Heart Of WaterStill Estate

The car move gently on the glassy surface of the estate floor giving Emmy a better view of the estate. He look around in awe as the car move gently.

Miss Sofia had purposely make them visit the agent with car instead of the mechanical teleporter, she wanted Emmy to explore the estate, know his way around it and see the unimaginable view of the estate.

It took them half an hour to get to their destination at the very heart of the estate where all necessary information concerning the estate and its resident are kept.

Getting to the heart of the estate, Emmy was surprise for what he could see in front of him, what look like a gigantic ship stood tall and firm in front of him, the ship tower above every buildings in its vicinity. It's completely made of pure firm glass and capture the reflection of other buildings around it giving it a sense of awe.

Miss Sofia dismissed the Lambo Benz and they started walking towards the ship.

Two large obsidian door each as tall as 50 storey building stood at the front of the ship, a few feet's away from the floor. And stretching downward from the two doors was a large staircase made of onyx marble.

Emmy's heart raced as he stepped onto the onyx marble staircase, its cool surface sending a shiver up his spine, he felt as though countless eyes were piercing his very soul. The obsidian doors loomed above him, their imposing height accentuated by the reflection of nearby buildings captured in the glassy surface of the ship. Miss Sofia's calm demeanor contrasted sharply with Emmy's unease.


His boss calmly walk on the surface of the staircase. Two tall men came out of the door and bow their heads a little for Miss Sofia.

"Miss Sofia, it's a great honor for visiting us today."

She nodded and walk through the door into the gargantuan ship with Emmy slightly behind her while the two men closed the door and stood behind it.

Going through the door, Emmy got into the ship and look around in awe enthrall with the beautiful view of its interior.

The ship's interior was unlike anything Emmy had ever seen. The walls were transparent, revealing a breathtaking panorama of the estate. Verdant gardens, sparkling still lakes, and elegant structures stretched out before him, bathed in the soft glow of sunlight. It was as if he stood suspended in midair, surrounded by nature's grandeur.

As Emmy walk further with Miss Sofia, he noticed intricate patterns etched into the glass walls—symbols and glyphs that seemed to pulse with energy. The air hummed with an otherworldly resonance, and Emmy wondered if the ship itself was alive, its very essence intertwined with the estate.

Miss Sofia led him through spacious corridors adorned with delicate crystal chandeliers. Each room held wonders: libraries filled with ancient tomes, laboratories where alchemical experiments unfolded, and chambers where holographic displays projected the estate's history. Emmy's mind swirled with questions—Who built this ship? How did it defy gravity?

The ship itself was like another city entirely with each room serving the purpose of different street, Unfathomable mechanism were being operated here and there.

They reached a vast chamber at the ship's core—a circular space with a domed ceiling almost piercing the sky. In its center stood a building smaller than every other building Emmy had seen in the estate, its surface is made of a radiating soft azure light. Miss Sofia approached it reverently.

"Here we are," she said, her voice hushed. "The heart of WaterStill Estate, alias Heart City. This place is a lesser replica of Nexus City in the United States."

Emmy's bewilderment grew. "Nexus City is also made of a ship? But what I read was that Nexus City is built within a gargantuan skull that shelters countless millions of people."

Miss Sofia chuckled. "Don't get me wrong, boy. When I say 'lesser version,' I don't mean they're the same. Apart from the ship and the skull, almost everything you'll see here exists in Nexus City. They share the same design and layout, but Nexus City is on a whole different scale."

"Don't worry, you'll confirm it yourself whenever you have the opportunity to visit Nexus city."

They entered the small building that was beautify by neon lights, several large shelves rose at the very end of the building and arranged in an orderly manner were countless book and documents.

A man emerged from behind one of the shelves as he noticed them entered.

"Oh Miss Sofia, welcome. To what reason do I owe your visit."

The man said with a bright smile on his face.

"Agent Russ, it's nothing much, I just brought-"

She was cut short of words.

"Oh, is this the brother of yours you're talking about?"

The man asked and Miss Sofia nodded.

"I've prepared everything you asked me to prepare, every necessary documents have been signed all we need now is his face recognition and finger print. In short, the apartment is ready, we are only waiting for you to bring him."

The man said excitedly and left Emmy in bewilderment.

"Okay, that's good. Now he's here you can take his finger print and face recognition, then take us to the apartment."

Miss Sofia replied.

The man brought out a small device, took Emmy's face and his finger print then led them to the mentioned apartment.

'I didn't even know she has been doing all this on my behalf.'

Emmy thought.