The Boy Of My Dream?

There were no discussion on it again, the coach ended the matter there, after all they're not sure if they'll even be paired 36 Lions again but still, the coach ponder his thought on the tactics Emmy had given, he'll need to take a better look at it later, maybe it can even help them in the upcoming matches.

They didn't waste much time in analyzing their next opponent previous match, after coming up with the best tactics to obliterate them, a few training was done before every body left for their respective home.

Emmy sat on the street bench waiting for bus with a clear exhaustion written on his face, he's dead tired and it was already night, so he just wanted to go home, eat a good food and sleep. There are plenty food in his store now, he hasn't been slacking off in his daily quest, his daily has increased after the end of last month and thus, his reward also increases.

His daily quest now required him to do 30 Press Up and Push Up and travel 5km, walk or run.

The food in his system storage screen is enough to feed a nuclear family for a year, there are also others that he hadn't claimed yet and some that he kept in his food reserve at home.

Thinking of the best way to improve himself for the upcoming match, Emmy saw a shadow standing in front of him staring at him blankly. The shadow stared for a couple seconds and then wave at him.

Emmy almost fell from where he's sitting as the shadow wave at him.

'What the hell?'

Emmy quickly got up.

"What's this? Who are you?" Emmy asked calmly but a little confused with a little hint of fear glistening in his heart.

Of course, the shadow didn't say anything and just stare at him blankly.

Getting no answer from the shadow that seems to be happy to be around him, Emmy felt embarrassed as he look around a few times making sure no one is around.

"I guess I'm just hallucinating."

He though the shadow is just some illusion produced from his imagination, turning around to leave the vicinity, he felt something very cool gently placed on his neck and he immediately know what it was.

'A sword? Damn, what's going on.'

"Do not turn, drop whatever you have with you and run."

A cold voice said from behind him.

'A robber, fuck, that shadow was an ability.'

Emmy tried his best to calm himself, the voice sounds like that of a kid but it somehow felt chilling. He is confident in his ability to escape someone around his age but not an adult, although the voice sounds like that of a kid but it chills give him the creep.

"Who are you?"

Emmy asked after a few seconds of silence.

"You want to know who I am huh? Okay I am the little poor kid who wander around the street trying his beat to survive the next day. So, will you do what I asked you."

The voice replied nonchalantly.

"So this is what you do to survive, attacking people at night taking their belongings?"

Emmy asked gaining his confidence back, he somehow felt sorry for the poor boy.

"Ouch, don't waste my precious time with stupid question, this place is expose and I wouldn't like to attack you, I know you're one of those rich kids so just drop your luxuries and leave with no problem."

The poor boy said.

"What if I don't want to drop them, what would happen?"

"Ah you forgot my sword is still on your neck huh? I can kill you at any-"

Before the poor boy could finish his talk Emmy had disappear away from him.

"Shit, invisibility? Teleportation? Fuck, I thought i'll have somethin to feed on tonight but the kid escape, shit."

The poor boy complained with tremble voice, he's already tired, he had been wandering the street looking for an easy target to rob but now his prey escaped.

"Huh, I will never run for a piece of crap like you, I'll teach you a lesson not to rob people again like someone taught me in the past."

Emmy said, appearing behind the poor boy making him flinch.

"Weird, just drop what you have, let's not fight."

The boy replied after gaining his composure back.

Emmy didn't say anything for a couple minutes as he took his time to digest the appearance of the boy, clothed in rag, dirty blond skin with rough black hair, the boy is the same height as Emmy but he looks like a rag clothe.

Funnily enough, Emmy had seen this boy before, it was the boy Emmy had seen in his dream countless time, the beggar who kept on appearing in his dream.

'The boy of my dream? What's going on, am I dreaming again. What does that dream even portray.'

He never tried to convey the meaning of the dream because it made no sense to him, a boy clothed in rag begging on the street and whenever the boy looks at Emmy, he would wake up from his sleep.

'What does that mean?'

He didn't know.

[New Enemy have been detected]

[New Quest Received]

[Defeat your enemy]

[Reward: AP X20]

The system brought him back to his senses, the boy was already coming at him with his sword pointed at him.


Emmy wasted no time summoning his sword and charge forward.

'Whoever you might be I'll teach you a lesson and hopefully, I can find out why I keep dreaming of you.'

