Working With The System (1)

The Coach gave the first and second year students a simple but arduous training, they were asked to dribble through a set cone round the whole field. After that, they played a five-aside match. Match between defenders and strikers. Emmy didn't participate, but he isn't the only one, many of them were asked to sit and watch while the Coach organized the five-aside match.

Instead of sitting and watch, Emmy used the time to practice the Tiger Strike and Shadow Move with the video. Others were focused on the match, so they didn't notice Emmy as he practiced outside the field closed to the cover.

Performing the move through different eyes, Emmy was able to do it diligently. First he performed it using Ross' eyes, then Karim and the Coach, after countless performance, he was able to do the two moves perfectly and he received a message from the system.

[New Skill have been generated]

[Tiger Strike]

[New Skill have been generated]

[Shadow Move]

"Wow, is that how easy it is?"

He already knew what these skills do, so he didn't waste time reading the description, instead, he decided to learn the combined skill. Emmy thought it would've been easy as the basics and he would be able to do it in a matter of minutes with the help of the video. But his logic was wrong.

He didn't even manage to perform the first part and after countless trials, he realized that his head ached.

'It's not my mate, I guess.'

Lying woozily on the green surface of the field, he caught the glimpse of the Coach far away on the field looking at him curiously. He flinched and quickly got up, running towards him.

'F*ck, I forgot that we are still training.'

He noticed that others have already gathered around the Coach while some were still on the field jogging towards him. It looks like the training had ended, because the Third year students have also stop their training, they were all sitting on the field some distance away from the Coach.

'Did I spend too much time there.'

Getting closer to them, the Coach look away from him and addressed everyone to come closer, Emmy noticed the curious look on the Coach face when he arrived there.

The training ended with the Coach giving a short closing announcement and everybody departs.

Emmy narrowly avoided John who were already waiting for him outside the school, he knew this would happen, so he avoided them by passing through the school empty tunnel that led outside the street.

Getting home, he did his daily quest as usual and continue his training with the kids battle style in the video.

After his heinous training, he went to the forest, washed his body with the rushing cold water of the stream and move back to sleep peacefully, but before sleeping, he checked his system to take a look at the attributes.

{User Attribute}

[Strength: 0]

[Stamina: 5]

[Agility: 0]

[Speed: 10]

[Perception: 0]

[Attributes points: 5]

He didn't think much before adding his 5 attributes points to strength balancing it with the stamina.

Waking up in the morning, he did his usual task, going to his usual bathing place, eat his food with Jone and watched videos before going to school.

Getting to school today, things didn't go well for him, he met John and his friends waiting for him outside the school gate. There's nowhere for him to run and he was beaten black and blue, he was beaten to the point of death and was left outside the gate alone and helpless. He almost died, but before leaving the football club yesterday, Karim had given him a pack of healing pills and that's what saved him today and brought him back from death.

His uniform was battered and bloodied, his hair is rough painted in the shade of red. But his body is fine with no bruise. Instead of going back home, Emmy entered the class and did his test within ten minutes, submit and left the class not long after he entered.

John and his friends were surprised to see him completely fine, but they didn't say anything and the whole class looked him disgustingly due to how he appeared in the class.

He left the class immediately he submitted his test and find his way home.

The first thing he did was washed the blood off his hair and uniform, then performed his daily quest and trained aggressively.

He did the same thing for the next few days, going to school and got beaten by John and his friends, come back home, complete his daily quest and trained like a mad person.

He did the same thing for a week, going to school just to receive a few beaten here and there, then come back home, wash his body, do his daily quest and train.

During this bruise days, Emmy had learned a few things and had achieved a lot, during his training in the football club and through practice, he later discovered a way to achieve the combined skill of Tiger Strike and Shadow Move. But due to his secretive acting, he didn't want to do it on the field when everyone was around and thus, he needed a personal football to train on his own. He also achieved a breakthrough in his martial art lesson, he had learned and perfected every single moves performed by the kids in their training, he had learned the basics of a battle style called Muay Baron, the move the kids practice and thus, he could perform it with different skills.

Emmy was determined, he was determined to get stronger so he could protect himself, so he ignored the pain he received in school and focused on investing in himself.

He endured the pain for so long and now his pauback is coming closer, he just needs a little more time, those bastard will pay. Hopefully, he would survive.

'Who said I wouldn't.'

He had been training since when he woke up, today is Saturday and the first thing he did was his daily quest and his training began after that. He's currently practicing some of the moves that were performed by the adults. Thinking of what he had planned to do today after his training, a dark smile appeared on his face.

Today, there are two things he needed to do and one will lead to another. First, Emmy had been finding a way to gain attributes point, gain Exp to level up, but he hadn't found any since he got the system. The one time he received an attribute points was when he was given a quest to be among the top twenty during their race in the football club.

Completing the quest had rewarded a total of five attribute points, and when he added it to his strength, he felt a little change happened to his body. So, Emmy came to a conclusion that training hard is not the only way to get stronger, he also needs to work with the system. But he knew working with the system won't be any easy, the system will give him unachievable quest, so Emmy had been training hard to make those coming unachievable quest achievable.

During these days, Emmy had been going around and observing this street and every other street around to learn of how they operates. Not just to learn about the region but to also learn of Enemies that resides in this region.

But sadly, there aren't many of those people leaving in this district, only seven that he know, four from John's group which Ben is among them, Ben lives at the very egde of the district close to the main road. The other three are just some random students who always bully him in school.

He had been playing an ambush on each one of them and today, he's going for the weakest among them who lives a few miles away from his street. Emmy planned to ambush him, beat him to the brink of death and get money from him to get a personal ball for himself.

Hopefully, it will all go well.