Home again

*POV* Coral Sparks

I recounted my stories again, and I felt like a babbling mess doing so as tears rounded down my cheeks as I remembered the good and the bad.

My father rubbed my back with a worried expression on his face. "Coral… dear, this is quite extraordinary. To think there is another world linked to ours. We haven't even explored all of this one." Andrew said with animation.

"But we can't let others find out, it wouldn't be a good thing to be messing with the universe." He sobered.

Randall shrugged from his seat, Lula sleeping on his chest. "That's what we think too. We have problems we wouldn't want to spread."

My brother Clay standing against the wall had been quiet but spoke now. "You are saying world travel is real, it is definitely hard to believe, but in the last couple months I am inclined to believe you." He came to knee in front of me.

"Don't worry Coral, you are home now and we are happy you are back." Andrew stopped rubbing my back and smiled, "Yes Clay here has big news, he's engaged now and we should be having a wedding soon." I turned to meet Clay's Steal blue eyes.

"Are you really? That's great!" I was happy for my brother. Happy he had found someone just for him.

Samuel tugged at Clay's hair and I couldn't help but chuckle. We continued to chat until there was a small knock on the door and then it was pushed open.

2 young women entered with a tray, I recognized them both. I could never forget the girl that had been taken prisoner by Magnur for her water elemental magic. Cassy strolled into the room with confident steps and Clay rushed to take the tray filled with small sandwiches from her.

She wore a victorian style dress of cream and forest green, it captured her curves and embraced her beauty. Her black hair had been curled and hung down in ringlets down her back and shoulders. Her purple eyes scanned the room, snagging on Randall.

She let Clay take the tray and sit it on the glass top coffee table in the room. The other girl stood back her black hair had been combed up into braids that were pin up around her head, she wore a simple white blouse tucked into black pants and a blue vest that laced up.

She was Mink as her friends called her, no one actually really knew her real name. I stood and stepped forward to meet them, they both curtsied and I waved them off, it was kinda embarrassing now to have everyone bowing to me.

"We are happy you are back, your majesty. We thought you were dead." Mink voiced for them both. I hugged her then Cassy. "Glad to see everything worked out for you." Cassy smiled shyly at me before heading for the door.

"Where are you going?" Clay asked her, going to take her arm. She looked up at him then nodded. Coming back over she stood with Clay against the wall as Andrew started to speak again, I turned to listen.

"I have been thinking for a while now, who should I pass the throne to? In my state I am in no way capable of running this kingdom long term. So with Destiny M.I.A. And you back Coral you guys will have to decide among yourselves."

My heart quickened. "I don't want it..!" Clay said quickly, holding his hands up. All eyes turned to me, I stared back at Andrew. 'Was I ready to run this kingdom again?' I sighed. "I have been gone for a while. Will the people even expect me as their queen?" Clay smiled.

"Of course they will sis! So that's settling, Andrew and I will figure out a way to announce this to the people, you and your boyfriend, go rest up." I looked at Samuel, then at Lula and Randall. He was eyeing me. And I hoped he didn't mind being roped in as my king.

Clay moved to guide Andrew from the room, Mink felt too. Leaving Cassy awkwardly standing in the room. She nodded at me and I smiled. "Would you be willing to show us up?" She nodded, moving her hand slowly in a wavy pattern.

I felt the air shift in the room and turned as Samuel squeak and Randall shouted, rushing to snatch him from where he floated in mid air. My hand covered my mouth as I chuckled, but I had thought she only manipulated water?

"Sorry…" I heard so faint, I wondered if I was imagining it. I grabbed Randall by the arm, and shook my head. "Let's go." Cassy bobbed a nod and curtsied again before leading the way.

As we walked I realized how clear everything looked, the stone had been scrambled and the curtains replaced, from dark blue to a shy blue, the floor also looked shiny. I knew Andrew was a clean freak but I wasn't expecting him to have the whole castle cleaned.

Cassy led us to my old rooms before she left without a word, then returned a moment later with 2 young maids in toe. The girls were neatly dressed in cream color dresses that were simple and practical, each also wore an apron.

They curtsied. "We are here to serve you, your majesty.!" The girls said in unison. Randall shook his head and went to set Lula in the bedroom. I smiled.

"Thanks, could you bring us some cloth for diapers and get the bath started." The taller of the 2 girls nodded. "Yes, your majesty." She left while the other went into the other room to get the bath going.

I went into the room and smiled at Randall's back, going over I wrapped an arm around his waist. "Are you feeling okay?" He sighed.

"There's just a lot going on.." I sighed too. "Sorry, I didn't mean to make things complicated for you.." he shook his head turning to face me placing his hands on my waist.

"I just didn't see myself being a king or a husband to a queen a week ago." I laughed. "Don't worry, you won't have to do much unless you want to." I reached up to put my arms around his neck and lean against his chest. "I am glad you are here." He kissed my head. "Me too."