
*POV* Lexus Franklin

"So you really saw them go through?" I asked Stefon as he fumbled with his dress tie. "Yeah, I waited then followed them. It was a bit tricky with no shadows."

My eyes widened in surprise. "It's hard to believe, I was kinda hoping they would just give up." He hummed and I moved to fix his attempt at tying.

"I took the box to the lab and the results should be done in a while. Thanks to Coral we might actually be able to have a child." I grinned up at him. "I am already gitty."

We were getting dressed to go to dinner with our parents, to inform them of what was going on. "Let's not tell them where they went.. There are lots of places in Myana where they can hide."

Stefon agreed, nodding. "You are right, it won't be good if we send the Blue phantom's into their world or our army for that matter, and father would definitely make us go."

I nodded and sighed. "It's going to be different going back to normal life." Stefon didn't speak and I pressed a kiss to his check before going to my mirror.

Entering the restaurant we headed back to our vip private room. Mother looked pissed when we entered, her lips turned down at the corners. "Lexus I hope you bring us good news." My heart sank at the sight of councilman Fredmore sitting at the table beside my father.

"We do bring good news, but not about Randall." I smiled, feeling the tension in the room. Stefon pulled my chair out then pushed me in. Then he sat beside me in another chair. "Why would my son run away? I thought he was happy being a Captain." My mother's voice held sadness.

She had always strived to give us everything in life, but Randall hadn't wanted to be a General, opting for a post in the desert instead of the city.

"Mother, we have taken research material from the Blue Phantom's and are pleased to say that our best scientists are working on a cure as we speak." Mother's face brightened and the conversation at the table carried a hopeful note until it was brought up that an attack was made on a small city to the north by a rune monster.

I started to grow tired and Stofen stood. "It has been a long day, we will be leaving." Our parents protested for only a minute before going back to their conversation.

In the car Stefon asked if I was feeling well and I sighed. "Yeah.. It's just that my mind is overloaded right now." The car was quiet all the way home, my mind a buzz of what could be done for a defense for the smaller city, the rune sickness was spreading from Border across the vast river.

The cities over there were like those in action books where the zombies covered everything. I shivered as I stepped out into the night air. We had to make a stand before it was too late.

We made it to our floor, and to my surprise Dominic was standing there with a woman. He nodded, a greeting. "I need your help." He said in reply to our stares.

My eyes were on the attractive women around my age, maybe a bit older, she had long black hair that was disheveled, falling down her back. Her brown eyes bore into me, her face was strong with a well sculpted mouth and nose.

Her mind buzzed and I caught her thought as she stared at us. "Who are these loafers.. another damn delay. Why is this happening?" She wore a tattered shirt that looked like she had been sleeping in it, and pants that were made of ruff fabric, around her shoulders and strapped to her chest was light leather armor.

"Come in!" I rushed forward to unlock the door and swing it open. "Wow.." I read in the woman's mind, as we stepped inside. "What can we help you with?" I asked, Dominic fidgeted like a child in trouble for a minute.

"Well, I need help. I teleported Destiny here," he pointed at her and she frowned. "Here from her world to prove a point and now I can't seem to take her back." I looked at him in confusion.

"I thought your power was crystal armor??" Destiny thought about punching Dominic for a second before she sighed. "I don't see how your friends can help us, if they can't teleport either." She spoke with scorn, her voice powerful.

"We might be able to, you are the second person we have met from another world." Stefon countered, and that got her attention.

"This idiot has brought others back?" She glared at Dominic. I shook my head. "No actually, Coral got here through a different portal, and left through it too." She stared at me. "Coral… you say. What did she look like?" I told and she laughed. "I need you to take me to this portal now!"

Stofen shook his head. "We can't.." she exploded, stepping forward as her hands filled with flames. "I suggest you do. I need to get home." Dominic tried to stop her just as I stepped in front of Stefon.

"Stop! We can take you because it will draw attention." She turned to Dominic and grabbed him by the collar, she was about a foot shorter than him.

"You best get your power working, or I will burn this city to the ground." Dominic nodded. "Don't worry, I can try harder." She let him go. And stomp out the door, Dominic shrugged at us and then went after her.

Stefon and I shared a look of surprise, and I couldn't help but laugh. "Oh my.. looks like Dominic has his hands full." Stefon grinned and ruffled my hair.

"Lexus, let's focus on us." He said going to shut the door. Then he came back to gather me up in his arms. "Life is getting more interesting isn't it. Let's go to bed, it's a big day tomorrow."