
*POV* Coral Sparks

I have been thinking over the time I had been alone, about how much I really missed my family and about how badly I had treated those here who had tried so hard to help me feel taken care of.

My eyes landed on the gold ring that circled my finger and tears welled in my eyes again, I hoped Lula and Samuel were safe.

The door opened. I watched carefully to see who entered, when I caught sight of her face my chest tightened. Lt. Green looked better than the last time I saw her as she was being detained by Lexus's soldiers.

Her brown hair was brushed back from her face and pulled up into a tight ponytail. Her green eyes flashed triumph. "Surprised to see me?" She questioned with a smirk.

Her clothes were close to that of what I remember Beverly wearing, tight pants and an even tighter shirt with a black leather jacket.

I stayed silent, unsure of what she wanted. "I am happy to announce that the tests are going well." She entered and sat on a chair beside the bed. "I don't think you understand just how important you are to the survival of our world." I glared at her biting down on the gag.

"I don't want you to hate me Coral, I need you to cooperate. We can do a lot together, your power is strong." It makes sense why they had me bound and gagged.

I wanted to ask where we were but I knew she wouldn't take the gag off. The door opened again and another girl entered with a curtsy. "Beth.. we have a problem!" She said, and I started to get déjà vu.

"WHAT?!" Lt. Green shouted at her. "We have someone linking with John, we know it's the supreme military." Lt. Green cursed.

"Seems General Franklin is faster than I remember." She nodded to the girl. "Get this place ready for them!" The girl left in a hurry.

"Well I expect an answer." She smiled sweetly. "Are you ready to join the Blue Phantoms?" I stared at her in disbelief, I was tempted to laugh in her face. There was no way I was going to join these buffoons.

I shook my head and she laughed. "Well we will see." She turned on her heel and left the room, I snorted through my nose and rolled my eyes.

I didn't know what was going on outside but I was sure Lexus had to be trying to rescue me. I couldn't believe I had been so rude to her, all she wanted was to be able to give birth to her own child and I was the key.

I wasn't sure how, but I was. I wasn't sure I could go through another long needle situation, but I would if it was to help my friend.

I was staring at the ceiling when I noticed the room getting dimmer, I looked at the light and noticed it was covered in a black mist. And then I was engulfed, the nothingness was black and I couldn't tell if my eyes were open or shut.

Something touched my face and I felt the gag fall away and the bonds on the wrists and ankles were loosed. "Can you stand?" I heard the vaguely familiar male voice say. "Yeah." I scrambled off the bed trying not to panic.

In a flash I was standing in the living room of the villa, my eyes landed on Randall sitting on the couch, he looked up in surprise. A second passed before he was on his feet and over to me, I jumped into his arms as he called my name.

I squeezed my eyes shut as sobs bubbled up in my throat, his warmth was all around me and I soaked it up. He took a deep breath, I felt his chest rise and fall. "You scared me.." a pressure on my leg had me looking down at Samuel, tears streamed down his small face.

I picked him up kissing him, Randall brought his hand up to wipe at my own tears. A moment passed before Stefon interrupted us to say that we had to leave.

Gathering up Lula we boarded the jet, heading for the desert and hopefully the way off this world.

*POV* Lexus Franklin

My soldiers followed me through the brightly lit halls of the Blue Phantoms hideout underground beneath the city, Stefon had been looking into their whereabouts for years now, and with the help of the Colbot twins that could link minds we were able to find them.

And just in time to rescue Coral, I wouldn't have blown the undercover mission if Coral hadn't been captured.

Stepping aside I pointed to the door, and one of my men kicked in the laboratory's door. No one was inside. It wasn't a big surprise because they had known about John and Jona so it gave them time.

"Give me a report of all they were working on, but most importantly the tests on Miss Coral's samples." I ordered before I turned on my heel to go down to the cell Coral had been in, no surprise Elisabeth stood outside it with a frown.

"Your prisoner escaped?" She turned to face me with a glare. "Nice work, Lexy. But you haven't won." I was okay with the small victory. "I know." She turned and headed down the hall.

The soldiers at my back went to follow but I stopped them with a hand, it would be no use getting them all killed.

It was way into the night when we were finished enough that I could leave, and General Charles Watts was able to take over. I knew Stefon would be on his way with Randall and Coral before I could get to them at the villa so instead I went home.

The apartment was cold when I got there, I turned on all the lights and cleaned up for making tea.

My mother had been less than pleased when I had told her about Coral and Randall getting married, but there wasn't much I could say to make her think otherwise.

A knock on my door stopped me from being the mug up to my mouth. "Who could that be!?" I marched over and looked out of the peep hole before I swung the door open. "Dominic? Why are you here?"

Dominic was Randall's best friend since before the outbreak of powers. He was tall, with sandy brown hair that was cut really short, his eyes were an odd color of dark blue and purple, not what I remember them being.

"Hey Lexus, I thought you might tell me where Randall is.?" He wore a simple green t-shirt with black pants. I shook my head. "Weren't you in a coma?" I asked stunned, still looking him over, other than his eyes he seemed in good health.

He rubbed the back of his neck. "I woke up 8 days ago, and they let me go today." I nodded and moved out of the way for him to enter. "Randall is on his way back into the desert, you just missed him."

He stayed right outside my door. "Alright. Is he going back to Argon?" I frowned. "What do you need him for?" He shrugged. "I just thought he might like to know that I was alive." I sighed and chuckled.

"Come in Dominic, you can have some tea with me." He smiled. "Sure." As he stepped past me I shut the door and walked over to the corner to start his tea. "I heard you got attacked by a rune monster.. how are you even alive?" I could hear him shrugging.

His mind was busy with activity but I couldn't read it, his power had always blocked me.

"Not sure. But I know I have a heck of a bill to pay, I never knew how much medical care cost. But apparently being saved by the best costs a lot."

I laughed. "Are you here for money Dominic?" I asked with a smile as I turned around, he shook his head. "No, I am not one for charity, you know that." I nodded.

"Are you getting put back in action?" He nodded. "With Randall not in the army anymore I will be required to come back tomorrow." I nodded.

"With Randall not in the army!?" I thought with surprise, why hadn't I heard of him being discharged. I would have to pay my mother another visit.

"That's gonna be tough." He sighed and I placed the mug in front of him. "Are you feeling alright?"

He forced a smile and I knew he was hiding something. "Yeah, I will be alright, thanks." I smiled back.

Dominic said he had to go and soon left, I started to wonder if he was up to something. But I shook it off and went into the office to write my report.