
*POV* Randall Franklin 2nd

I had never been so annoyed in my life as I slammed the door on the 2 girls that asked if they would be 'assisting' me in bathing. I couldn't help but feel frustrated as I undressed and slipped into the large pool of scented water.

It was warmer than I had expected and I relaxed immediately, I was tense from trying too hard to look small and not a threat to those around Coral. "Would she even need me to protect her anymore?" I thought sadly.

I didn't regret coming, or anything for that matter. I was just feeling unsure if I belong here. "What would I even do?" I soaked for a while before dressing in the clothes that were left out for me. A loose fitting shirt and pants.

The bathing room was attached to Coral's bedroom which was attached to a sitting room. A fire was going in the fireplace, but other than that the room was quiet. Samuel and Lula had already been put to bed.

Stepping into the sitting room I looked for Coral, but she wasn't in the room. She was supposed to bathe after I did. I pointed around a little looking at the massive painting on the walls.

One caught my eyes, an older man stood straight with a wide grin on his face, he was smartly dressed and wearing what I would imagine a king to wear.

On his arm was depicted Coral, a little young with a smile, she looked really happy. She wore all white and a veil over her hair. I realized too late that it was a wedding picture/painting.

I turned away from it and sighed. A loud knock sounded on the door of the sitting room and I went to open it. Outside stood a simply dressed woman who looked a little over 20, she was pretty with light brown hair almost blonde that was tied up in a bun. She curtsied.

"Might I see her majesty? I know it's late." I sighed. "She isn't here at the moment." She looked sad. "Oh, then if you don't mind your greatness can I wait for her return?" I shrugged and moved out of her way so she could enter.

She gave me a tight smile as she brushed past me. I shut the door and we stood for a second in silence. "Could I ask why you want to see her?"

She nodded. "Oh, I am her best friend, I helped her send her twins away so she could escape the castle."

"I see. Could you maybe tell me something about Coral's ex husband?" She nodded looking surprised. "What do you want to know?" I racked my brain for a second before I said.

"How old was he?" The woman blushed and looked at the floor, her reaction surprised me. "He was 42!" she said with clenched fists.

"How did they meet?" I asked, already disgusted. "They met a long time ago, when Coral was only.. hmm, 9.." I stared at her, a second past and she started to say something when the door to the hall opened.

Coral came in dressed in a light pink even dress, with white bows at the waist and neck. She paused for a second before rushing to embarrass her friend. "Jane?!" She cried, I watched them whisper and cry.

Coral practically melted and her friend helped her sit on a chair as she continued to cry. "Jane, you wouldn't believe how mad I was he took you…" she sobbed. "I was ready to find him and tear a hole in his damn heart!" I stood unsure of what to do as Jane patted her back and spoke softly to her.

Jane looked up at me for a second before smiling sadly and leaning on Coral's back. I walked into the bedroom letting them have their moment, but also because my own heart was aching, splitting in 2.

I sat on the edge of the bed a stroked Lula's small back, time passed before the door opened

Coral entered alone, I slid off the bed and rushed to steady her, she looked up at me with puffy eyes. "Sorry…" she muttered. I led her to the bed and helped her in.

"It's okay, you rest. You will feel better in the morning." She sighed, as I tucked the blankets under her chin. "Yeah.. tell Jane I didn't mean to." She whispered as her eyes fluttered shut.

I looked at the open door in question, leaning to kiss her head before I walked into the sitting room, worried of what I might find.

Jane sat on the floor and she looked almost lifeless, as if none of her libs would work. "Miss?" I questioned. She didn't move and I went and bent to look at her face, to my horror I jumped back.

I hadn't even heard her scream, on Jane's tear stained cheek was a black rune almost as if it was inked on her. I started and stumbled back. "Shit!"

"How did this happen?" I thought, panic gripping at my heart. "This was bad! What happened? She couldn't stay here." I stared at the door that led to the hall, the one thing Coral had failed to tell them, was about the rune sickness.

No one knew how it spread, how it started or how to cure it. I was about to leave to get someone to help when Jane coughed and lifted her head looking around in confusion. "What happened? Coral?" She sounded disoriented but in control.

"Are you alright?" I asked her, she struggled to her feet and looked at me. "I was.. where is Coral?" The mark on her cheek had changed, it was no longer black, but instead blue an icey blue.

She shook her head and rubbed her face. The mark didn't rub off. "She headed to bed, she was not feeling well." Jane sighed and looked around. "I need to get home." She voiced to the room. "I need to get Mirrie fed." I had no idea who that was.

I wasn't sure it was a good idea she left. "Are you sure you're alright?" She smiled and nodded, getting back her strength. "I will be fine." Her brow furrowed, before she snapped her head up and stared at me.

"She froze me! It was so cold!" She looked wildly around, before settling down and swaying on her feet. "I am so confused." I stepped forward to take a hold of her arm.

"She was probably just protecting you, did you know you had a black mark on your face?" She rubbed her cheek. "No, Coral just stared at me and then whispered a spell.

I led her to the door. "Maybe you should go home, maybe have some tea to warm up." She nodded and straightened, taking her arm away from me.

"I will do that. Thanks!" She curtsied and rushed out the door. I stood still for a second before going to check on Coral who was sound asleep. Her face, peaceful in sleep. I let out a sigh, I hoped she would be able to remember what happened in the morning.