
*POV* Coral Sparks

"You are joking? She wants me to do what?" I could see Randall swallow. "Well Coral, that's why we are here. We have a plan." Lexus said, placing a hand on my arm.

"What are you thinking?" Lexus smiled. "I am glad you asked!." She pulled me to the bedroom and shut the door. "So one thing you have to know is my mother won't stop even if you turn every man into a popsicle so Randall and I got thinking and we think she would be okay if you married Randall-" the rest of what she said was just white noise in the background as my mind numbed.

"You want me to marry Randall…" Lexus nodded. "That's what I said, it's the best plan and the quickest thing we can come up with, he is sweet and you don't have to worry about anything he already likes you and the twins." She said,

Her idea was straight forward and I could see it working, but she really wanted me to marry again!?

"But… are you sure? Is Randall really okay marrying me and being stuck with me forever?" Lexus sighed. "I believe so, he would do anything to protect you, and if your ex comes trying to do anything you bet I will have half my army waiting to end him for good. Listen Coral, we want to help you and we like you a lot. My mother likes Randall. She will get over it and except it soon enough."

I sighed."Do I have time to think about this?" She smiled. "Sure, I will give you 30 minutes." I scoffed and smiled "Thanks." She left the room shutting the door with a soft click.

I sat thinking for over an hour, my mind a mix of pros and cons. I wasn't sure I wanted to be married, but at the same time if that was the only way to keep my twins safe I could do it. I trusted Randall, and I am pretty sure Lexus was understanding enough that she too was trying to help.

Her power was reading minds after all, she probably knew me better than I did. I opened my door, my mind made up. "Lexus?" She smiled from the kitchen, holding up a mug for me. "Here!" I looked around, wondering where Randall had gone. Lexus placed the mug in front of me.

"Don't worry he went to get us a reservation, I have Stefon and auntie Anna getting the dress!" I raised an eyebrow. "A dress?" She laughed. "Yes it won't be a wedding without a dress! I can't wait, I always wanted a sister!" She gave me a hug and practically hopped like a rabbit.

"I have a dress all picked out and waiting too. We will have a blast! After that, Stefon is going to take us to the villa for a couple days just until mother decides she knows we did what's best." She winked.

"Who is Stefon?" I asked curiously, Lexus blushed. "Just my one and only! We have been married for 4 years now!" I congratulated her, her face practically glowed. "Just wait till you meet him, he is the best! The sweetest! The coolest! And the awesomest!" I started laughing at her enthusiasm, and she joined me.

"Oh, Coral I am so happy, you could never know how happy I am, you agreed to this."

I only had one fear weighing on my mind. "I don't want this to turn out to be a mistake… If I give my blood to your research, is that all you would need?" Lexus's face fell. "No… they would have to run tests and they would need a couple other samples."

My stomach turned at the thought. "I hope you can understand why I don't want to be a test subject…" Lexus sighed. "I am trying, but I can't hate you for your hesitation on doing this, who knows if it will even work or not." I smiled sadly.

"Lexy I just want you to know if I could help your world I would if I had the power to, But I can't be hurt again!" Lexus looked at her hands. "Was she only my friend because she wanted this from me!?" I thought, as soon as the thought entered my brain Lexus's eyes came up to meet mine.

"Coral… don't think that!." I backed away from the counter, shaking my head. "I can't do this… I can't… I-.." the door opened to let Randall in and the room chilled, my chest hurt. "I won't let you use me!"

I yelled, standing between everyone and my children. "Coral! Stopped…!" Lexus had to shout over the hailing of the wind outside the windows. "LEXUS, NO YOU STOP!" I shouted, "You think I will stand by and watch you ship me up with your brother so you can get me to do what you want!"

"CORAL!" Randall shouted and I threw my hands up to stop them both, the windows shattered, glass went in every direction. Tears fell down my face and I turned to run into the nursery. I slammed the door behind me. "Coral!" Randall shouted again, coming over to the door.

"Coral, get out here now! Let's talk!" I laughed, my voice shaking, my vision blurry. "NO! TO THINK I THOUGHT I LOVED YOU! Ha." The pounding stopped and Randall yelled. "Damn it Lexus, why would you bring that up now-.." his voice faded away and I slumped to the floor.

"I knew it!" I thought bitterly. "Everyone tries to use me, hurt me and otherwise tear me down! Ugh!" My hands glowed with blue light and my mark burned. I tried to take deep breaths to calm myself but I couldn't seem to relax.

Samuel and Lula came over from their places on the floor and my hands faded out as they wrapped their arms around my neck.