As they were about to clash, Emmy didn't see the boy again, he only saw a shadow standing in front of him and then, he felt the flat surface of a sword hit him fiercely at the back.

"F*ck." He turn around and saw nothing but another flat surface of the sword hit him again.

"Just drop you stuff and leave, I hate doing this."

He heard the voice of the boy come a few meters away from him.

'Shadow, he has the ability of shadow and thus, he can move stealthy in the dark unseen.'

He quickly found out the boy's tactics.

'No wonder I didn't notice him from the start, well I just have the best skill that can help in this type of situation.'

[Eagle Sight]

Activating the Eagle Sight skill, Emmy could see a figure slowly coming at him, the figure was portrayed in a tiny yellow wireframe.

'Got you.'

The Eagle Sight Skill allow him to read and perceive living and non living thing's energy.

"I should drop my stuff without putting up a fight? Hell, that wouldn't be nice."

Emmy shouted, running towards him. It seems the boy was shocked wondering how Emmy had known his whereabout and Emmy could swear that he felt the hint of horror in the boy's energy.

It seems Emmy had counter his greatest weapon.

Getting closer to him, the boy simply move away from him, moving behind Emmy, he raised his sword again, ready to hit him with the flat surface of his sword but Emmy quickly turned around, block it with his sword and send him away with a kick in the stomach.

Moving forward to attack him again, Emmy realized something.

He realized that the boy is not a great martial artist, his skills are poor, he only relies on his stealth skill to obliterate his opponents.

'But why is he attacking me with the flat surface of his sword.'

The boy was able to get two hits on him but he only used the flat surface of his sword, Emmy would not be in the same condition if the boy hit him directly.

'Well, it doesn't matter, he still needs to learn his lesson and I need to get my reward.'

As the boy was struggling to stand up, Emmy appeared behind him, gave him another kick and another and another until he received a message from his system.

[Quest Completed]

[20 AP received]

Satisfied, Emmy lower himself head to head with the boy who was still lying on the floor, he isn't badly beaten, just a few bruises on his body.

Moving the boy's sword away from him, Emmy summoned a healing pills bottle and place two in his mouth and said in a teasing tone.

"So now what? Will you tell me who you are and what you want?"

The boy took the healing pills, throw a fearful glance at him and replied.

"I already told you, I'm a poor boy who wander the street everyday trying to survive the next day."

"Interesting, so what you do for survival is taking other people's belongings. Well, I've also been in the same situation before but lack the ability and skills to protect myself or hurt other people.

So I want to ask, you have the ability to hurt me and take my storage device and run but you didn't, why?"

Emmy asked, not knowing what has gotten into him, he felt some kind of emotion, maybe it's because he was once in that position, he didn't know.

"Do you think I'm happy doing this everyday, huh? I don't have a choice that's why I'm doing this but hurting people, I'll only do that if I have no choice. But you, I'll say you were lucky, Although, you seems powerful yourself but if I had known that you can counter my greatest weapon, you'll be in this position and not me."

Emmy smiled, 'What an interesting boy.'

It seems the hint of dread in the boy's voice had disappear, he sounds a bit confidence again.

"So now that you've taught me a lesson and have me under your cuff, what will you do? You even gave me a healing pills, are you going to keep beating and healing me until I pass out?"

Hearing those words, Emmy stood up, dismissed his sword and summoned five sleek box out.

"I would never do that, I'll only give you a word of advice and a few things, although, I don't know what led you into this situation but I'll like to tell you that it can still be fixed, you can help yourself and get out of this situation. I'm only telling you this because I've been there before, although different circumstances but the little advice someone gave me helped. So it's not too late, take this and help yourself."

Emmy moved the five box towards the boy and started walking off but the boy held his leg not letting go.

"Huh what? Want another beating?"

"Please, help me, I don't need these food, I'll make use of the advice you gave me but please help me, don't leave me here please."

The boy held him tightly as he begged, crying like an infant.

"Please help me, don't leave me here, you're the only person I've met who acted this way to me."

Emmy was completely stunned, he wasn't expecting that type of reaction, he was expecting something like...

"You bastard, why made me go through that when you know you'll give me food." Or something like, "giving me food after beating? What a nice boy."

The boy reaction was completely out of the box.

"So what do you want now?"

Emmy asked.

The boy clean his face and kneel down.

"Please help me, let me follow you don't leave me here, let me be serving you. Help me please."

The boy pleaded.