Elisabeth Green

*POV* Lexus Franklin

I sighed as the door closed behind Doctor Daniel Crispier, and glanced down at the results of the tests I had requested.

"Any good news?" The dearest man in my world leaned over my desk to look at the papers also. "Please move her head, Stefon!" He didn't move and I pulled the papers away from his face and leaned back in my chair.

One of the papers was the test results to Randall's full examination, and the other confirmed what Coral had been worrying about. That Lt. Elisabeth Green had been poisoning my brother. I set the papers back on the desk.

"No, no good news." I stood. "Where are you off too!?" he asked. I grabbed my black jacket. "Off to interrogate our dear Lieutenant." He smiled. "Alright! I will see you at dinner." He rushed to kiss me on the cheek before I left.

The white cement walls of the interrogation room made my eyes hurt as I took the seat opposite of Elisabeth Green.

"I can't say this is a pleasure." I greeted. Elisabeth didn't answer, her head hung close to her chest. I knew she wasn't defeated and if she had the chance she would kill me.

The metal handcuffs were made especially for her power. "I will ask why you did this but it wouldn't help your situation much." Elisabeth glanced up, and I met her eyes.

"So what now?" She spoke quietly, her silver eyes said she wasn't saying what she felt. "Well this is unforgivable. And you being a member of the Blue Phantom's, you wouldn't be seeing the outside of a cell for a long while."

Elisabeth chuckled dryly. "You got me all figured out don't you?" I shook my head. "Actually no, I don't see why you Blue Fantom people try so hard to get power." Elisabeth laughed.

"Coming from a General that's pretty ironic. The supreme military is a joke!" She chuckled and sat back in her chair. "Just because you catch me doesn't mean you won." We stared at one another for a full minute before I stood.

I knew she was right, she was also guarding her thoughts carefully. I left the room and turned to the soldiers outside the door. He was a young soldier and had been at the fort for only a couple months now.

"Are you the only one here?" I was surprised the hall was so empty. "Does she know.. oh no.. crap!" Our eyes met and he knew I heard him even if he hadn't spoken.

His gun was in position in a second, he hesitated. "Don't move General or I will be forced to kill you." The door opened behind me and I straightened a little more as Elisabeth chuckled. "Didn't see that coming, did you?" She circled me and stopped in front of me.

"Actually I figured you had something up your sleeve." With that command the hall filled with soldiers, Elisabeth grabbed me and twisted to stand behind me with a hand on my throat. "Move any closer and I will boil her blood!" She shouted and my men stilled.

"Give up, Lieutenant!" Major Sam Danton commanded. "We have you surrounded and you have no way out." Elisabeth tightened her grip on my throat and I swallowed. Her mind was alive with thoughts on how she was going to get out of this.

"No back up plan?" I asked my throat tight. "Shut up! Let us go or I will kill her!" She shuffled for the exit. Her reflexes were fast. "Forgive me Stafon…" I thought as I shoved my elbow hard against her rib cage.

I felt the sting of her poison as soon as I connected and I winced as my vision blurred. "Don't think about trying that again!" She snapped. I couldn't see almost anything, but I could feel her hands on my throat and arm pulling me towards the door.

As soon as I heard the door open then close, her hands fell away and in the same second I heard a thud, as she fell to the floor.

"And here I thought I could leave you alone for a second!" I heard his voice coming from beside me, followed by the vibration of his half hearted chuckle.

"I knew you would come.." I whispered as I leaned into him, and squeezed my eyes shut. "Are you considering my request you quit now?" I turned to face him as his hands came to rest on my waist. "You're kidding right. I will be fine." I looked at him through blurry eyes.

Sighing he pulled the door open again. "Get this mess cleaned up Major!" Then he picked me up and started walking. "Just keep your eyes closed." I closed them tight, it stings. "Just because you can read thoughts doesn't make you invincible."

"I know." I hated that I couldn't have gotten a power like his, moving through shadows. I knew reaching into his mind to read his thoughts would be useless, his mind was a cloud of dark mist.

"Stefon.. just take me home." He snorted. "Dear.." I heard the sound of a door opening and shutting in front of us which had Stefon straightening and his muscles tensed, his words cut short. "Crap…" he said under his breath.

"Stefon! What is the meaning of this!" My father in law boomed, Stefon stopped. "Is there a problem father?" There was a mocking laugh. "You know what I am talking about. What are you doing?!"

"Luxes got injected so we were heading to the Infirmary." I held as still as humanly possible. "Okay. We will talk later. Actually met me for dinner and Lexus, I am still looking forward to that promise to meet Miss Coral you made."

"Thanks father." Stefon started to walk away. "Dang he scares me." I whispered. "His mind is like a brick castle." Stefon sighed, "You know he doesn't like you trying to read him." I frowned.

"I hate not knowing what people are thinking." Stefon pulled open the door with his back and greeted the nurse on duty, he explained what happened and the nurse explained to me what to do.

There was no miracle cure for this and if I played my cards right I wouldn't be blind. "Just great!" I splash water into my eyes and glared at Stefon who stood in the corner. "I guess you got your wish." He smiled.

"I told the supreme council the truth, plus it's been a couple months since you have had a couple days off." I turned the water off and turned to lean on the counter and sigh. "But now I can't be the one looking after Coral, she is going to be terrified when General Watts knocks on her door tomorrow, maybe I should go with him."

"No. You have to rest." I stomped from the bathroom. "Maybe you could go with him? I would feel better." Stefon looked skeptical, but nodded. "Alright I will, if I am not busy." I plopped down on the couch beside him and snuggled in. "You are the best!"