Emmy's Tactics

They continue to watch the video as the coach pinpoint each blunder they have committed during the match, after the video ended, he brought out a small white rectangular wood which turn bigger as soon as he brought it out, then a red writing tool appeared in his hand.

Clearing his throat, he glanced at them and said.

"I'll have to admit it, the fault partially came from me."

'Wow, he realized and also admit it.'

Emmy thought as the coach continue.

"I have used the wrong formation against the wrong opponent, if I have had the time to study them or watch one of their plays, I would've known the method to use for them. But now that we've seen their plays and their players abilities, although not all but that should be enough info to prepare for the future in an case we face them again.

Their three strikers have similar ability, their main striker who play as 9 has a superspeed ability which is the same as Barry's ability but he seems to be on a higher level. The left winger have an invisibility ability while the right winger has a teleportation ability. These three abilities work well together with a great team work. We have two people with two among those three abilities in our mixed."

The coach continue after pointing at Emmy and Barry, Barry did not play today though.

"Now let's talk about their midfielders, the attacking midfielder has the most dangerous ability with great skills, ability of fire, he was the one who created a fiery lion with the ball. The other two have telekinesis and wind ability respectively while we know nothing about the four defenders and the keeper. So, let's see how we can deal with them."

Among themselves in their team they don't really have players with unique ability but still, with a great mind, they can create a solid formation with the players they have.

Using the small writing tool, the coach represent each of 36 Lions players with an illustration which then came to life like a virtual reality.

"This is the formation they used against us, the first six people at the front we know what their ability is, but the last five remain unknown, so let's work with the little knowledge we have."

"First, we need three or more people who can counter their three strikers' ability....."

He continues his talk.

The best abilities to stop the three strikers are teleportation, super speed that surpass that of their opponent and lastly power dampened ability. But they only have Emmy and Barry with speed and teleporting ability but far lower than that of their opponent, the coach needs to make a tough decision for proper formation.

They also have the midfielders to deal with and the defender including keeper.

"....but we don't have such people in our team, so if we encounter them by any chance in the future, Emmy and Barry will play at the midfield with Joe so they could support the defenders in stopping the three strikers and support our strikers at the front."

Joe is the third boy who attacked Emmy with the two other boys on his first day in the team. Joe has the ability to have total control over football, once a ball stays his leg, he can do anything he wants with it without losing the ball, but he hasn't master the ability yet and still at the low level.

He's the main striker of their team.

The two tall wingers have the same ability, their ability allow them to make any part of their body as long as possible, and there's Kai - the captain, his ability allows him to strengthen himself and his teammates and enhance other's ability.

The four defenders have the least useful ability, one of them have the ability to create matter from nothing, another one can shoot laser from his eyes while the other two have the ability of earth. The keeper himself have the ability to read people's mind.

A very useful ability for a keeper.

There are also people on the substitution list.

One has a telepathy ability, another possess a telekinesis ability, although he is a keeper but not so good to be used in this tournament, another defender has the ability of super strength, there's also one with super sight and so on.

They're all good players but their ability aren't very useful so the coach put them in substitution and only use them when needs be.

After thinking for a while, the coach sighed dejectedly and said.

"I guess I'll need to think for some times before I can come up with a better formation against them, I just hope we don't meet them any time soon."

He had realized that all they needed against 36 Lions is better ability user, their players are a very talented players and with their ability, they're invincible.

"Before we go to the next analysis, Emmy come show us the formation you came up it."

Standing up with confidence, Emmy walk forward, the coach handed him the writing tool and went to sit.

"Well, I don't really know if this might work but I want to say that it's not these people's abilities that made them strong, they're all talented players, their ability only made them invincible, so we might gain nothing if we focus on looking for the best ability against them.

I think the only thing we needed is continuous training, if we train very hard we might have a chance against them, combine with our ability, we might even defeat them."

"In any case we meet them in the future, Coach, I think this formation I'm about to give will give us the upper hand."

Facing the white virtual board, Emmy started drawing figures as the coach did it earlier.

The first thing he did was a field with two goalpost facing each other, then he started drawing different figures on the field.

The field was divided into two, there are 11 figures on the upper part and the same on the lower part. The upper was arranged in a 4-3-3 formation while the lower part was arranged in a 4-4-2 formation. Four defenders, four mid fielders and two strikers.

They all stare at him waiting for explanation.

"We've been using the 4-3-3 formation in the past but I think this would be the best formation against them. We only need two strikers and four defenders for them, with the help of four midfielders victory will be ours if the right players are used."

Emmy said confidently, the coach and his teammates knew there's meaning behind his words.

"The right players?" The coach asked.

"Yes, in a match against 36 Lions in the future, our keeper will play a very important role in our victory, the captain is no exceptional including Joe and Barry, and this guy with a telepathy ability."

He said, pointing to a very short black boy who tried his best to hide himself inside his jersey as Emmy pointed at him.

"Huh Waris? You mean Waris will also play an important role in our victory?"

The captain asked, surprised.

"Yes, his skills and resilient will be very useful to us."

Emmy replied.

"But he has injury and more importantly, he's shy, his confident will fade away once we get to the field where countless eyes are watching."

"I'm sure with good care, he will recover from his injury before Wednesday....."

The Coach watch silently as Emmy pointed out the people that would help in the match and how his teammates argue and others.

"Okay Emmy, can you provide the tactics for us, we don't have much time left and we still have to analyze Azure Waves match."

The coach complain.

"4-4-2, the two strikers will be Joe and Barry, Joe is already our main strike and having Barry support him with his speed will be a great boom, Kai, Waris, him and myself will be at the midfield, our defenders will stay the same and the same goes for keeper, substitution can then be made later on."

Confused, the coach asked with a hint of anger in his voice.

"Emmy, will you explain how this tactics of yours will help, don't waste our time please."

Still with confidence, Emmy continued.

"Let's start from the keeper, he has the ability to read people's mind making him aware of the opponent's thought, we also have Waris with the telepathy ability, so I want you all to imagine the combination of this two ability."

Emmy explained with a large grin on his face.

"Okay I get it now, so what if you know the opponent's next move but you can't counter it."

The coach questioned him.

"That's why our defenders will stay the same, Kai, Joe and Barry are also present and others in substitution and we don't need to counter their moves, we only need to put pressure on them so they would lose their composure."

"We'll have a discussion on it on Wednesday, let's move to the analysis."