in less than fifteen minutes, he completed his daily quest.

"I guess this might be increased to fifty each at the end of this month, because it's getting too easy for me."

Today, he only did fifteen each instead of the require ten, and the fifteen he did was because of his injured fist, he had already planned to do twenty five each.

Opening the video of yesterday's match, he started watching it again while practicing Raze's move at the same time. This time, the display of the video was different from how it was displayed yesterday. This was displayed as if the video has turned to his vision and he's seeing with Raze's eyes, in other words, it feels as if he is Raze himself and he is on the arena fighting Holly. But the difference is the performance, he couldn't perform the way Raze had performed, his brain is not thinking fast and his body is slower, thus he was getting hit by Holly's strike. But it was just an illusion, none of the strike affected him, it's almost as if they were passing through his body.

"This looks like the VR game that those rich kid plays, but the difference is, I'm not been affected by anything here, I'm still in the room and my mind is here with me, not transported to the arena."

Although, he hadn't played any VR game himself, but he had read a lot about it and knew how it operates, also those bastard in his class always talk about it whenever they play.

Watching the video and performing the moves at the same time also felt like a virtual reality game, the difference in this is that he's not in the arena himself, he only borrowed the sight of the person's move he's performing, thus it felt like so. If it were Holly's moves he's performing, he would be using Holly's sight.

 "I swear; this is really a cheat."

The only problem is that his mind and body are still his', thus, he needs to practice hard and learn how to adjust it in order to perfect Raze's move. He knew this will likely take him half a year because of the experience he lacks, so instead of wasting his time on learning the Elite's moves, he decided to learn from the video he gathered today from the martial arts training hall. He started with the kids among them.

He wondered if he would have all this knowledge automatically if he had successfully cultivated with the technique book and learn everything there.

Starting with the kid's video, he began with those who were performing different moves on their own. The kid is around the age of 11, a young female with a doll like face and thick straight hair. Using the girl's sight, the system analyzes every moves performed for him, how it would be used, what and what needed to be done to achieve the move, names of each moves performed. Everything explained to him by the system,

He noticed that, the system didn't do the same when learning Raze's moves, but he already knew why. Raze is Elite rank fighter while the girl, although he didn't know her rank, but due to her age, he suspected that she'll be in her early Amateur and every other pupil in the training room are also of the same rank, some of them might be a rank higher, a Rookie.

Emmy didn't know this, it's just his guess, but he's very sure that none of the trainees is above the Rookie rank while the coach himself might be between the rank of a Semipro and a Pro. Or maybe he's on his breakthrough to Pro.

Focusing on the task at hand, he watches as the little girl produce her moves through her eyes and repeats after her. She's producing the basic moves of a battle style called Muay Baron, the system pinpointed this to Emmy.

After about twenty minutes, the girl changes her move and was now practicing a different move which was a little bit difficult for Emmy, and thus, he took a break and practice moves from a different kid.

By the time the darkness devoured the remnants of the crimson sun, creating a way for the arrival of the night sky, Emmy had already gone through all the videos of the kids in the training room. There are a total of 11 kids and he watched and practiced every single of the moves they produced in the training hall. Some of them, he was able to learn, understand and repeat without watching the video again, why some were a little hard for him.

All the kids practice basic moves of the same battle style with different skills, that's why some were harder. He hadn't had time to go through the adults and teenagers' video. But know he's currently practicing the moves he learned from each of the kids on his own.

Sweat was rolling down his face as he sat down gulping down a chilled water. He had been training for more than six hours now, but most of the hours were used taking break, his breaks were longer than he train. Watching the video and repeating the kids' move at the same time was a lot tiring than he thought.

"I think I should learn step by step, learning the adults' moves now will be too much for me and it might affect me. I should perfect the kids' move before moving to the adults."

His initial plan was to learn from the adults because he wanted to absorb martial art knowledge as quick as possible but he didn't know it would be this hard. He hadn't perfected the basic moves the kids practice.

After he noticed that he couldn't continue his training, he sprawled on the floor, summon his food and consumed half of it as usual while keeping the remaining half for tomorrow morning. Now, he only eats two times a day, but there's no room for complain.

The next morning, Emmy woke up later than usual, he didn't even move when the system alarm tried to wake him up. He's totally spent and he allowed his tired body to recover through his deep slumber. By the time he woke up, it's already past 9. Getting up, he couldn't go to the stream to take a bath because the day is as clear as ever and he prefer going at night or early morning when people won't see his face.

Bringing out two bottles of water from his food package, he used it to wash his body and mouth, then consumed his remaining food with Jone and find his way to school. 

He got to school as planned when the test is going on, he was happy with his new tactics of entering the class when test is going on and leave the class after submitting his test in less than ten minutes. But sadly, he won't be able to keep it for long because their test will end in two days and today he can't even go home straight after submitting his test. Today his Wednesday, which means he'll have to attend the football club for training.

When he submitted his test today, everybody saw him as he rises up and started leaving the class, John looked at him and smile, but Emmy paid them no attention. He got out of the class and went to the martial arts training hall to gather a new set of video before going to football training when it's time.

About forty minutes later, Emmy left where he was hiding in the training hall and moves to the school stadium. They have already started training when Emmy got there, but it hasn't been long. Their test ended thirty minutes ago, so he's sure that the training must have started about five minutes or so.

They are still doing warm up training, the coach hasn't arrived. Seeing his half healed fist, Karim gave him a healing pill so he could train well.

They do their race as usual, first without ability and the second with ability. Emmy did well in the first lap but didn't participate during the second lap because he collapsed, he was unable to move again after pushing himself above his limit in the first lap.

Emmy was really surprised to receive a quest from the system at the start of the first lap. The quest he received made him push himself above his limit which is the result of not being able to participate in the second lap.

[New Quest Received]

[Be among the top twenty]

[Reward: 5 Attribute points]

[Punishment: Reward for today's daily quest won't be awarded]

Emmy almost cursed loudly as he saw this, when he saw the reward, he was very happy but the punishment ruined his mood and thus he pushed himself to the extreme and did his best to take the twentieth position.

As the second lap ended, they entered the mode of ball work, Emmy has already recovered by that time, with the help of healing pill. So, he was able to join them in the ball work.

As Karim, Ross and other senior students were doing it for them, he made sure to capture it with his system and thus, he was able to repeat it with the help of the video while looking through Karim's eyes. But not perfectly though, still he got some attention from others including John. As it looks like Emmy has improved, to them.

Everybody keeps looking at him, especially John and his friends, when Emmy arrived earlier, John had been smiling at him, a creepy smile that made Emmy shiver. Whenever their gaze met, John will give him the strange smile. But now the smile has faded away, without looking at his face, Emmy could feel that something is boiling inside of John and he knew why.

Emmy had done two impressive things today, first was him running like a mad person and taking the twentieth position miraculously. John himself hasn't left the position he took the last time. The second is the ball work. Although, he didn't do it perfectly as others have done it, but it was still impressive, regarding him as the well-known dumpling, it should be impossible for him to do it like that.

'Am I standing out too much, I think I should reduce my performance. But damn it, I haven't done anything impressive here.'

'I think I'll need to buy a personal ball for myself, if I want to be training with the system.'

After fifteen minutes of ball work, the coach arrived.