My worst fear

*POV* Coral Sparks

Lt. Green left me at the door, after saying that someone would bring food that I could cook along with wood for the fire.

Beverly opened the door to greet me. "There you are! You know you can't be in the streets when the alarm goes off." I sighed, handing her Lula, my arms were growing tired. "I wasn't in the streets." I told her as I headed into the kitchen.

Placing Samuel on the floor while I pour the last of the milk, Beverly continued talking. "Why did you go out anyways? I went outside for a minute and when I returned you and the children were gone."

I imagine that must have been a little scary for her. "Sorry, I couldn't find you, and I had the opportunity to go see Randall so-" she interrupted me.

"Randall? You mean Captain Randall!!?" She looked at me in surprise. "You went and saw him on a random morning?" I didn't see the problem.

"Yeah.. he said he would get me some fabric, so I can make me some dresses." Beverly was in awe. "Okay, now this is interesting. Randall has never been into giving gifts." She started rambling.

"Some people say Lt. Green is sweet on him even though she is older, No one has even been on a date with him. He is handsome! Wouldn't you say? Do you like him?!" I couldn't help my smile.

"He is great, but I don't know about getting involved with him like that." She laughed. "The way you said that is funny. Here let me help." She grabbed one of the bottles off the counter and started feeding Lula.

I smiled. "I need to get the twins cleaned up. Want to help?" She smiled eagerly. "Yes. Also Layla said that I need to bring you over to meet her soon."

Her restraint and annoyed attitude fell away as we worked on bathing the twins, I explained their names to her and How I told them apart. "See, look here! Lula has a small birthmark on her left wrist. And Samuel has one on his right wrist."

Beverly rubbed at Lula's mark. "And what about this mark? I didn't remember child tatting being popular." She ran her fingers over the red flower that was her elemental mark, it had faded a little from what it used to be.

"Oh these! They are their marks that signifies their power." I twisted Samuel's small leg to examine his mark. It was identical to Lula but more prominent.

I just hoped that what happened to Clay and I didn't happen to them. "Oh, that's different. I didn't know that our powers had marks. I don't have one."

"Really? I do." She looked at me. "Really can I see it?" I rolled up my sleeves and rotated my arm. "Can you see it?" I asked.

I can't see my own mark except in a mirror, and I hadn't looked in a mirror in a while.

"Yeah! That's so cool, it's like frost on your skin!" I pulled my sleeves back down. "Frost? It used to be an orange dragon…" I thought in disbelief. "So your power is frost?" She asked, wrapping Lula in her blanket that we had thrown in the washing machine as Beverly called it.

"I guess." She laughed. "You're awesome though a little different, didn't you come from up north?" I sighed and was about to shake my head, but someone pounded on the door downstairs. "I will go!"

I followed her down a while later with the twins. She stood up at the counter emptying the paper bags. "They brought the food. And the wood, it's out back." She continued putting stuff away in the cupboards. "Nice, did they bring more milk?" She nodded. "Max said he will be here tomorrow to fix the knob."

"The one up the stairs too?" I asked, she nodded.

"How did the door get knocked in anyway?!" I shook my head. "It's not a funny story, do you know how to cook?" Beverly smiled. "Yes, my father taught me how."

"I can make us dinner." I smiled, happy that she got the idea. "Thanks, that would be great."

I put the twins on the living room floor and sat down on the couch to wait. I didn't realize I had fallen into a bad memory deep in my mind until Beverly waved a bowl of food in front of my face.

"Somewhere else I see." She voiced as I took the bowl, the sun was setting and the living had grown dark, Lula lay making noise to make herself happy while Samuel played quietly with the corner of his blanket.

I hoped that we would be safe now, they were growing so fast. And if I was remembering correctly, they were almost 8 months old.

I ate in silence, Beverly sat quietly beside me eating also. My feelings about her had changed and I was glad she had come, I didn't feel so alone anymore.

We put the twins asleep and Beverly went to get ready for bed, a while later I heard her door close. I sat on the floor beside my bed and stared at the golden glow that I could see in the sky outside. According to Beverly it was the barrier that covered the whole of the fort, it kept the monsters and the bad guys out.

I couldn't let my eyes close because I was terrified to see what my mind would come up with in my dreams. My heart beat slowly. Lula Cooed in her sleep, and I hoped she was floating on a horse made of clouds chasing birds.

A while later I caught myself dozing off so I climbed into bed and stared at the ceiling. The sound of movement in the hall made me look at the doorway, a figure moved into the room.

I could see her vaguely and hear her breathing. My heart skipped a beat, but I stayed where I was.

Beverly moved closer to the bed, she reached for Lula. I bolted up and caught her wrist. "What do you think you are doing!?" I hissed, Lula's hands lit up with fire at my words.

"Oh.. I was- I-.."

I shoved off the bed and pulled her away from it. "Don't touch them. I don't know what you were trying to do, don't even think about it." Beverly nodded in the dim light. "Sorry, I had to." I eyed her ready to freeze her hands off if necessary.

"What do you mean!?" She clammed up. "I can't." She ripped from my hands and ran downstairs, I chased after her. She ran through the door and outside. "Get back here!" I screamed.

"What's wrong?" I turned in surprise to hear Randall, he was leaning on the house. I marched over to him. "What do you mean! She just tried to steal my baby!"

Randall stepped forward. "Are you sure that was her intention?" I stared at him. "Are you serious? You didn't see her, she was planning something!."

He touched my arm gently and I jumped, I stepped away. "Whatever, I don't want her back!" I turned and ran back into the house and up the stairs, entering the room I stopped short.

Flicking on the light, I screamed the bed was empty, Lula and Samuel were gone..