*POV* Randall Franklin the 2nd

Coral ran out of the house and grabbed me. "THEIR GONE.!" A sense of fear and dread filled me and I knew she was right. "Calm down." I said but she wasn't having it.

"You're the bloody Captain!" She screamed in my face. "Don't tell me to be Calm, they are gone. How did she take them? She ran!" She swiped at her eyes and turned to glare into the dark street.

"Okay, you're right." Taking her hand, because I knew she wouldn't stay I led her at a jog towards the Barracks.

Lt. Green stood in front of me wearing a white shirt and loose pants, she was bleary eyed. "She is an orphan, Her residence is north B 14. Her power is not known." Green brushed back her shoulder length brown hair and eyed me questioningly, Coral nodded. And headed for the door.

"Green, I need you to take a couple men and do a search, off the books." My Lt. nodded. "As you wish sir."

Coral was standing in the chilly night air waiting for me by the time I got outside. She was extremely determined. I had almost forgotten why I had gone to her house in the first place.

Coral didn't let me talk, grabbed my hand before she spoke. "Led the way. If we don't find them…" she went silent and I knew it was best to get going.

As soon as we entered the street where Beverly's house was on I could already see the smoke. Coral didn't hesitate as she ran, I followed her, matching her speed.

Beverly's home was in flames, people stood on the other side of the street watching. Coral ran up to the door and yanked on it, it was locked.

She glanced at me and I quickly rushed it, it crashed in as quickly as Coral's front door had days ago. Coral ran past me as I rubbed my smarting shoulder.

Smoke filled the house and I quickly reached for my head covering I had stuffed into my back pocket. We entered the living room where Beverly was sitting in the middle of the fire. She turned to look pleadingly at us with tears in her eyes.

"I am sorry!" She whispered as Coral glared at her for only a second before rushing forward to snatch up her twins. Beverly held onto them though and screamed as if Coral was taking her child away.

Coral literally ripped her screaming twins from Beverly's arms and handed them to me.

Something upstairs crashed sending a burst of fire down the stairs Coral's hands glowed sky blue, frost and ice stared at her feet and spread through the house smothering the fire.

As soon as the fire was out Coral pulled Beverly up by her collar. "What do you think you were doing!?" Beverly's clothes started to freeze.

"Coral!" She turned to me, and dropped Beverly to the ground. My men rushed forward to get Beverly, placing the taser to her neck before they carried her out.

She would be placed in the guardhouse until Major General Reed decided to hold a trial. Coral turned to me and pulled her twins from my arms.

I could feel her heart breaking. She turned and left the house, the neighbors watched her leaving in awe. I followed her all the way back to her house.

As soon as the door closed, she kicked the wall before falling to the floor and bursting into tears.

All I wanted to do was kneel beside her and give her a hug. One of the twins reached for me but I didn't try to help.

Coral had been through way too much, and I did not want to be on her bad side. I waited, minutes passed until she finally showed her face. Her eyes were puffy and she looked utterly sick of everything.

"What do I do now?" She sobbed. "I thought everything would be okay here. Why would someone take my children?!" She choked on her words and hid her face again.

A couple minutes passed and her sobs turned to whispered words of comfort to her children. I felt extremely awkward standing and watching so I stepped into the kitchen and started prepping the baby bottles.

I waited until she got up, before I moved over to take both the children from her, she headed up the stairs leaving me alone.

It felt good to know she trusted me enough. The twins calmed down and a little while later she came back down stairs, she was dressed in her maroon dress again her hair had been brushed out and braided back.

Her face was dry of tears, but around her eyes was still red. She hugged herself and eyed me wearily, I offered her the child I held but she instead put up the other.

"I don't think I can stay here." She voiced and my heart skipped a beat. "I appreciate your help, but I don't think I can stay here." She repeated when I didn't speak.

She sounded so small, so scared and alone. I had the impulse to hug her again but I stayed where I was. "Where will you go?" I asked quietly. She shook her head. "I don't know."

"Well, it's up to you, but if it makes you feel any better. I would like it if you stayed." She snorted a short laugh. "Are you sure? How do I know you're not also plotting to kidnap my children."

I took a deep breath as my heartbeat sped up. I thought she trusted me. I moved closer to her until I was staring into her eyes, she looked up at me defiantly.

"Look, I can't promise this won't happen again but what I will promise is that I will try my best to keep you and your children safe." Her eyes dropped to the floor.

But I stayed where I was. "How am I supposed to keep a smile on my face when everyone is out to get me!" She all of a sudden said sadly, meeting my eyes once more.

She stared at me with determination, but tears threatened to break through again. Her heart literally ached with so many scars that I felt my own eyes start to tear up.

I ducked my head and stepped back, and silence fell. The child in my arms soon fell asleep and I placed the bottle down. It had been a long day.

"Where do you want him?" Coral sighed. "In my room. I am freezing the door shut tonight so you better leave before you can't." She told me as she led the way up the stairs.

I wanted to ask if it was necessary, but I knew it wasn't the time. "Alright, I will come back tomorrow." She didn't answer and I gave her a give wave after putting- I realized I didn't know their names. She gave me a nod and I left.

When I got back to my quarters the Major General was waiting for me with Lt. Green. "You really like to test my patients, don't you, Captain."

"What can I do for you Major General?" He laughed. "Why didn't you tell me you brought a woman in here who had children?!" I thought I had.

"Did I not? I wrote it in my report." Major General Reed looked at my Lt., she nodded. "Well we will make this right, I will be sending word to The grand capital." I nod. "Yes, sir."