What happened?

*POV* Coral Sparks

When I awoke, I was confused to find Randall sitting in a chair asleep.. "Why hadn't he come to bed.?" I thought as I went to check out how light it was outside, the sun bathed the land in its bright light.

Throwing the curtains open, I gasped as I remembered what had happened last night. 'Had I really frozen Jane?!" I went over to shake Randall. "Ran, what happened to Jane? She had one of those marks on her!" He blinked up at me then sighed.

"She went home, she seemed okay and the mark changed. What happened? Coral." He asked as he got to his feet. "It just appeared, I panicked and touched her face and she stopped moving, but I felt drained and dizzy."

He sighed again. "Are you alright this morning?" I nodded as he placed a kiss on my forehead. "Maybe some breakfast would help your strength return." I nodded.

We rang for a maid and waited only a couple minutes for food to be brought, then ate. We were about finished, when a message was brought to us telling me that my father would want to see me in an hour.

I rushed to get dressed and then I followed the boy to my father's study. He smiled as I entered. Clay and Cassy were there and also Dixie and Pip I rushed to hug them, before standing at attention. Dixie kept her arm around my shoulders and smiled.

There were 2 other older men and Arrow also in the room but they held back. Andrew stood. "Okay, we have talked it over and because no one is willing to try for the throne it is only logical that we give it back to you. The people have also spoken with a vote in the central squad." He looked in my direction.

"They have all named your name." I couldn't help but feel flattered, my cheeks heated. "And about your new husband.." I stared at him. "Don't think we haven't noticed. "We want only the best for you Coral so I am asking your permission to interrogate him." Even before he had finished I was shaking my head. "No!" I said simply.

Randall had stayed with the twins, so he was not present. "Okay, if you trust him then we will give him a chance, but he will be watched." I knew my father had to have some upper handed over everyone just in case something bad happened but I shook my head again.

"He wouldn't hurt me or anyone! I will not have you hurting him." Clay nodded and Andrew nodded also. "Okay. We will introduce him as your partner, and crown you both. But he is not in charge."

"That works for me." Andrew clapped his hand ending the meeting. "That is all then, in a week we will have the ceremony." With that he sat back down.

Dixie hugged me tightly. "I am happy you're okay, can I come see the twins?" She whispered, I smiled. "Of course you can! Maybe over some tea." Dixie grinned and started to lead me from the room with Pip in toe.

Clay cleared his throat. "Word on Destiny's where about is unknown, but I had another chat with Maricela and she said that the prisoner that had taken her called himself Dominic and he said he was not from this world." I stilled.

"Are you saying Destiny-…" he nodded. "Not even a whole hour after we defeated Magnur then he kidnapped her." My eyes widened in surprise.

"We have to get her back!" Clay nodded. "We know, but for now we have to focus on recrowning you, Destiny knows how to take care of herself." I knew she could, she was a strong person.

Dixie and Pip stayed with me for a while until Randall and the twins arrived, then they abandoned me and took the twins. Randall eyed me and I smiled. His instincts to protect Lula and Samuel was cute.

*POV* Randall Franklin 2nd

Sitting around having tea started to get boring after 3 hours, but the youngest sister of Coral's adopted sisters, Pip came to my rescue. "Coral, maybe Randall would like to go see the knights practicing?" Coral's face fell, but she nodded and we felt her and Dixie to chat.

Pip led me through the maze of halls. "So what's your style of fighting?" I eyed the twin throwing dangers strapped to her arm, but a leather cord.

"I have learned fencing." She hummed. "Mind if we spare?" I shook my head.

"Sure, I haven't seen a lot of girl sword fights before." She laughed. "Then you're in for a surprise most of the knights and soldiers here are women." I felt a little dumb but smiled.

"Nice, are you a knight?" She shook her head as we left the castle. "No, I am a spy." For a spy she was being way to open, and she couldn't be more than 18.

"A spy?" She nodded. "Yup, my father has an organization, I work for him." I pursed my lips not sure what to say. "Don't worry, I can talk openly here, everyone knows anyway." She laughed, as she led me into a training yard.

The 20 or some men and women stopped what they were doing and watched us enter, Pip ignored them and handed me a blade. It was heavier than I was used to but it was weighted perfectly.

The hilt was wrapped in leather, the sword was long. "Are you going to continue to stare at it or are we going to spare?" I felt sheepish as I turned to face her. She backed up a couple passes and stood ready, I crouched a little ready.

Someone signed and with a whoosh Pip's smaller blade was engulfed in flames, I faltered and she hit first, I staggered backwards before regaining my footing and pushing forward with a clash of metal and hissing fire.

I started to sweat after a couple seconds, and fumble my counter attacks. Pip pulled back and stopped hardly even breathing heavily. "You're weaker than I was thinking you would be." She said, the flames on her sword going out. "I don't want to kill you, so it's best if we stop now." I nodded, taking deep breaths.

"You're probably right!" I huffed. I thought I was good, But I wasn't that good. A man came over to smack my back lightly, he grinned at me. "Give it a couple months and you will be a match for Pip, but we should probably start light. I am Sander, by the way. Nice to meet you."

I nodded in greeting, Pip laughed. "Sander, you promise quite a miracle. He is going to have to work, sleep and breathe sword fighting." My cheeks heated.

"Do you happen to have an element?" I shook my head. "I-.." she cut me off. "That's what I guessed, to keep up you will have to work 100 times harder than anyone else."