Surprise visitors

*POV* Cassy Iris Aleera

I sat with my legs crossed and my back straight as Vivian instructed. "Now breathe deeply, clear your mind and think of the power you hold."

I gave a silent nod and closed my eyes as I tried to think, I forgot to breathe at that moment because my head began to swim. I sucked in a breath and the darkness behind my eyes shifted to spiraling color and elaborate designs.

I blinked quickly and the colors disappeared. 'I am not sure it worked." I thought, though I couldn't remember a time when I saw anything but darkness behind my eyelids.

Breath after breath I began to relax, soon I felt that maybe I should just lay back on the ground and take a nap. "I think all that is happening is making me fall asleep."

Vivian chuckled and I opened my eyes, she sat on the smooth rock in front of me. The air around her was thick with energy and lighting seemed to be emanating from her and her hair stood on end.

"The more you do it you will get it. Try again." Vivian spoke as she opened one eye to look at me before she closed it again and continued her breathing.

I straightened my back and once again closed my eyes, I pulled air in through my nose and focused on Seal and felt a warm feeling in my chest in return.

I imagined Seal running about me, a whimper made my eyes flash open. "Seal!" I exclaimed as I saw her fade as the water that had surrounded me sunk back into the ground.

Vivian watched me with a smile. "Good job!" She got to her feet. My body felt weak as I took her offered hand. My eyes won't open past half-mast Vivian wrapped an arm around me. "You should rest some."

Two days later.

I reached for the soap and lathered a good amount into my hand, I sank deeper into the water until only my shoulders and head were above the warm water.

I scrubbed my head, piling all my hair atop my head as soap dropped down my forehead and towards my eye I ducked my head under the

water and swished my head back and forth.

When I broke the surface I looked around the small clear where sat the small heated pool. Vivian said it was heated by the heat from the earth.

I scrubbed the rest of me quickly before I climbed out and reached for the soft white towel that hung on a smoothed wooden rack. I patted my wet skin before I quickly slipped on my freshly washed outfit.

I wandered through the trees on the stone path, I came to the back of Vivian's house and made my way through her ornate garden and around the house.

I looked up from a particularly interesting stone that lay embedded in the path, I stopped short as I saw Vivian talking to two people. One had peppered hair and the other was a young girl about my age.

The realization hit me with a spike of emotion and I rushed forward to hug the girl that had turned my way. "Aria!" I spoke to her mind. Aria stiffened as I held on to her tightly.

A hand on my shoulder had me turning to look up into eyes of deep violet. Aria was still trying to get over the shock. "You can speak?" She questioned in a high pitched voice.

"It's not really speaking… it's more of relaying my thoughts." I smiled at her as I turned to hug my father. Aria still watched me closely as Vivian invited them in the house for a cup of tea.

"How did you manage to find my father?" I asked her from across the room as I sat beside Aria as she looked around the kitchen in awe. "Oh, I just sent out word about you." She brought tea over and placed a small bowl with sugar cubes and a glass pitcher of milk.

Vivian sat and immediately started talking to my father. "I am sure you must be in a rush to get home." She smiled at him. "Yes, we would love to leave as soon as possible."

Vivian nodded. "If it's alright you might I tag along? I have always wished to see Hilldren, plus Cassy and I have become great friends of this time."

My father looked at her for a bit before nodding. "Sure, but we will head back by way of the sea."

Vivian reassured him that it would be fine and she had no problem with traveling by sea.

She left the room telling us that she was going to pack. I looked at my father with a smile. "How is mother?" I asked him. He jumped a little still getting used to what Vivian told him about me being able to speak to others minds.

He looked at me for a moment. "She is doing alright now that we have found you." I wondered about what he was saying and did not dare to ask about the baby.

I was sure I would meet them soon enough. Aria intertwined our fingers like we used to do as children, she seemed to study my hands. "I missed you." I told her.

Her eyes met mine before she let go of my hand and pulled me close to her so she could whisper in my ear. "Fred and I got married." I turned to look at her in surprise. "Really?!" She smiled.

"Let's just say it's not all that I thought it would be." Vivian entered the room, holding a traveling bag. "Are we ready to go!?" I wondered what to say to Aria but got up followed by my father.

I helped Vivian clean up once more before we left.