Humans' Limits 0072- Flesh's trade

"Bienvenue à notre salon de détente, Madame, Monsieur. Lequel de nos services puis-je vous réserver? Spa? Massage? Coiffure? Pourquoi pas une manucure ou des soins par nos pédicures?"

["Welcome to our relaxation salon, madam, sir. Which one of our services may I book for you? Spa? Massage? Hairdo? Why not some manicure or some care by our chiropodists?]

The interior was high-class, with the noise kept low despite the half a dozen customers inside and the staff.

The latter was taking care of the beautification needs of the former that had obvious signs of wealthy or upper class lifestyle, with some, or most, once done, instead of leaving the place, going further inside through a door behind a curtain hiding a short corridor.