Humans' Limits 0192- Massacre

The dreadful situation around Christina at that time felt akin to the death knell resounding, with the grim reaper about to claim the two lives held in her body at any moment.

Under the suppression of the enemy that managed to arrive close, the guards around her dwindled in number, and startled by a body with its head exploded falling beside her, she stepped back, and at that moment, she felt something around her shoulder.

The sensation was fuzzy, as if hidden beneath layers of gauze, and only when she looked at the place it was coming from did it hit her. The pain, the panic, the dizziness, the numbness… She felt all of that at once, along with many more sensations, and losing track of reality, when she finally looked up, she saw herself surrounded by people she had never seen, their clothes different from the one of her guards.

"Is she the target?"

Another voice replied to the question full of dissatisfaction: