Tournament Begins

A young boy could be seen sitting on a plush chair in a round corridor of a large tall glassy building, the boy sat at the very peak of the building, a white dog sat besides him while he gently rub the dog's head with his hand, the soft white fur of the dog brushing against his legs. The rhythmic motion of his hand on the dog's head was soothing, a comforting connection between them.

A cup of tea stood in front of him, its warmth seeping into his fingers as he cradled it. From the vantage point of the tall glass building, he surveyed the city below—the bustling streets, the distant still river, and the patchwork of rooftops of smaller buildings stretching to the horizon.

A bright smile appear on his face.

Of course, this is Emmy, he had finally gotten his apartment. After his meeting with the agent and Miss Sofia which was almost a week now. He was granted the access to the apartment the same day he visited the agent with Miss Sofia.

The apartment was located in a more bustling street in the estate, unlike every other places he had seen in the estate. But the buildings were no different.

He was very surprised, Miss Sofia had prepared everything behind his back, she only needs his approval for the apartment to become his'.

Funnily enough, he didn't pay a dime for the apartment, his salary and the Chints with him were only spent on the arrangement of the house and the stuffs he bought, but sadly, the money wasn't even enough. With all his salary, the Chints he gained from the system and the remaining Chints he got from the boy wasn't enough to fill the house and beautify it to his taste.

He didn't know how to appreciate Miss Sofia nor does he know what to say to her after he was granted the access to the apartment, their conversation was awkward but after a few days, it went back to normal.

It took him a whole five days to get the stuffs he wants into the apartment, his house was located at the peak of the tall building which was 150 floor. He went to the uncompleted building where he lives before and took Jone. He hadn't completely abandoned the uncompleted building, he still needs to know the people who visits every nights and why.

"When I'm strong enough, I'll go back there."

Today is his second day in his new home and today is Saturday when the local tournament will begin, Emmy has prepared himself enough, he hadn't had enough time to grind for AP for the past few days but he trains with the little time he had.

His house was divided into different layers, there's a small room that was designed like a stadium where he practice his football skills, a dojo for his martial arts skills, a library and so on.

A small device vibrated besides him and as he glanced at it, he saw Coach Mura written on the device.

"I guess it's time we move."

Sipping the last content of his tea, Emmy stood and wondered about the adventures that awaited him in this new chapter of his life.


Emmy left his house with the mechanical teleporter that was planted in his house and after getting out of the estate, he boarded a public bus and headed straight to the location where he would be meeting with his teammates and coach, he isn't scared of taking a public bus anymore.

The bus move swiftly and got to his destination in a matter of minutes, standing besides a tall golden pole was Coach Mura while about ten young teenagers sat behind him on the street bench, a large blue bus with football and stadium designed on it stood at their front.

Emmy descended from the public bus and approach them reverently.

'Huh not everyone is aroubd.'

All his teammates haven't arrived yet.

"Good morning Coach, good morning everyone."

Emmy bowed as he greeted everyone.

"Yo Emmy."

"Good morning."

"Morning bro."

They all gave him a positive respond. The Coach smile and gestured for him to join others.

They waited for about half an hour before everyone gathered completely, the Coach reminded them what he had been telling them for almost every training and then they move, heading straight to the field where the tournament will take place.


Countless thousands of heads could be seen gathered in the large hall of a great building where different football highlights match were displayed all around the hall. The crowd were sitting in a row with about ten meters space between each row, there are about 20 rows of people gathered in the hall, the first 16 rows consists of a dozen and half young teenagers each with about two to three adults among them, these are the 16 participating teams with their coach and assistance. The last four rows were a mixture of both adults and teenagers, male and female, they are the spectators and officials.

This is the great hall of one of the local stadiums and this very stadium is close to the boarder of the city and the local tournament will be taking place here.

All the participating teams have gathered in the hall and the opening ceremony is currently taking place, this tournament take place every three year and the 16 teams with the most potential and records are the one participating in the tournament. The teams who came out as first, second and third would be promoted to the local league while others would wait for another three years.

So, this simply means out of 16 teams, only 3 would be promoted to the local league, others would go back and prepare for the next tourney which would be in the next three years.

In this tournament, players can be scouted and signed into the pro league or signed into one of the top teams in the local league, it depends on the skill and potential of the player, and most especially the player's luck and the scout who came.

Although, there are different smaller tournaments organized among the local teams which players got scouted, but this very tournament is the hope of many players.

The opening ceremony continues, recognition of the organizers and officials of the tournament was the first agenda followed by a few history of the tournament, the rules and regulations then the recognition of the participating teams and the fixtures.

The recognition of teams was done by the MC calling the name of each team while they would stand up for the crowd to recognize them.

The recognition of teams was as follows, Future Star United, Young Starlet, 36 Lion, Starlight Legion, Dominion FC, Lux FC, Stark FC, United Squad, Golden Griffin, Azure Waves, Wild Tigers, Roland FC, Law Enforcer, Holy City, Maltese United, Super Bien.

After all the teams were recognized, the Coach were given a chance to give a few testimony and their impression towards the tournament, then the fixtures take place.

The 16 teams was divided into 4 groups with 4 teams in each group, the qualified teams in each group would play the quarter final.

There are two different stadiums in the arena and matches would be taking place simultaneously in each stadium. Each team would have the chance to play in both stadiums.

The teams are shared into group as follows;

Group A Group B

Maltese United Wild Tigers

Dominion FC Golden Griffin

Future Star United Holy City

Roland FC Young Starlet

Group C Group D

Azure Waves Lux City

United Squad Super Bien

36 Lion Law Enforcer

Stark FC Starlight Legion

Two teams are needed in each group for the quarter final, each team would play their first match today and the next match would be held on Wednesday.