Humans’ Limits 0246- Kill him

The rest of the Level 4s on the humans' side arrived in the arena-like space circumvented by the rest.

Whether the first to arrive or the last, they all took a moment to process the mangled state of the apparently dead Garsan in the crater some distance away.

The American commander gulped while his expression turned stern as his gaze longer on the burly New City leader.

They were all at the fourth level, the Life and Death Stage. Even if Mountain was at the peak of said level, the ones he just clashed with couldn't have been weaker. How could the difference be so crushing?

It was not only the American's commander whose gaze lingered on the man before focusing on the enemy. Today, they reacquainted themselves with what an evolver could do as they were about to engage in a life and death slugfest.

They faced the now stern looking Garsan powerhouses as excitement started coursing through the veins of some, along with fear.