*POV* Coral Sparks

I let myself be pulled in as I choked on a sob. Her words had hit a part of my heart that needed to hear that, need that said. An image of a mother I had never remembered flash in my mind. The feeling of being held and comforted in understanding and love.

"You poor dear, no girl should be put through what you have been through…" "If she only knew." I thought.

"I thought I would be safe…" I whimpered, into her sleeve.

"I am sure… And as much as you try you can't endure alone. We should go see your captain now, so go clean up." She gave me a big squeeze before pulling away. I obeyed quietly and stumbled to the bathroom.

My eyes were dry, but my face was red. I scrambled my face with warm water before straightening my blouse. I stared into my deep blue eyes in the mirror and gave myself a glare.

I couldn't continue moping, this was another world and even if He came and found me I would fight, for me and my children!

I straightened my shoulder and placed a smile on my lips. "I can do this for them!" I whispered to myself before opening the door of the bathroom.

The walk was slow but I was more familiar with the street now. A tall woman wearing pants and a blouse stopped Layla to talk. "Layla! I heard the news. And I can't believe it." The woman twisted the cloth she held in her hands.

"What is it, Gabby?" Layla asked patently, Gabby looked me and my twins over before speaking. "My boy, Fred said that an investigation is going on in the barracks! They are saying that the terrorist group that has been plaguing us for years has struck again!" She eyed the other people on the street.

"This time with poisoning our own Captain Randall…" Layla sighed. "Gabby calm down. We are going to see him right now. And it's probably just a rumor." Gabby nodded and smiled awkwardly. "You're right Layla. Okay. You should be careful." She hugged Layla hurriedly and gave me a forced smile before rushing back into her home.

The interaction with Gabby had me a little worried. I could imagine he had enemies, but I hoped they didn't kill him.

Layla got us into the medical wing, and into Randall's room with little problems. He lay on a metal bed with clean sheets, he definitely looked better than when I had watched him through the night.

Nurse Cathy as Layla called her showed us in. "Do you want a popsicle for the little ones?" She asked me, Layla gave her an answer and took Lula from me. "We will be getting a popsicle. You take your time." She gave me a sweet smile before following Nurse Cathy and Ralph from the room.

I took in the small room now that it was only me and Randall in here. He hasn't twitched a muscle. I stood beside the bed and stared at his face. He seemed peaceful but I could see his sunken cheeks and dark circles under his eyes.

"How are you supposed to take care of me if you are dead?" I thought. There was no way I was saying that to him. I took his hand in mine and watched his face, I could hear his ragged breaths.

In, out, in out. A lock of hair was laying across one of his eyes and I was about to push it away when the door opened and I glanced over my shoulder in surprise. Lt. Green came in and looked up as surprised to see me as I was to see her.

"What are you doing here?" She asked as she came over to set something on the small table beside the bed. "I came to check on him." She sighed. "He isn't doing so well. The doctors aren't sure he will live much longer."

I looked down at his hand in mine. He had been the kindest person here, I hated the thought of losing him. "What kinds of medicine are you giving him?" She laughed softly. "Hell if I know." She sounded tired.

She went to the other side of the bed and pressed a hand to his exposed neck. "What are you doing?" I asked, wondering why she would need to touch him.

"I am checking his temperature." She pulled her hand away and to my horror a hand print of light green slowly faded into him. "What was that!?" I blurted jumping to my feet, and squeezed his hand tightly.

"What!?" She asked me blankly. "That green color. It came from you!" She laughed. "I didn't do anything." I eyed her as she strolled to the door. "You shouldn't stay much longer, I will be at your house in an hour to take up watch." She said before she left.

My eyes drifted back to his exposed chest. "Would anyone believe me!?" I thought in panic. The door opened again and Nurse Cathy entered. "Are you done?" She asked, entering the room. "I have to check his IV." I nodded. "I am done."

I found Layla and Ralph in a room a couple doors down eating small cakes, Layla handed one to me. "How did it go, dear? You aren't looking so well." I frowned and took the cake. "I don't know, but I have a suspicion on who is poisoning him." She sighed.

"The doctor's are taking care of him. We should get you back home, you are tried." She was right but my heart was numb and I didn't like the idea that Green was hurting him.

Her attitude had been different in the room with Randall. I ate the cake and took Lula from Ralph, and watched quietly while he picked up Samuel.