The spell

*POV* Cassy Iris Aleera

We were dragged into a room with not much furniture. In the middle of the room stood a stone table and atop it was the queen. I had to check twice.

I was pushed to stand at the side of the table as a soldier stood beside me holding a knife to my throat. Fear settled in my stomach as I watched the king whisper to his lady.

Tears fell down her face and she held her eyes closed tight. "Why was the queen tied?" Questions ran through my head and the blade at my throat was pressed harder. "Let's begin."

The queen screamed out. "You don't have to do this!" She started to struggle as the king brought out a dagger, and flames engulfed his hand and the knife.

He started chanting spells that I don't not understand. "Click." The guard that stood behind me unlocked my cuffs and sliced a line in my hand and pushed me to my knees all in the same breath.

I hissed in pain, but then I couldn't move as the fire engulfed the room. Heat pressed me down. "Well it seems we have ourselves in a sticky situation." Monique's sound voice came calmly into my mind.

"We won't survive if you don't listen to me." I clutched my knees trying to breathe as screaming filled the air. "Okay! What do we do!?" She seemed to paste a line in my head.

"You will need to use my power and Seal's power. Both at once. And repeat after me."

"Okay!" She grinned a catty grin. "Okay, repeat after me."

There was a pause then she started repeating a phrase. I pulled my chapped lips apart. "Sel em cretom, sel em cretom." I pulled as much water out of all the cracks of the walls as I could and pulled at Monique.

I screamed in pain as the heat got stronger. I pulled on everything I got and shut my eyes tight as sweat dripped off me. I could feel the power that surrounded me. "Good. Keep it up until he is done."

A minute passed. Two. Three. A loud scream broke my conversation and the flames broke. Air rushed into my lungs and I became dizzy. "You did great." I heard Monique say as my vision blurred and I slumped to the stone floor.

Colors filled my eyes, I floated in nothingness, my body felt weak, almost nonexistent. I felt like a ghost of myself. "We did it." I opened my eyes in the inky blackness, Monique floated beside me.

She grinned all her teeth showing. "You unlocked the great's power. And the power all try to covet." I stared at her. "What power?" I questioned and my lips moved to form the words.

She ran around for a second experience showing. "You unlocked all the powers of the elementals. Water, earth, air, and fire." I stared at her in surprise. "How?"

She laughed. "The blockhead's spell went awry." I knew she had to have something to do with it. 'Well, we did.' She laughed, a light and airy sound.

Before she disappeared and I was being shoved into darkness again. I awoke slightly as I hit something hard, before all went silent.

Then I was feeling the sensation of being moved.

I tried to force myself to wake the rest of the way up but I couldn't, and I slipped farther away.

A memory of my best friend and I sitting on a rock back to back, as I tried to control the water in front of me and she drew in her book, came floating into my mind.

I wondered if I would ever see her again. If I would ever be the same again. 'Why me,' I thought.

Aria had always been there for me, and I had always been a couple steps behind her as she moved about the village. I had never really been bullied but she had made sure on one ever gave me a wrong look.

A dream took over my mind and I slipped into dreamland, but my dreams were far from kittens and rainbows. Screams and blood was all I could see.

My dream spun and faded, leaving me without anything clear in my mind. Time seemed to pass slowly and my body became hot.

My head spun and my body thrashed. But then everything went black and I lost all sense of thought.