He is going where?

*POV* Coral Sparks

I sat in the garden thinking about the week that had followed that dreadful day. I fiddled with the white bandage that cuffed around my wrists, and watched the lady's playing in the grass around me with my eyes not really watching.

I was waiting impatiently for the moment I could sneak down to the dungeons and talk to Jane. I was sure My twins would reach Clay in good time, but I was unsure of how I was going to be able to leave.

Jane has been trying so hard to get me to just run and not look back. But I can't leave her.

Lady Grace came up breathlessly holding her skirts up to her knees, and plopped down beside me in the grass. "Coral, you should come play with us! It's so much fun."

I smiled politely but did not budge. Grace was a sweet girl but I had no intention of playing around the grass with the ladies.

"I am not feeling well, so I think I will stay here." A servant moved to offer a cool drink to us but I waved it away. Grace sighed. "My apologies." Then she moved to stand up again before running off to play with her friends.

I wondered if I was just dwelling on my misery too much. But I couldn't shake the feeling that I had to leave soon, or I would never escape him.

A couple hours later after a dinner I had hardly touched, I left for my rooms. But instead of going to my room I make my way to the dungeons.

The dungeons were separated into three major sections of prisoners section 1 was for elemental users. Section 2 was for those without elemental power and section 3 was for those the king had on death row.

I moved slowly and cautiously behind the young guard as we moved farther into the dark passage.

I tucked my dress farther under the deep blue cloak and continued walking. I glanced briefly at the cells with tired and unkept faces that looked with hatred.

One man stood with both hands on the bars and shouted insults my way as I passed. I knew for a fact that he was a fire mage, the fire mage that my husband had picked for his experiment with the forbidden arts.

I grew more and more uncomfortable, and had a bad feeling that practically crawled over me like the feeling of bugs in one's clothes. When we finally got to Jane's cell I was ready to be out of the dungeons. But the 1 person that I could trust completely was down here huddled in a thin blanket.

"Jane.." I breathed, as I was let into the cell.

She jumped to hug me with tears in her eyes.

"Coral! Why haven't you left?" I pulled her back to look at her dirty face. "I already said, I wouldn't leave you." Her eyes fell.

I pulled her over to sit on the rickety bed, and took her hands. "I am going to find a way to get us both out of here. Please trust me."

She laughed softly. "You know I trust you completely. I am just not ready to see you broken by him."

I knew she was right. I hung my head. "I just don't know, I will figure something out." I said, she shifted beside me.

"One day we will both be living in the country in a little house and our children will grow up together." I choked on my tears as my throat began to close.

She hugged me in my slumped position. A hushed whisper from the guard that was standing guard by the cell made us both stand. Jane quickly gave me one more hug, as her husband motioned for me to leave.

We quickly left, and got out without any trouble, Finley left me at my door and I slipped in quickly.

Sighing softly as I leaned up against the door. My sitting room was lit with a couple candles. A sound coming from my bathing room made my heart jump, and a clattering sound followed by a curse told me he was in my room.

He came out of the bathroom and stopped in surprise, his eyes landing on my cloak. My heart sank. He straightened and walked towards me.

"I thought you were sleeping." He said softly as he continued to advance. I stammered unsure of what to say. "I- I wa- I." He came to take my hand and rub his thumb on it, which made shivers run up my spine.

"I am not mad, I was just coming to leave you a note. But since you are up we can just talk."

"I was out for a walk." I blurted, making sure there was an excuse.

He led me over to the coach and sat. He smiled. "I don't wish us to part on a bad note." Leave!? He was leaving? Or was I? "You're leaving?" I questioned. He squeezed my hand he still held. "Yes, I will be leaving for the white city tonight."

"Oh…" I didn't know what to think. "Don't worry I should be back within the week." I rejoiced inside.

And squeezed his hand back. "Well you have a nice trip." He smiled. "I intend to." He moved to leave. "Good night my dear." He kissed my hand before leaving.

I stood stunned as he left, and as soon as the door closed. I jumped up and down. But clovered my mouth to conceal my laughter. I had to take this chance. I had too.