Humans' Limits 0288- Opportunity

Maybe the value of a concept was not clear.

In the perspective of the dark universe, a backward place was worse than a small country suppressed and kept from advancing by greater powers for their own profits. A backward place was one that had not even seen the world, the true world, like a part of the world still in the stone age, while another was in the information age. And finding a concept user in such a backward place was like finding a stone age aboriginal with a mind developed enough to have no trouble migrating to the other side. Because with a developed brain and mind, a shift in perspective was just that, and not something that would kill and destroy him. And the worst was that he would even be a genius on the other side, only needing some nourishment to stand at the top and join the slugfest of the best.

And now they were finding not one, but two such geniuses in such a backward place. What kind of sorcery was that?