This isn’t fair

*POV* Destiny Blaze

"You can open your eyes now." My eyes snapped open at his words filled with humor. I was ready to punch, kick and slap all in the same motion but I stopped short at the view that lay before us.

Great builds that reached for the sky stood stoutly against the morning sunshine, after the city stretched green fields full of crops.

Turning to him speechless and in awe I was about to speak when I remembered that he had kidnapped me.

"Take me back now!" I demanded, he shrugged his shoulders. "I can't." My blood boiled at his arrogance. "What do you mean you 'can't'?!" I didn't have time for this, I had things to get back to.

"Come, I will treat you to dinner!" Grabbing my hand tightly he teleported. The landscape around us distorted and pulled itself back together as a busy city street.

The lights hurt my eyes, all the street signs glowed in the dim light. He pulled me down the crowded street and through curtains made of beads, and over to a bar stool.

I was not a drinker and the smell of the alcohol made my head spin. The small bar was noisy and crowded with people, no one seemed to notice us though and continued their conversations.

"What can I get ya?!" A woman with a face covered in ink asked us. "Some breakfast please! And something to drink." The woman turned to me.

"And what about you, beautiful?" I shook my head, she nodded and ripped her note off the pad of paper and went into the back.

"So this is your so-called world? If you ask me, it seems a little run down." I didn't care if my words hurt him, the sooner he took me back the better.

He sighed. "You're a stick in the mud.." My cheeks heated, I quickly shoved whatever that feeling was down deep with me.

"I have things to do. But I am stuck here, waiting for you to eat breakfast." I plopped my elbows on the counter and stared at a sign behind the counter. 'A day is what you make it.'

My nerves were on edge and the sign didn't help any. "So you're just going to mope? You're in a whole other world. Don't you wanna see it?"

I laughed dryly. "Yeah. So when you're done, get ready to take me back."

He grunted. The sever brought his plate and coffee, It took him a while to eat. I felt like he was taking his time. Once he was done I all but pulled him from the bar and into a small alleyway, he protested all the way, but I was done waiting.

"TAKE ME BACK NOW!" I yelled, flames in goofing his tunic, he pulled away with a yelp and smacked at the orange flames.

"Oh my hell women! Why are you lighting me on fire! I said I can't take you back and I can't! My power doesn't work like that. I teleport randomly, I can't control it, unless it's like a mile away and last I checked your world is farther than that!"

I was taken aback at his words but crossed my arms and glared at him. "I see, well I need to get back. So is there any other way?" He dusted off imaginary dirt, and sighed. "I think there might be a way."

All that had happened a week ago, now on this day I was following Dominic onto a large metal bird. I tried to act unphased, but my eyes continued to grow wide as we sat in a long row against the metal wall, with other of this world's soldiers.

I wore the same green shirt and green camouflage pants with a large backpack filled with everything a soldier would need.

Dominic had instructed me on a little of what it was to be a soldier here. I scowled, eyeing all the soldiers with buzzed hair and grim faces.

We were heading from what Dominic had said, into the middle of the desert. And there he would lead a party to search for the portal, I wished it was over already. Straightening my shoulders I leaned back on the metal as we rocked with the commotion of the jet.

Dominic laughed with another soldier talking about a friend they both knew. The soldier asked how Dominic had liked his unwanted vacation, Dominic looked at me then said. "It's been interesting." I clenched my fists around the straps that held me in place.

From studying Dominic these past couple days I had learned that he is well informed with what the military in this world was doing. And that he seemed to be thought of as tuff by his peers.

Strong sure, but I bet I could beat him in a fight, even if he held one of those abominable 'guns'. "Doing alright?" I ignored his questions and continued to take in the feel of the small area.

Hours and hours later we are told to disembark, the soldiers around us start to file out. I followed with Dominic behind me.

When I got closer to the door, wind whipped at my face and clothes. My eyes widened as I watched each of those in front of me jump from the jet.

I shuffled backwards as my turn neared. "I am not doing that!" I shouted over my shoulder as the guy in front of me jumped.

"Come on!" Dominic shouted behind me. I turned to him glaring. He hadn't told me we were jumping to our damn deaths.

My heartbeat quickened, someone pounded on Dominic's shoulders and I dared him to make me go out. He set his jaw and wrapped an arm around my waist.

"Destiny! Just jump!" He shoved me towards the opening. "Hell noo!" My foot slipped and with a blood curdling scream I fell.

Why would someone actively choose to jump from a flying metal tin can, hundreds of feet in the sky?! My heart was banging against my chest and my head felt light, the helmet on my head threatened to come loose.

I flailed my limbs in an attempt to up right myself, hands grabbed me and I was pulled against Dominic. "Seriously Destiny you should have just jumped!" I stared at his hands and they worked to lose something from my bag.

"You are mad at me? Hell you never told me you were suicidal!" With a pull of Dominic's hands I was jerked and when I opened my eyes again, I was floating at a slower pace towards the ground that was fast approaching.

The golden sand stretched on for miles in all directions. Looking up I could see a large piece of fabric holding me up with the wind draft.

My feet hit the ground hard, I stumbled forward pain in my legs and feet like nothing I had even felt before. I fell to the ground breathing hard, my heart pounding in my chest. The fabric lay on top of me, I didn't bother getting up for several minutes.

After a moment I heard footsteps and the fabric was pulled away. "You alright?" A male voice asked. I pushed to my knees and stared at the dark skinned man with buzzed hair and blue eyes.

"I will be." I huffed struggling with my pack, he stepped up to me and pushed something on the straps and the harness came right off. "Thanks." I mumbled as I looked out where the rest of the group was gathering.