First ball game

*POV* Clay Sparks

We traveled through 2 more small towns before we reached the largest city in that area, Salton, the city of Magic.

It was called that because of the beautiful gardens of flowers and rare things that sit around the great mage academy, and the city that borders it kept itself in a great condition.

Great schools were an Elesor thing, they loved their learning. The great white building of the academy grew larger as we approached.

"I am guessing you have never been here?" Mink chuckled, I closed my mouth and continued staring. Mountains stood surrounding the city blocking the winds that blew and made the place more peaceful.

It took us 10 minutes to walk to the first inn we could see. 'The canteen? That is less creative than the burning coal.' I thought.

We entered the crowded entrance hall, the racket was a change from the peacefulness of the outdoors. I stuck to Mink as she weaved her way to the front desk.

The room erupted with clapping and laughter, I turned my attention to the room as Mink got the old man's attention.

The room was large with two staircases heading to the second floor, against the wall between the steps was a long platform two steps higher than the rest of the room.

I heard Mink yelling to the man behind me as I watched the three girls that danced with fire on the stage. They twisted and twirled as flames danced just shy of burning them.

Mink turned around and jingled a set of keys inches from my face. "Got us the last room!" She shouted beside my ear. I continued to watch the flames until the dances stopped and a small whoosh sent the room dim, as the fire went out.

"They are pretty. Yeah?" Mink slammed a hand across my chest. "Come on let's get to our room, I am swamped. Unless you want to drink?"

With a shake of my head I followed her to the stairs, the dancers huddled on the stairs with cloaks wrapped around their shoulders, to my disappointment they giggled behind their hands as we passed.

Once inside our room Mink told me it was mine turn for the bath, I couldn't complain and took the chance.

After the bath, we left the room to eat mashed potatoes and corn, down in the main room. It was less crowded than before. As we ate Mink stared at the people around us and commented on their misleadings.

I focused on the potatoes that lay in a blop on the plate in front of me. "Don't worry Clay, we should reach my antie's within the week." The thought lightened my spirits.

"We could drink, if that would help you feel better." I looked up at her with a glare, she laughed. "You know I am kidding."

I was not a spirits drinker. And I knew she knew it. "You can't help teasing me. Can you?" She grinned. "I have to find something interesting to do to keep me living."

We sat in the main room for a while longer until Mink suggested we go watch the fantasy ball game that was taking place this evening.

We entered the massive stadium that was an oval dome shape, we took our seats high about the giant playing field below. I could see the teams one in red and white the other green and black.

We waited as the stadium filled with people. "You will have to explain this to me." I yelled to Mink, and she grinned. "So right now the home team. Which is the red and white dressed ones are facing off against the other school which is the others."

She pointed. "I don't know the other school, can't say I care though." She moved closer to me so she didn't have to yell quite as much and the clapping and cheering got louder around us.

"So the goal is to get the ball in any of the three goals." She pointed at 3 white colored large boxes that I could barely see from where we sat.

One was hovering off the ground a good 10 feet in the air and the other just lower than that and the other was on the ground. "The teams are allowed to use any mage power they want as long as it is just aimed at the ball. Whoever gets the most points in the allotted time wins."

I wondered how many players must get hurt from this sport. The game began with a loud blaring of a horn. "Who are we cheering for?" Mink grabbed my arm, her attention still on the forested field below. "The home team, I guess. But you could cheer for the other one, I don't mind."

I decided to just go with the home team as the five member team rushed over the uneven ground to reach the ball that was suspended a foot off the ground.

It took me a while to get as engrossed in the game as Mink was right off the bat. "GOOOO!! Get it back!! Shoot fire!" Mink yelled as the girl she was cheering for in particular lost the ball.

"Shoot fire!" I watched the girl for a while, she was actually quite good as she rushed between trees and shot for the goal, she missed to Mink's disappointment.

I watched Mink and the game with mild interest, the game lasted about 30 minutes. The home team lost though to Mink's horror. "I can't believe they lost!" She held my arm as we made our way back to the inn.

She left me at the door saying she was going to go get something before leaving. I entered our room with a sigh and flopped down on the feather bed. I couldn't wait to find Cassy.