The attack part 2

*POV* Clay Sparks

When Mink drug Cassy away, Kanyon turned to me with a grin. "I don't know if you have noticed, but she's cute."

"He was an idiot.!" I thought, as I thumped him on the back of the head then turned to walk away. "Ouch! Dude you didn't have to hit me." He glowered, but fell in step with me rubbing the sore spot, as we headed towards the mess tent to eat. "You fancy her?" I almost flinched at his words.

I balled my hands into fists. "No, I don't fancy her." I snapped, he smirked. "Oh buddy you have it bad." He said, like I had a disease. We entered the cramped tent.

That had been the only tent set up for the night, to make it easier for those who cooked. Delicious smells filled the air along with the smell of sweat, we grabbed the plates that were handed to us before we went to sit on the edge of camp.

"As I was saying, you have to tell her you like her. I will h—"

"No you won't, this can't turn out like Lady Grace." I glared at him. "I am not taking relationship advice from you ever again." I stopped eating to turn towards him.

"Never again. So don't even talk to her." I glared at him.

He laughed. "Oh come on, Lady Grace really did like you. It wasn't my fault you botched your chance with her." I sighed.

"Love was one of the messiest things in the whole world." I groaned inwardly.

"Oh don't get down. Like I said, I will help you." He smiled teasingly, I stood.

"Don't even think about it." I left with him as he fell over the log we had been sitting on, laughing.

I stormed over to return the plate before I decided to go find a quiet spot to think. Or maybe to sleep. "Uh Clay.?" I turned as Sander ran up to me.

"The scouts haven't returned, and I am getting worried." I was surprised because the scouts were the best of the best. But worry gripped me because we were so close to the great river, if we did not get across then the soldiers could flank us and pin us there.

I hadn't thought about this before now, I threw the thought of love out the window and fully turned to face Sander. "Did you send others out to check on them?" I asked, he nodded.

"Just thought you should be aware of the situation because Destiny is busy at the-" The chorus of echoed screams from the lake sent us both running. As others grabbed their weapons, we all dashed in the direction of the nosies.

"I hope we don't just interrupt one of the girl's pranks." I thought as we ran. When the fire ball flew up into the air and exploded, it told me what I had feared. The girls were under attack.

We broke out of the trees and rushed the closest soldiers. I threw a couple fire balls but they were deflected by air magic as I ran for Destiny.

Destiny was on her knees with her hands on her head, her teeth gritted, she flashed a look of pure hatred at the man who held her down, crushing her with the air around her.

I rushed for her but was stopped when I hit the plank of air that was thrown my way.

I scrambled to my feet and went after the mage once again. It took some struggle before I hit a strike that sent him skidding backwards. I yelled as I ducked, the mage moved the air to shape arrows throwing them at me.

Water rushed from the lake to block the attack. "What!?" I thought, taking a quick step back.

"Clay, don't worry!" Mari came running up beside me, I spun to see Mink and Cassy with everyone else coming to help. I stared at the wall of water in front of me as Mink and Cassy ran up beside me.

"When I drop it, rush him." A voice advised in my head, and I froze. I wanted to turn and look around but I held my head straight.

Mari touched my arm briefly before moving back, something crashed into the wall of water once, twice. "Now!" Whispered the voice in my head.

The water fell and we ran forward, I almost thought we would run through water that would slow us. But now the ground had become dry, we surged forward.

I told action and started firing freely into the group of soldiers that had come to join the other. Destiny was in a bubble of sorts staring at me with surprise.

It didn't take long before we had the soldiers running or captured. And I knelt to take the cuffs off Destiny. "You alright?" The clatter and yelling seemed to stop and soon was replaced with whispering behind me.

"Yeah I am fine." Destiny huffed, standing. She addressed everyone. "Okay everyone, half of you clear this up, the rest of you back to camp! We are going right after this is done." I was surprised that she wanted to leave so quickly but at the same time,

they knew where we are now; they could have a whole army here in a matter of hours. I sighed. Sander and a small group began to clean up as Destiny walked over to Cassy and slang an arm around her shoulders as she began to lead everyone else back to camp. I walked right behind them with Mari and Mink on either side of me.

"Cassy! good job back there, can we talk?" She asked, Cassy nodded. They seemed to converse but only Destiny spoke.

When we entered camp everyone was waiting for instructions. And Destiny soon left Cassy to tell the others what to do.

I stopped beside her as Destiny felt. "Are you feeling alright?" I asked her, as she stood on the edge of camp away from the hustle and bustle.

She nodded, giving me a quick glance. I wondered if she just wanted to be left alone when the voice in my head spoke.

"I didn't not know that I could control water until today." There was a pause. "It feels so different." She shifted beside me, I moved to catch her eye. As I began to wonder why she spoke through my mind, right after telling us she could not speak.

I smiled to reassure her. "Being an elemental is a gift and how you use it is how you use it." I wasn't sure if my words would help, but I wasn't usually the one trying to comfort others. An awkward silence fell, I had to fill it.

"Could you show me how you use it?" I asked, focusing solely on her. She smiled, and shifted to crouch down. I followed as she gathered the moisture into her palm.

She smiled up at me, before pouring the water back into the ground. She moved to get back up, and I stood too. I caught Doc coming our way just as Cassy seemed to stiffen.

He stocked up to us, with a scoul a mile long. "Clay, what are you doing we could use your help, same with you." He barked at us. I wasn't sure why he was being bossy.

But he was right they probably could use our help. Cassy stayed still beside me, and Doc grumbled as he turned on his heel and marched away.

Then the funniest thing I had ever heard about Doc entered my head as Cassy shot back an unspoken insult. I couldn't help but laugh, and Cassy's face turned color with a beautiful blush.

Doc spun on his heel, and for a second I thought he had heard it too. But he grumbled something and turned back again. Cassy sighed. "You don't have to worry about Doc, he is nice when he wants to be, it's just his noble blood showing through."

Cassy stopped to look at me. "He is noble?" The soft voice asked. "Yeah, he comes from a prestigious background, with lots of old farts in it." She grinned.

I could tell by her eyes that she was laughing. "He can't help his upbringing or heritage." She smiled and nodded. "What happened to him?" The voice asked.

The voice was interesting; it didn't seem to be Cassy's voice or at least what I imagined it to be like.

I sighed. "He never tells people about it. And sorry to say it's not my story to tell." She nodded and touched my arm. "You're a great person Clay." She smiled, before she ran to grab the hand Mink offered her.

I hadn't seen Mink approach, and with a heavy sigh I turned away. Mink just seemed set on making it difficult to ever get Cassy 'alone'. I scoffed and walked to see where I could help, it would figure itself out sooner or later.

She seemed like a sweet girl, and I couldn't wait to get to know her better.