Going to the city

*POV* Coral Sparks

I awoke to Layla shaking me, and saying a woman was at the door to see me. I got up and rubbed the sleep from my eyes, if it had been Lt. Green, she would have just let her in so it had to be someone else.

I opened the door and nodded at the smarty dress woman on my step. She was pretty, with long brown hair pulled up into tight braids on both sides of her head, when she smiled dimples showed on both her cheeks.

"Hi." She grinned. "I am Lexus Franklin, and I am here to investigate your claims to having children." My brows rose, she got here quick.

"Come in!" I said numbly stepping aside. "I wasn't expecting you yet…" she laughed. "That's alright." She glanced over the kitchen and smiled at me. "Do I have your permission to search the house before we begin?" Her question struck me as odd but I nodded.

Lula and Samuel were in the living room, but Lexus started searching upstairs first. When she came back down with a smile on her face I guessed she was placed.

"I heard from Major General Reed that you were able to give birth to twins!" I blinked and nodded and led her into the living room. Her face brightened at the sight of them. "Oh my jelly tarts, they are so cute." Picking Samuel up she laughed as he grabbed onto her jacket.

"I have to ask how this was possible." I motioned to the couch. "It's a long story you best sit." She nodded and her face got serious. I relayed as much of the story as I wanted her to know.

She nodded. "As much as a world traveler is a crazy idea, I am inclined to believe you because there is no way our genes have been modified without scientists noticing. Even though I would love to think they could." She paused.

"Your safety is utmost right now. And if you are open to it I have a couple doctors that would like to get a sample of your blood." I rubbed my arm, and my mouth pulled into a frown. "Not something you're okay with? That's okay! They would just be seeing if they could find a solution to our big problem."

It made sense but I wasn't sure I wanted to do that. I sighed. "I don't know. It's not that I don't want to help, I am just afraid of the outcome." She nodded in understanding. "I appreciate the help, but.. I don't know." She nodded and got up from the coach.

"I totally understand. The imperial government would like to extend their hand in giving you protection and a comfortable living style for you are your babies." She bowed. "I have men out your door right now ready to take you to the capital." I stood too.

"Right now!?" She laughed. "Don't worry, Miss Coral. They will not come in, you can pack and I will be back in a couple hours." She placed Samuel in my arms.

"I have a little bit of business to attend to with the Major general before I leave." She then bowed again. "I will be back." I couldn't even give a wave before she was out the door and it was closed softly behind her.

Layla laughed from her seat. "Well I didn't expect that. But it's probably for the best." She stood up. "Ralph and I will help you pack if you need. If not we best get going." I gave her a hug. "Thank you so much for everything!!"

She hugged me back. "It was my pleasure sweetheart.!" Layla and Ralph left and I stood in the living staring out the back windows for a couple minutes before I moved again.

I had little to nothing to pack, but I found a bag and placed everything into it. Then I waited on the floor of the living, playing with Lula and Samuel.

It was about 4 hours later that someone knocked on the front door. Scooping up Lula and Samuel and went to answer it. Lexus followed by Lt. Green entered.

I glared at her, I didn't trust her one bit. "Ready to go?" I nodded, but stopped. "What about Randall?" I thought, was I okay leaving and never seeing him again? "Don't worry about Captain Randall, he will be coming with us, it's about time he got some time on leave."

My eyes shot up to meet hers and I nervously frowned. "Oh. Yeah it's my thing. I can read minds." I didn't know what to say. "You literally told her your whole story, if she could read her mind she knows more than what you told her." I thought in panic.

Lexus didn't say anything however and pointed to the bag beside the door. "Get her bag." She instructed Lt. Green. I didn't know what to do, until Lexus placed a hand on my back and pushed me lightly out the door. "We best get going."

We didn't go by horse and carriage like I had been thinking we would. Instead Lexus led me into a large machine made of metal that she called a jet.

The flight was 6 hours long and I was completely ready to go off when we reached the capital. A group of soldiers dressed in camouflage came right to the door to meet us.

Lexus had 2 female soldiers take me in another means of transport, a horseless carriage they call a car, to a large building inside the city. The building was about 8 stories tall. I could hardly see in the dim light of evening, the female soldiers Reedia and Judy let me into the apartment.

It was nothing like the house at the fort, the walls were white with pictures of leaves hanging on them. There was a living room and kitchen and 2 bedrooms on the floor plan with 2 bathrooms.

Reedia and Judy said everything I need would be in here. And when I asked about milk they looked at one another in surprise. Judy took off to find that while Reedia stayed to keep watch.

Lexus had said I would have a round the clock watch, because if I thought fort Argon was crazy this place was worse.

The twins fell asleep as soon as they were bathed and wrapped in soft clean blankets. I sighed heavily as I shut the door to the bedroom.

Reedia pointed to a pile of neatly folded clothes. "That's for you Miss." I gave her a smile and took them. 15 minutes later I was stepping out of the shower. I could hear voices in the house so I hurried to get dressed in a simple shirt and pants.

Lexus greeted me from the kitchen where she was supervising an older woman who was cooking. "How are you feeling?" She asked in a kind voice. I nodded tiredly. "Pretty good."

"We are making dinner, so settle down and relax." I had almost forgotten how to just sit still and watch, I took a seat at the bar and watched the older woman cut some vegetables.

A minute later Lexus set a glass cup in front of me and sat down beside me. The glass was filled with a little blue liquid. "What's this?" Lexus chuckled. "It's something that will calm your nerves."

I shook my head and scooted it away. "I don't drink spirited drinks!" Lexus stood up and took it from in front of me. "Good to know." She smiled. "Auntie, maybe you could make some tea." The older woman pointed at a high cupboard. "It's in there."

Lexus groaned and moved to start the tea. "So Coral. How did my brother treat you these last couple weeks?" I blushed and mentally stooped out my thoughts and simply replied with. "He has been very kind."

The older woman snorted. "I would hope he has been." Lexus laughed. "Auntie Merry would beat him half to death if he didn't." I couldn't help the laughter that came from me. Lexus set a hot mug in front of me and set a box of tea bags down on the counter.

She took her seat again. "Randall has never been one for feelings." I don't really think so, he had been pretty open. Merry placed a plate in front of me and smiled, I ate slowly while Lexus continued to keep up a conversation.

My mind drifted to what had happened in just the past weeks. And how little time had actually passed since I had fallen into this world.