*POV* Coral Sparks

I stared at Randall, my worry growing, he was delirious, slowly I pressed my hand to his forehead. It was hot to the touch.

"Looks like you have a fever…" he mumbled something but didn't move much. I tried again to take the sleeping Lula from him, but he wouldn't let go.

This wasn't good. I stared around the messy living and then the kitchen as I contemplated what to do. He was too heavy to move, even over to the couch.

I tried again to take Lula and with a small struggle he let go, I moved Lula out of the way just in time for him to fall off the chair, I helped him lay on the floor before placing Lula on the couch.

He grunted but didn't seem like he would wake up. I couldn't just let him sleep on the floor with a fever like that. I bent down and pulled his arm over my shoulder. "Come on Randall, I can't get you up the stairs by myself. Could you try a little to help me." He grunted, seeming to gain a bit of awareness.

It was awkward, but just him moving his feet slowly I was able to get me up the stairs. And onto the spare bed. He let out a deep breath as he settled on the bed, I flicked the light on and studied his ashen face.

He looked terribly sick, but I wasn't sure if it was just a cold. I tugged at his boots and set them by the bed and then shut the light off.

Putting Lula and Samuel to sleep was no easy task, but after they were sound asleep I grabbed a bowl from the bathroom, with a touch from my finger it was cooled.

I turned on the light in his room. He stirred, his eyes rolling behind closed lids. I placed a cool cloth on his forehead before I began wrapping his face and neck, his skin was sun tanned and seemed healthy.

His fever continued to rise, but I couldn't panic, I had no experience in medicine but I could deal with a fever. I changed the cool clothes regularly and placed a blanket on top of him.

He tossed and turned with delirium until way into the night, my own body grew tired but I forced myself to stay awake, I brought my sewing up to pass the time.

In the early hours of morning I dozed beside him, carefully to not let myself fully fall asleep. When the sun rose and Lula and Samuel woke, I left him to go take care of them.

Then I brought them into the room after grabbing something to eat, I changed the clothes but his fever wasn't breaking. A knock sounded on the front door and I rushed to open it.

I threw it open happy to see Lt. Green standing there. "Good morning, everything alright?" She stepped inside. "He is up stairs but he is sick." She took the stairs 2 at a time and I followed.

Green checked his neck then his eyes. "He is not doing well, I will get him to the medical wing." She scooped him up blanket and all and hauled him down the stairs and out the door. Grabbing the twin I was about to follow.

"You should stay here, having the children in the room isn't going to help the situation." I wanted to protest but stopped and nodded. "Alright.. I will check in on him later."

She left and I heaved a sigh, I was tired. Placing myself on the couch with Lula and Samuel on the floor with lots of wooden toys Ralph had given them to play with, I took up my sewing.

It was about noon and I had finished putting Lula and Samuel down for a nap on the living room floor when Layla arrived with Ralph in toe.

The teen was shy and had a hard time speaking, but he smiled at me and found a comfortable place on the floor to do his coloring.

I smiled up at Layla as I picked up my sewing again, she returned it before threading her needle. "How is Captain Randall doing?" She questioned. "I heard he was poisoned." My heart skipped a beat. "Poisoned!?" I thought in horror.

"I haven't gotten over to seeing him…" Layla pursed her lips. "Awe, you should go now! They aren't sure he will pull through." I set down my sewing. "Really? But I can't go-" Layla waved a hand. "Go! Ralph and I will watch your babies."

I sighed, warring with my feelings. I didn't want to leave them, but I also wanted to see how he was doing.

"I am not sure…" Layla nodded in understanding. And I picked up my sewing again. My mind turned to his suffering and who would have poisoned him, had they done it because of me?

It gave me even more reason to stay with my children and not go to see him. As much as I like Layla, I couldn't be too sure if she also didn't wish to take my children.

I gritted my teeth when I become so paranoid? I eyed Lula's smooth face and her chestnut brown hair that covered her small head.

Layla spoke. "I heard about what happened the other day.. I couldn't imagine what that would do to a mother." Her words were sound and I pushed back tears. "I can't imagine what I would do." I stayed silent but she continued talking.

"Greed can stick in one's heart and take root, but we ourselves must continue onward. We have little ones that look up to us, who mirror us and who want to be like us. We are their heroes and their guardians." She shifted and I realized my cheeks were wet, I wiped at the tears.

"Children are our future and well there aren't many in this world. You have to be there for them even more than before." She got up from her chair and came to sit beside me, then wrapped an arm around my shoulders.