Déjà vu

*POV* Coral Sparks

I awoke to a feeling I had felt before, the feeling of being tied down. I panicked. "What's going on!?!" I forced my eyes open and stared up into a blinding white light that had me shutting them again.

I started to thrash, to break loose! My month was covered and I couldn't scream let alone do a spell. "Look who's awoke." There was a scraping sound and I could feel a couple different people stared at me. "We have been waiting for you to wake, this will hurt. But I numbed the area so it wouldn't hurt too much."

The man's voice was scornful, more sounds followed that I couldn't identify. I tried to see past the light above me but I couldn't, a pair of hands came into view with a large pointed object I didn't know.

"Hold her down!" I started to thrash again, as hands were placed on my arms and legs to hold me still. "If you don't want to die girl, I suggest you stop moving!" The man with the devil's finger snapped.

I stopped fear grabbing my heart and tears filling my eyes. "Has Magnur gotten to this world? Was this one of his twisted experiments!?" I thought wild with terror. But this wasn't his voice, I would know it anyway.

I held as still as the dead and held my eyes closed, I wasn't going to die. Maybe once they were done I could get an opportunity to freeze them all.

The room was quiet and I held my breath. "Alright, we are done." The man's voice broke the deafening silence. "Put her in the cell while we run the tests, she could still be useful." The sound of his words made me sigh in relief.

I haven't felt much of anything they had done to me, and I was glad. All I can do now is wait for my moment, my captors did not take off my gag. But pulled me off the table, when my feet touched the cold floor, I realized I wasn't fully in control of my body.

I was placed on a bed in another room that was smaller than the first, it was at least warm and I was again tied.

Once the 4 women left I tried to reach my hands and tried any way to get away from my bonds, but not luck. After a while I stopped and let the tears flow freely.

*POV* Randall Franklin 2nd

It was well past noon and I hadn't found Coral anywhere, just when I was about to give up looking I was sent to my knees in the living room as pure terror gripped my heart.

I got up from the floor slowly and took a seat, the pain lasted about 30 minutes before it cleared and all I was left with was loneliness, and sadness.

Checking on Lula and Samuel, I waited impatiently for Lexus or Stefon to get back. All I could think of was that Coral was in trouble. The dull ache in my heart told me she was at least alive.

Lexus arrived first. It was almost sundown, she found me bathing Samuel, she entered the bathroom. "Hey. How's it going?" I sighed. I had given up on panicking a couple hours ago, and had tried my best to focus on keeping the twins happy.

"Not good. Coral is gone…" the words didn't even have to leave my mouth, Lexus was on her knees beside me. "What do you mean, Coral is gone.!? Are you serious Randall? I shouldn't have left.." she got to her feet and left, getting all the answers she needed from my mind.

Finishing up I dressed Samuel, and ran a comb through his thick black hair, it was getting quite long. He played with the brush I handed him then snuggled into me when I picked him up.

There wasn't a lot I could do to find Coral, But I knew Lexus would be able to and she would be home within the hour. I sighed as I entered Coral's room.

The sound of Lula's cry's was extremely loud, she hadn't stopped crying for the last hour and I knew it was because Coral wasn't there. I set Samuel on the neatly made bed and turned to smile sweetly at the distress Lula.

"Hey munchkin, how about a bath now? Hmm.. it would help you feel better." She had stopped for a minute, her face red, but she fell forward into the blanket and continued to cry.

Lexus entered the room. "Ran, I am going to be gone for a while. Hopefully when I get back Stefon will be here. I have a girl at the base that should be able to find Coral. But it will take sometime."

She came over to pick up Lula and hold her against her chest, bouncing her slowly with a look at me. "I have been thinking, Coral wouldn't get married then leave Lula and Samuel behind to run away, so someone has her." My heart tightened, I nodded silently.

Lula stopped crying and started to babble at Lexus in between hiccups. Lexus went silent as we both watched Lula explain in her small way that she wanted her mother.

I was starting to see just how intelligent Lula was.

Lexus handed her back over to me and smiled with tears in her eyes. "I will be going." She kissed Lula and left.

As soon as Lexus shut the door Lula started to cry once again, and I took a deep breath laying her head on my shoulder I began to rock her slowly.

20 minutes passed and Lula finally fell asleep, sighed I laid her down and picked up Samuel again, the little guy was being really brave.

Stepping into the kitchen I gave him a piece of bread and got me a glass of water. The kitchen door opened and Stefon entered. "Welcome back." He nodded in reply and disappeared down the hall.

My eyes caught the bags that sat in the living room, on the couch. Taking Samuel with me and went to inspect them.