
*POV* Coral Sparks

I left the king's rooms and walked across the hall, once in my rooms I was greeted with a bath that had been prepared. I thanked the maids telling them they could leave me for the night.

It was late. I hoped that the serving boy had been able to get my message to Finley but by the way the king had watched me all evening I hadn't had much time to plan a trip down to the dungeons.

I quickly bathed and dressed warmly, I tied my wet hair up before I left my room. I turned to the corner and was happy to see Finley waiting, he bowed. "Evening my queen." I smiled. "Are we all set?" He nodded.

We entered the dungeons through the back like usual, and hurried for Jane's cell. But as we passed the 4th cell down the roll of elemental cells I saw the pretty girl that had arrived that morning sitting with her head turned towards me and her eyes staring straight into my soul.

My steps faltered as I remembered the migraine that had come on suddenly after she had passed me. With a gulp I broke out eye contact and quickened my feet to stay up with Finley.

We made it to Jane and I hugged her in greeting.

"I heard there was a new element brought in today." Jane hugged me close. "Yes." She shivered. "Coral I love you so much, and I appreciated that you wouldn't leave me here. But I am asking you… no begging you to go! Get away from him."

She took a breath and lowered her voice. "Please don't let him hurt you even more."

I wanted to say that he wouldn't but my mind turned to unpleasant memories and I flinched as Jane took my hand. "Please Coral, you have to go."

I knew she was right. But I didn't know anymore. I did not know what to do, and I was sure if I left it would mean my life and if Clay ever showed his face here again. it would be his life too.

"Jane I can't." She pulled me closer. "It's alright." Sobs bubbled from me and I sunk into her embrace.

Finley gave us 15 minutes before reminding me that I should probably be going, with tears still staining my cheeks I left Jane with a rushed goodbye.

On our way back through the dungeons my eyes sought out the girl from before. She watched me closely as I passed, and to my surprise she gave a small smile.

I was unable to sleep that night even though I was exhausted, I stared at the ceiling of my canopy bed until my maids came to wake me.

"Get me something strong." I told the maid and she hurried away while I dressed.

I ate silently until my ladies came to collect me for our game of ball on the lawn. Although I never played, I had some joy in watching the others kick the brown ball around the big lawn.

A while passed and I got bored of watching and I was a little sleepy, I went to my room stumbling with tiredness and sprawled over my bed ripped the crown off my head and promptly fell asleep.

My mind filled with dreams of the day my twins were born and the look on his face as he looked them over, he almost looked disappointed. His face bore into my retina's then SLAP.

I felt the sensation of being carried and I felt a little nauseous as my morning sickness returned, but I knew I wasn't pregnant right!? My mind muddled as I slipped into the pain and the fluttering of my heart.

My dream turned sweet as I remembered the sounds of their first cry's and the feel of them in my arms, but then they were being wrenched away.

I knew they were safe, I knew it. But deep down I feared for them. Fear gripped me and I jerked awake, I could feel the sweat as it clung to my skin but I was cold so cold. To my horror I was laying on something hard. How did I get here?

I tried to sit up and I was jerked down. "My hands! I can't move them." I thought as panic set in. I couldn't see as the room I lay in was completely dark.

I squeezed my eyes shut hoping it was a surreal dream, when I didn't wake up I pinched my leg as hard as I could manage until I hissed in pain.

"This was real?" I was in the middle of thinking, a door opened and I was blinded by light as two figures made their way into the room.

I heard his voice before he even reached the table. "Don't worry my dear." He chuckled. "It will all be over soon." Horror filled me at his words and my heart clenched before it started beating faster.

He touched my cheek and while doing so turned to his companion. "Bring them in." He instructed.

His touch was so chilly, like the wind after a snow storm.

He bent down as the door shut behind his companion and whispered as his lips sat on my forehead. "Don't worry dear, we will get a second chance at our dream."

I whimpered as his words as sobs clogged my throat. "Why..?" I questioned. "Because, I finally have what I want." He whispered before placing a kiss to my temple as the door opened, and loud yells filled the room.

I caught a glimpse of the raven haired girl through my teary eyes as torch light filled the room. "Let's begin." My husband announced as the others were shuffled into positions around my table.

I couldn't see much as they were placed two on each side of me and a pregnant woman was placed on a chair at my feet.

I looked up once again and met my husband's eyes as he drew a long dagger from his belt.

"You don't have to do this!" I cried. He smiled. "Again…" I thought. I closed my eyes tight and bit the inside of my cheek as my sobbing continued.