The attack

*POV* Cassy Iris Aleera

We stared down over the wall, standing on my tippy toes as I stood between Mink and Maricela. I was silent as we watched the men inside the area fight, fire flew in all directions. "Get him, Clay! Go low!!" Maricela screamed, beside me cheering them on.

It had been 4 days since Clay had almost 'blown up' as Mink put it. Now they were fighting again though this time Clay wasn't yelling like he had last time. Mink smirked.

"You should go fight him, Maricela." She suggested with a laugh. Maricela sighed. "You know I am no match for Clay." She slumped in defeat.

"No, not Clay. Kanyon.." Maricela didn't reply as she focused on the fight below. Kanyon was a lanky boy with hair the color of beach sand. It was a washed-out blonde. He was an earth mage and a good one too, from what I could see.

Kanyon and Clay seemed close. I watch the fight a little longer before the boys stop and Mink lowers us to the ground just in time as the wall crumbles to the ground too then molding with it as if the area hadn't even been there in the first place.

They walked over to us. "Hey, Mari wanna go for a walk?" Kanyonasked her as they approached. She blushed.

"Sorry Kanyon, Mink was about to help me— with something." She grabbed Mink's arm and dragged her away, Mink smiled with a shrug.

I stared after them wondering if I was supposed to help with 'the something' too.

"Hey, cutie!" Kanyon smiled, turning his attention to me. I wasn't too sure what to do with being called cutie. That was the first time I had ever been called that.

I move my hand to signal the sign my mother had taught me to signal I cannot speak. I imitated the words flowing out of my mouth then shook my head. They both looked confused for a second, before Kanyon nodded.

"I see you mean you can't speak?" I nodded, fiddling with a finger. "Aw, that must be tough." I was about to nod but Clay spoke. "Oh that makes sense." He looked sheepish, running ruff hands through his dark chocolate brown hair.

"You are the water mage? Yes?" I shook my head. And they both adopted a very confused expression. "Are you not from the village the others were from.?"

I nodded. 'Yes.' Clay sighed in confusion. "Are your parents water elementals?" I nodded again. "But you can't use water magic?" Kanyon questioned. I nodded sadly.

"Hmm, well that helps with that problem. Now he can't get a water mage, at least from here." Kanyon said, turning to Clay. Clay nodded. "I can't believe I am saying this but I kinda was looking forward to a water mage being in camp." Clay chuckled.

Kanyon smiled. "Well now that we know you can't speak. I will make sure to keep an eye on you to make sure no one bully's you. Sounds good?" Kanyon said, coming over to drape an arm over my shoulders.

I nodded about to accept his offer. "Nope ain't happening Kanyon, she's mine." Mink called striding up to us. He frowned. "But Minky.." She pushed in between us.

"Go try your fancy words on someone else." She growled, then smiled down at me. "Let's go bathe." She threw a look over her shoulder as she steered me away. I didn't catch the look on the boy's faces, but I smiled as we walked away.

When we made it to the small lake the water was steaming in the cool even air. Mink guided me over to a tall woman, the one who had entered the tent the day I shared a tent with Mink.

She was dressed in a light tunic and breeches the same color and design as the ones I wear. Her long hair was down and fell around her showers.

"Hey Destiny, are we ready?" Mink asked her. She smiled. "Yup it should be about the right temperature now." Mink nodded and moved over to the edge of the water and started to move the air with the other air mages.

I briefly looked down as a bar of soap was placed in my hand. "I can't wait to be clean!" Maricela grinned giddily in expectation.

Maricela tossed her bar into the air before caughting it, then turned to me. "This is awesome isn't it! Bet you haven't seen this done before." She said as we turned to watch as mink made a shimmering screen in the air that floated right above the water's surface.

There was a hall that started in front of Mink and stretched out.

Maricela grabbed my arm and walked me to the edge of the water. We followed others as we walked into water that got deeper and deeper. When we got as deep as my waist then she stopped.

