A freak birthing

*POV* Clay Sparks

We reached the capital city late the next evening, Mink slumped to the ground in the dark alleyway we stopped to rest in. Sweat clung to her forehead and her eyes shut, I slumped beside her and gave her a minute to rest.

Even though I wished to rush into the castle, fire blazing, I couldn't go alone.

We waited for about 15 minutes for the guide to meet up with us. We had met up with Andrew in the white city on our way back, and he had assured us that there would be a guide willing to help us enter the castle.

We were on the Main Street that led right into the castle courtyard. When the guide walked into the alleyway I arose to meet her with a quick hand shake.

She was tall and probably in her mid 30s, she was slim and she wore all black with twin daggers strapped to her waist. She nodded.

"I can get ya in. But you will have to be wearing these." She threw a fabric bag at my feet. After a quick search and a quick glance at Mink I reached an eyebrow. "You want us to dress as servants." She smiled. "Yes, it's the fastest way."

I wanted to groan, but the situation at hand made me swallow my pride and pulled the clothes out of the bag. I shook Mink, she awoke groggy and we dressed quickly.

"Not bad." The guide smirked at us. "You guys look good." Mink sighed. "Can we get this over with?." She then handed us each a basket of fruits. "Let's go, by the way you can call me. Arrow."

We headed for the gates and after a small chat with one of the guards on watch, we entered the busy courtyard. Memories of my childhood living at the castle filled my mind. Both sad and enjoyable.

I quickly shoved them aside and followed Arrow through a back entrance. We walked into the kitchens and with a glance from the cook, Arrow announced that the fruit had arrived. The cook nodded.

We left the kitchen and soon were well on our way to the dungeons. We walked around a corner which was right before the back door to the dungeons. We ran right into a guard.

"Hey what are you doing-?" Arrow reached for her dagger. "Cool it Finley, I need to get these guys into the dungeons." He stared at Mink and I for a second before he grabbed Arrow's elbow and pulled her aside.

I could still hear what he was saying as he whispered. "Arrow, I am glad you are here, they took her down 3 hours ago. I am afraid she isn't okay."

Arrow stiffed and so did I. Arrow was a part of the queen's protection program. This couldn't be good. She patted his arm. "Stay here." She ordered before she turned to us. "Ready?" Mink blinked sleepy and I nodded.

"Good, this isn't going to be fun." She led the way into the dim staircase, 3 minutes of stairs had us in the dungeons. We followed Arrow as she searched the cells for Cassy. I had given her a description earlier.

I looked for her also, but we came up short. "Where is she?" I asked, Arrow sighed. "Looks like your girl isn't here." She looked around. "We have to leave."

She started walking, but I grabbed her arm. "No we can't. I have to find her." Arrow narrowed her eyes. "Sure, keep looking then, but I have to go check on the Queen." She pulled away and started jogging off.

I exchanged a glance with Mink before we both started running after her, Mink stumbled over a bucket of questionable contents. The noise alerted the guards that proceeded to give chase.

We ran until we entered a section of the dungeons I had never been in before. We entered the door and Arrow turned to bolt it behind Mink.

My breath came fast as screaming filled the hallway, my thoughts turned to Coral as fear filled my chest. Arrow led the way down the small hall, knocking out all the guards on the way down.

We entered the dimly lit room. I stared in horror at Coral who lay on a stone table stomach bulged. I rushed forward. Her face was screwed up as tears fell.

I grabbed her hand as I looked around, Arrow and Mink stood dumb founded in the doorway and the only other person that was in the room was the king.

He was slumped to the ground. Arrow and I spotted that at the same time and she ran to check him while I bent down to speak as calmly as I could to my hurting sister.

"Okay. Coral, I take deep breaths." Her eyes snapped open and widened as they focused on my face. "Clay!?" She wailed out as she grabbed for me.

"Yes. It's me."

She bit back a cry, and her hands moved over my face as if to memorize it. Stopped and she grabbed onto my shoulder with a death grip. "Help me, it hurts." Arrow was beside me in a second.

And she looked her over. "We can't move her so go get a guard to fetch water." I wondered if a guard really would obey me. "Go!" Mink's white face turned ashen as Coral let out a blood curdling scream.

I rushed from the room. And down the hall and reached the door just as the guards burst through it. And the screams filled their ears also.

"Move!" I yelled. The guards faltered.

"The queen is giving birth. I said "moved." I growled out. They stopped. "MOVE!" I yelled as fire filled my hands. They stepped back. And I grabbed a man by the collar. "You guys, go get me some water."

Their eyes widened before they turned and ran. Coral's screams reverberated through the dungeons. I realized that the hall was sound proof. With a shake of my head I turned back towards the room.

Cassy forgotten.