I Do

*POV* Coral Sparks

When the priest arrived we were ready, Lexus had given me a dress that was a light blue in color that fit well enough, it wasn't the fashion I was used to but it worked.

The sleeves were short and ruffly and the waist was tight with no waistline, the skirt was long with a slit in the shirt up to my knee and the neckline square.

I stood straight as the man who was the priest opened his book and began talking, then when it came to the 'I do' part, I hesitated. And so did Randall and I wondered if this was a mistake.

"I do.." I breathed out with a smile pulling at the corners of my month, I wasn't sure this was the best course of action but if it kept Randall in my life I would marry him.

He was nothing like Magnur, he was sweet, kind, and considerate. I looked into his brown eyes and let out a sigh, as the words 'I do.' Passed over his lips. "I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride." I blushed at the man's words, Randall holding my hand pulled me lightly towards him.

"Can I kiss you?" He asked, touching his forehead to mine. I could feel his breath on my cheek, I nodded silently.

Lexus practically squealed, coming over to pull me and Randall apart. "Coral, I wish you the best!" She hugged me. "I am sorry for being selfish. Can we be friends again.?" She whispered close to my ear.

I smiled and pushed her off of me. "Of course. Now let's eat. I am starving." The priest left and we ate dinner, even though my finger was bound with a ring, I didn't feel much different. The atmosphere was light and couldn't help but be happy.

The next morning I awoke and showered before heading into the kitchen to get a drink. I rounded the corner and stopped when I heard Lexus speaking. "It can't be helped, I won't lose her. I don't want her to feel out of place, yes she could probably help us be with child, but." Stefon interrupted her.

"But are you going to be okay? Seeing those children is hard on me, so I can't imagine what you are feeling." The sound of soft crying reached me and I turned only to bump into someone.

I stared into the deep green eyes as I felt something prick my neck. I struggled to cry out but my vision blurred then went black.

*POV* Randall Franklin 2nd

I awoke to a knock on the door, I called for whoever it was to enter as I got out of bed and shuffled to the adjoining bathroom. "Randall? Have you seen Coral, I can't find her, Lula and Samuel are up and making a mess!" I heard Lexus call through the door.

I finished up and opened the door, Lexus smiled tiredly. She looked like she had been crying. "I haven't seen her this morning…" Lexus sighed, as I walked towards her and headed for the door. "Maybe she just went for a walk in the garden, I will gather up the twins and go find her."

Lexus looked relieved and laughed lightly. "Thanks! I have to go back to the base today, and have a chat with Mother. Stefon has work too, so we will leave you be." I knew she was plotting but I nodded. "Alright, see you tonight then?" She smiled.

"Yeah, I will go shopping too, and get some more clothes and diapers for the twins. Don't worry about paying me back." I nodded. The conversation over I made my way into the room the twins had spent the night in with Coral, she wasn't in there.

The place was a mess, the blankets were on the floor and the fake flowers that had been placed in pots in the windows were now on the ground, torn to pieces. "Oh wow, you guys have been busy!" Lula looked up at me innocently with 2 flowers in her hands.

"Ra-" she giggled, and for 2 seconds I wondered if she was trying to say my name. I picked her up and smiled at her. "You wouldn't happen to know where Mommy is would you?" She looked at me, then placing a sticky hand on my face she continued to babble.

Samuel came over to grab ahold of my pant leg. I picked him up and sighed as I looked at the room again. A book laying open on one of the beds catches my eye.

Moving over I picked it up, the cover was a simple mountain view, with a silhouette of a girl holding a large sword across her shoulders. The title read, 'Adventures of a Warrior maiden.'

It wasn't my style of reading, so I put it back and left the room. Stefon greeted us as we entered the kitchen. "Slept well?" He asked. Stefon was a large man, even larger than me. Broad shoulders and a nice jawline, his black waving hair was combed back.

"Yeah, What are you making?" Stefon headed for the kitchen door that led outside. "Some of everything. I have to go. Are you sure you will be alright?" I laughed. "You don't have to worry about me."

"From what Lexus told me, your princess has quite the power. I can't help but worry. Her power seems strong, and a physical one at that." He grabbed his coat and opened the door. "See you later." He left without an answer.

Stefon had always been a man of few words, he had spoken so few words to me and Lexus when we were training, I never understood how he had snagged My sister.

Setting the twins on the kitchen floor with a small piece of toast each, I worked on getting 2 bowls of food ready for them, making sure to cut everything small.

Coral didn't come back in and I started to wonder if she had gotten lost somewhere. After the twins ate I took them outside to look for her.