"In here!" She smiled pointing to a box made of unclear air which I could not see through. I nodded a little surprised by the interesting way that Mink and the others made the boxes so we all could have privacy.

Once I was completely inside then a fourth wall like curtain was made behind me, I turned around a couple turns in the comfortable water that seemed to relax every muscle.

I looked up when some clothes floated about my head on a small shelf. It was hard to make out but there was also a place to stand once I was done. Another small shelf that had a towel hanging on the air wall, I started to undress.

It took about 20 minutes to clean, and wash my hair. When I was done I moved onto the platform to dress. When I was working my tunic on my damp body, that's when I noticed the white mark that seemed to shimmer.

It was a tiger as far as I could make out as I tried to look at my own back. I spun around a couple times like a dog chasing its tail. I sighed.

"Is that Monique?" I wondered in surprise, remembering the white tiger. "Yes, I am here." A small tiny and timid voice was heard in my head.

Chatter and laughter could be heard all around me. As I stood there wondering what to do after I was dressed. "If you think my mark is to b-?" The small voice question.

"No, it's amazing, I just can't see it all that well." I replied in my mind to reassure her. All of a sudden the air underneath me broke and I fell into the water as my feet hit the bottom, my ankle twisted and I went under. I heard screaming as my ears filled with water.

I wanted to scream in surprise too, but I forced my mouth shut as I broke out of the water. I shook my head, I was soaked once again. I started to move toward the shore but I stopped.

When my eyes focused on the soldiers in Hilldren uniforms on the shore line. Some of the women that had been on the grass beside the lake had swords and magic at their throats.

I realized I needed to get out of the water, because it was dangerous to stay there. But I wasn't about to walk out where they stood either. I looked around me and realized with dismay that we were surrounded.

The others that were in the water with me were moving to get wet clothes on their bodies under the protection of the water.

I tried to look for Mink, among the ones on land. I saw her on her knees with a fire mage in her face, I watched in dismay as I saw the silver cuffs being clamped on her. Maricela was beside her, but she was face down in the dirt.

"Oh no…" Monique cried in my head. "There has to be something we can do?'' I thought as other girls were either being pulled out of the water or trying to rush the soldiers.

I tried to sink lower and move farther from shore, my previous thought of leaving the water was out the window.

When I felt movement in the water behind me by my head I turned around quickly, Seal moved over to me and licked my face once, a tear fell down my cheek as I moved to take a hold of her.

But my fingers went right through her as she began to glow a soft blue, illuminating her small form. "What's happening to her?" I questioned silently.

"Oh wow..?" Monique seemed to be just as surprised as I was. But her next word surprised me even more. "Your power is strong, you even gave her a form."

But I had no time to question what she meant, because Seal seemed to dissolve around me as her body disappeared into the water.

Then the blue glow gathered itself on to my skin under my tunic taking its place on my chest. I just sat there stunned when I heard shouting.

I turned quickly around to see a lot of men and boys swarm out of the trees over taking the soldiers. I started swimming back towards the shore, and every stroke seemed effortless as I moved at a frighteningly fast speed towards the fight on the grassy bank.

I walked out of the water with my arms open wide, the soldier I had rushed at stared in shock and stared behind me. "You are doing it!" Monique cheered from within me.

I sent streams of water at them, then engulfed them. Before sending them flying through the air with one flick of my wrist.

I felt powerful and in raged as I rushed towards Mink and Maricela, tossing men and women alike aside like toys. I skidded to my knees beside Mink, placing my hand on her arm.

"Are you Okay!?" She stared at me. Then I noticed the cuffs. I had forgotten they were on her

"I am fine, get these blasted things off!" She moved her wrists up. I obliged with a quick move of a finger.

"I did not know you could talk to people with your mind." She laughed.

Before she reached over to help a struggling Maricela, whose face was back with rage and dirt. "I Don't-" My thoughts were cut off by Monique. "I relayed your concerns to her." She told me, her voice was stronger.