Meeting the General

*POV* Coral Sparks

I didn't sleep a wink, even with the doors frozen shut. I sat beside my bed and stared out the window. At first light Randall pounded on the front door.

I realized what a dumb idea freezing the door shut was as I stared at the frozen door. How was I going to open it? "Coral! Are you there?" I sighed.

"Yeah!. Just give me a minute.!" I tried for my fire again, but changed the wording to the spell. My hands glowed a deep blue, they felt warm but not hot.

The ice melted away and I pulled the door open. "Sorry, my power is out of whack right now." He nodded. "I just came to check on you. Also, Major Major General Reed wants to meet you." I sighed.

I wasn't really in the mood to meet anyone but I nodded. "Just let me get ready." He smiled. "Take your time, I will be back in an hour."

When he returned I was ready as I would ever be to meet someone of great importance in this world.

I had no intention of telling anyone I was a late queen. Dressed in my only dress I opened the door for him, Placing Samuel into his arms I followed him out.

It kinda felt like we were a family as we walked down the busy streets, those around us started and I started to feel tense.

My bubble of trust was very very small. "Mojor Major General Reed is interested in getting to know you. He was excited to learn that children had been born." I watched the hard dirt under my flats.

"Why haven't children been born in your world for this long?" Randall shifted Samuel and squinted. "I don't think anyone ready knows, women are still capable of it according to doctors, but something is making it not possible. Scientists say it might be because something has shifted in the lining of our world that has changed things. And others say it's the rune sickness.

"Rune sickness?! Is it deadly?"

"Every. It's the biggest known killer in the world right now." I let out a breath, I couldn't imagine how many women must be going crazy because they can't start a family.

"But my babies weren't born here, I had them in my world." Randall stayed silent and I wondered if he even believed my story.

"I guess that makes sense… Do you have.. you know-.." We had entered the courtyard as Randall trailed off. "Have what?" I asked, curious now.

He didn't finish and instead placed a hand at my back and detected me towards one of the square buildings.

We were let into Major Major General Reed's office by a short man with graying hair and a tight frown. I realized that he was the man Lt. Green had first talked to him when I had arrived. I had forgotten about him.

He stayed in the room after closing the door, I kept my eye on him until Major General Reed spoke from behind his desk.

"Miss Coral, it's nice of you to agree to meet with me. I wish to only have the best interest for you and your young ones." He stood and motioned for me to sit in one of the to black cushioned chairs.

Major Major General Reed was a tall man with gray hair that was cut short, he held himself straight. His face was stern with brown eyes and a frown at the corner of his mouth, his uniform displayed 2 stars, beside a couple colorful metals.

I sat in the chair and bounced Lula in my lap. "So Miss Coral, I have sent a message to the Supreme Council. And they have gotten back to me with a surprising message, they will be sending someone to make sure you are real." He rolled his eyes slightly and continued.

"They will decide on a course of action once they have proof." Randall shifted a little from where he stood behind me. "If I may suggest sir, wouldn't it be a better idea to just take Miss Coral to visit the Supreme Council?"

Major Major General Reed sighed. "Captain, we will follow our orders, so until someone comes to take her off our hands make sure she is under watch at all times."

My gaze flicked to Randall and he visibly swallowed. "Yes sir!" Major General Reed nodded. "Good, you are dismissed." The Major General's aid opened the door and ushered us out.

Once outside Randall let out a deep breath. "Where to now?" I asked as I stepped off the concrete and headed across the courtyard. Randall followed, still quiet. He seemed almost to be warring with some demon inside him.

"Maybe the children would like to go to the park." He said absentminded, Lt. Green fell in step with us. "Good Morning Miss Coral, you are looking quite happy." I didn't realize I was smiling.

"Randall is taking us to the park."

"That's awesome!" She smiled. "Mind if I tag along?" I shook my head.

When we reached the children's play area, I placed Lula and Samuel down to play in the sand before I took a seat on the edge and watched. Green talked with Randall out of ear shot, I watched them quietly for a minute.

Lula decided it might be great to try the sand and I quickly emptied her hand and handed her a small shovel. I eyed the swings but stayed where I was, knowing I couldn't leave Lula and Samuel alone.

The park wasn't empty, there were a dozen or so teenagers in small groups watching me from afar. There were also some that were alone, one girl was reading while sitting on the sidewalk another was painting some birds.

I all of a sudden felt like painting, I hadn't in quite a while. "We should probably get you home now." Lt. Green came up behind me to say. "Alright." I stood and picked up Lula and Samuel, I turned and looked but Randall was gone.

Sensing what I was looking for, Green smiled. "He had some work to do. Don't worry I will get you home, on our way we can go see Layla."

I nodded, I hated when he disappeared like that and without any word. "Okay, let's go."