
*POV* Randall Franklin 2nd

"Well there goes your plan out the window! Why couldn't you have just tried better to help her stay calm?!" Lexus laughed bitterly, we stood in the hallway arguing.

"Well how was I supposed to know she would blow up!?" I smacked her arm. "I don't know, maybe read her mind!"

"She shut me out! There was no way I could see it coming."

I frowned. "Maybe that's a good thing, now get me a car, I think we will have to just do it without the dress." Lexus frowned too. "You think you can still get her to marry you?" I nodded. "Yeah, but I am doing my way. Tell Stefon we will be at the villa a little sooner than expected." She sighed and nodded.

"Fine. But mother and the council will be less than pleased." She turned on her heel and marched down the hall, her soldier in toe. I sighed heavily and went to knock on the door once more.

"Coral it's me.. can we-" the door threw open. "I want to go home! I don't want to be in your city anymore.!" She said pushing past me and marched for the door. "Coral? Where are you going?" She turned to face me.

"Anywhere but here! Everyone just wants to use me, but no one wants me for just me!" She looks sadly at her twins she held close.

"I thank you again for everythin-.." I stepped forward and crowded her. "Coral, you are talking nonsense, I like you for you!" She scoffed but didn't back up. "No you don't, if your powers are telling you how I feel right now! Then understand that I want to be 100 miles away from here right now."

She looked me in the eye. "I can't see myself helping or satisfying you people! You will just take and take and take! I am SICK and tired of people taking stuff from me!"

Tears welled up in her eyes and slid down her cheeks, she grimaced and laughed bitterly. "If there is a way here, there has to be a way back. I am going to find it!"

"Coral… Please don't leave…" my hand reached up to wipe at her eyes. "I am here for you… let me protect you from everyone who wants to harm you." I leaned down and she gasped. "Randall.?" Our lips met, it was a light touch and no more. I pulled back.

I gave her a smile and moved to hold her shoulders. "I like you a lot Coral, please stay." She didn't speak and continued to stare at me, I could see her mind working. "You're not lying to me?" I could feel how scared she was. "I can't lie to you…" she sighed.

"Randall, Son it's been a while." A voice boomed from the doorway. "I see you have got her subdued, now let's get her to the lab." I straightened and we pulled apart in surprise. I watched Coral's face darken at councilman Fredmore's words. I stepped forward in between Coral and Fredmore.

"She is not going anywhere.." Coral turned to stand close beside me. "I am not going anywhere with you!" She handed me Lula and whispered icey words, her hand glowed blue. "Come any closer I will freeze you all.!" Lula and Samuel's hands lit up with flames to my surprise.

"Coral..-" I started, she glared at me and I nodded. "Mr. Fredmore, move out of our way. we do not wish to hurt you." He laughed. "Quite a power you got there.. It's a pity you have decided to deny the wishes of the imperial army." He said with a smile. "Because I was looking forward to working with you.."

My heart beat started to quicken. I glanced at Coral just as a black hand took hold of us both by the shoulders and pulled us into the darkness, Coral yelped.

My eyes didn't work properly until I was pushed out of the pitch black into a spaciously furnished living room.

Someone slammed into my back and I heard Coral let out a groan from behind me, I steadied Lula in my arms. "Where are we!?" Coral questioned, looking around us. I wanted to know the same thing.

"Sorry.. This wasn't the intention.." my eyes snapped up at the man's voice from across the room. The tall man in his late 20s greeted us, he had black hair and blue eyes. "You just kidnapped us.!" Coral didn't sound impressed.

"Sorry!" Lexus's voice came from down a hall as she entered quickly. I recognized Stefon as the man standing on the other side of the room.

"We didn't mean to frighten you Randall, we just had to get you out of there." She ran over to give us a hug, but Coral didn't return her hug and Lexus backed away.

"I didn't think the councilman would show up, I had to tell him what happened..'' She looked at the floor. "I am sorry Coral, please forgive me.." Coral sighed.

"I am glad for your help, but we can manage from here." I nodded. "We just need a jet to take us back into the desert." Lexus stared at us like we were insane.

"Are you sure? Are you running away?" I could tell Lexus was surprised, I put a hand on her arm.

"Please sis.." and she nodded. "It's the least I can do." She turned and headed from the room. "I will show you to a room, you might be here for a while." Stefon nodded to Coral and I followed them.

"We asked the priest to show up, so he should be here tonight if you feel like still getting married." Stefon informed us as he left us in a nicely furnished bedroom.

"Married.. what does marriage even mean anymore.?" Coral said softly. I knew she knew, and I stayed quiet. "Do you still want to get married?" She all of a sudden asked in the silence.

I took a breath and nodded. She laughed. "I was married before, I figured you have guessed that by now. It was not what I imagined it being. But with you, I can see it being different.." she blushed and sat on one of the 2 beds in the room.

"So you would still marry me?" She nodded her eyes, going to Samuel in her arms. "I think we could be something great, you understand me. And have always shown me kindness."

I couldn't help but smile, I want to protect her and see her be able to thrive and grow to trust others again.

"So are we still going to look for the way back?" She sighed, and nodded. "I hoped you would come with us…" this was the problem, was I ready to leave my family and the army to go with Coral across worlds?