The cliff’s of souls

*POV* Clay Sparks

The cliff's of souls were dark and shrouded in shadows with a thick fog that came up to my waist when we arrived. We immediately got to setting up camp against the cliff's, Kanyon and some of the others helped move the rock to form lips of rock to cover some to most of the tents that were set up to help when it rained.

I stumbled up a couple rock-like steps and entered Destiny's tent. She had called for me.

"What's up sis?" I asked, as I plopped myself down on one of the fancy pillows that she had brought from home.

She sighed across from me, as she looked for something in the pile of papers. "Dixie sent me a note, I want you to read." I nodded, surprised. She then handed me the paper.

The note was not written in invisible ink so I quickly read it.

"Hey, sis.

I am a little worried after you sent your last note and I am wondering if it would be safer to send a small party to meet up with us? Your choice. But we are carrying a little something that we could use a little help to bring back..


I wondered what she was talking about as I looked up to meet Destiny's tired eyes. "What is she talking about?" I asked. Destiny sighed. "I am not sure, but I was thinking maybe you and Maricela should go meet them."

"Oh?.. but isn't Kristine with them?" Kristine was Mink's baby sister. I was sure that they had gone with them, but hadn't those that took the twins and their brother back, met up with them too. Destiny sighed, scratching her head.

"Yes, Kristine is with them, but well Marie and her group were supposed to meet up with them, but Dixie got a message from Coral about the same time you did, and because Dixie was closer she went to mee-…" I stopped her.

"She has Coral's baby?" I questioned in surprise. Destiny nodded. I frowned. If Coral had sent her child away I could only imagine what he was doing to her.

Destiny sighed. "So are you going to meet her or not?" I nodded quickly, of course I was going to meet up with them.

"Of course, we will leave right now." Destiny smiled. "Maybe wait till morning." I agree with a small nod. We talked a while longer as Destiny reassured me that it would all be all right.

I walked away from her tent feeling mixed feelings, not sure I wanted to meet Coral's child without her. I went over to where mine and Kanyon's tents were placed and with a groan I sat myself down on the dirty rock ground.

I mulled over my thoughts for a bit before I saw Cassy approaching with a bucket in her arms as she held it steady so the water would not dump out. I jumped to my feet and walked over to help her. "Do you need any help?" she smiled up at me as I offered to take the bucket.

We walked over to where she shared a tent with Mari and I set the bucket down. "What is this for?" I asked, she grinned as she rummaged in a bag for something. "It's for Maricela's foot."

"Oh what's wrong with her foot?" Cassy sighed, as she dumped a healthy amount of pink liquid from a small bottle. "She fell when we went to explore some of the cliffs, it twisted her foot badly. We think it might be broken."

I could almost imagine how that must have felt. And sighed, if Mari wasn't going to be able to walk, who would I take with me?

Cassy disappeared into the tent for a minute before coming back out holding or maybe it was more of dragging Mari out as she clung to Cassy.

They were about the same size so it was hard for Cassy to pull her weight.

I jumped forward to help when Mari cried out in pain as her foot hit the ground a little too hard. "Dang it Clay! why did you wait till I almost fell on my face before helping me!" I smiled down at her flushed face, before lifting her into my arm, and laughed as she squeaked.

Cassy moved the bucket so Mari could put her swollen foot into it. She sighed in relief as the liquid got to work. I smiled and decided to tell her I would be leaving and to keep out the details that she was supposed to come with me.

"So Destiny is having me go back to meet with Dixie and Pip, I will be leaving in the morning." I watched her face in the small light from the torch that was beside their tent. "What!" Mari Powted.

"Really, I want to go." Then she seemed to remember she was immobilized and her face fell.

"Yeah I know.. I guess maybe Kanyon will have to go with me." Mari groaned. "Why does this have to happen to me?"

Cassy smiled at me from her seat beside Mari, "why can't she come with me.?" I thought.

But I knew she couldn't. I wondered if she was in more danger now that she was here with us.

Mari sighed again and I snapped my eyes away from Cassy violet ones. "You can go next time, plus if I took you, your brother would want to come." Mari's face lightened and she laughed.

"Leon is way too overprotective, by now he should realize that you would never hurt me."

I don't think it was me he was worried about.

Cassy's misty voice came into my mind. "Maybe I could go? I would love to be able to go back home." I looked at her and she blushed.

"Oh.." was all I could say as I realized she wanted to leave. Mari watched us curiously.

"But if not. I guess I could find another way." The voice said. I gritted my teeth. I did not want her to leave. "I am sure we can figure it out." I said as I stood to leave. Her eyes followed me as I walked away.