New Skill

"I think you've narrowly escaped death today."

Emmy said after he received a message from his system, without looking at it, he knew his quest has been completed.

Although, he wasn't planning to kill the boy before, not that he would want to, but he wanted to make him suffer till the system announce the completion of his quest. But it was announced sooner than later.

Leaving the boy there alone and helpless, Emmy navigated his way home. It was already late at night, so he went over his reward.

Starting with what he had gained from the boy himself before checking what the system has in store for him.

Bringing out the content of each of the storage devices, Emmy smiled as he opened the first device that was full of Chint, the second was a gear storage device while the third is full of consuming stuffs.

Approximately, there are about six hundred and seventy (670) Chint in the device which was expected from a rich kid. Ordinary folk can't have that amount of money in their possession and Emmy knew that the boy has more than that in his bank account.

Thinking of what he would do with the money and thinking of the job he would've done to get that amount of money, a crook smile appeared on his face, 670 Chint isn't easy to be accumulated, although he had something that worth 5000 Chint in his possession, but he couldn't count that as real. He would need to work hard for countless month to get that amount of money.

"Hmm, wouldn't it be good if I get a part time job. But nobody will employ me. I'll need to think about it later."

Opening the second device, the one that was full of snacks and different food, Emmy droll. With this plenty food and snack, Emmy can decide not to perform his daily quest for a week, or two weeks even. The food and snacks can serve him for two weeks which means Emmy didn't need the reward of completing his daily quest for two weeks, and thus he can decide not to do it at all.

But Emmy won't do that, before he was doing the daily quest because of the food it gives as a reward. Emmy thoughts as long as he keeps completing his daily quest, he won't have problem with food. So, he only reason for doing the daily quest is for the food.

But Emmy has erased that thought from his mind during these last few days, he had come to realized that the daily quest has more benefits than the reward it gives him. Without looking at the mirror or with nobody telling, Emmy knew for himself that his body is changing. It's just a subtle change though, so it won't be noticed by others, but it hasn't even been a month since he started the daily quest and he could already feel the changes in his body.

That's why Emmy convinced himself that he isn't doing it for the food the system rewarded him, instead, he is doing it for himself. Even without the reward, Emmy had decided to continue doing his daily quest.

'Skipping my daily quest for two weeks because of the snacks and food will only means stacking up my punishment.'

The third device contained different weapons and armor with many other equipment that a students had no use for. Emmy planned to sell them all with the three storage devices. He already had a storage space that gives the same advantage as each one of them, even better than them, so he had no use for them and thus he would sell the three devices with some equipment he had no use for.

He extracted each of the content of each storage device, keeping them all in his system storage space. They were all stored in different areas, the gears were kept in the same space the wooden javelin he created were kept, the snacks and food were kept in the space where his food is normally kept while the Chints were kept in a different space entirely.

'Now, it's time to go through what the system has in store for me and check the damn skill it promised.'

Dismissing everything in front of him, Emmy focused on the system window and watch/read/look carefully.

[Quest Completed]

[Defeat your opponent: Completed]

[Reward: Random Skill]

[Reward has been granted]

[10Exp received]

[1 Attribute point received]

10Exp and 1 Attribute points, Emmy has suspected that he could gain Exp and attribute point from completing random quest and this prove his suspicious valid.

Out of 100Exp, Emmy just gained 10, he still has a long way to go to level up. 1 attribute point could be added to one of his attributes that were still at zero.

After checking the messages and making sure that he has no unread message again, Emmy move unto the skill he was rewarded.

[Eagle sight>>Lv1]

Even without reading the description Emmy could already guess what the skill do because of the name and the system has also revealed some things about the skills at when he was reading the description of the Data Storage Space.

What the skill does is to grants him the ability to see through the invincible, it's purpose is versatile but the system didn't say much about it. He decided to use the skill on the sword he collected from the boy.

As soon as the skill was activated, his view changed entirely, everything in the room changed. The room itself – if before, it was a rectangular space with its wall made of grounded iron and filled with different abandoned equipment with Jone and Emmy himself in the room. But now, the view has changed, instead it was relayed with colors, different colors and outline representing each matter in the room.

The rectangular space of the room itself is still there, but the wall was represented by a green glimmering wireframe and each abandoned equipment in the room also show the same color with different shapes and different quality of the glimmers they produce. He can swear that he could see through the wall with the skill but the view is blurred.

Emmy himself is represented by a vague figure with dim red glow coming off his body. As he breath, different red lines were moves through the vague figure he was represented with. Jone who was sleeping was represented with the same figure but with different shape.

Looking at the sword, it also has the same green glow as other equipment in the room and a window screen popped up as soon as he looked at the sword.

[Buily Steel Long Sword]


[Damage per hit: 3.0]

[Speed per second: 0.02]

[Attack: 7]

[Durability: 5]

[Lethality: 2.0]

[Critical damage: 00.01]





"Wow, that look so cool, so I can see the stat of weapons and people's attribute. Interesting, but what's with that question mark?"

With nothing else to check on the system, Emmy dismissed the window screen, eats and sleep.

Today has been a long good day for him, long good day indeed.

Tomorrow will be different.